Treadmill running

Line Kolbe

Jul 23, 2013
I've been watching videos of barefoot running form and I was wondering if running on a treadmill is a good place to start if you want to run really barefoot (and not with your minimalist shoe on)

You've all been at me about going completely barefoot. So that the reason for this question. And also I've thinking that it will give me a good place to get the running form really good so I can run right in my vff out in the woods.
Is there NO WHERE with concrete or asphalt or just nice hard packed dirt where you can experiment from time to time? It doesn't take a lot to feel the difference.
It feels SO great. No joke. Better than a treadmill (from what I've heard they heat up).
Cool smooth concrete is such a treat.
You'll be missing out.
Just WALK barefoot wherever you can. Feel the difference. It's delightful, not awful or dangerous, in so many situations.
When I first tried the treadmill barefoot or in as minimal as you can get (Feel Max Panka) I had to focus on form and foot landings. The 'mill is too forgiving, and is sort of like trying to have your brain stem learn and memorize proper barefoot technique while running on grass or sand. After a few year of barefoot running outdoors on pavement as well as gravel I now find that the treadmill does NOT mess with my form. BUT, as Ken Bob more than 25% of your mileage on forgiving surfaces and you will revert back to poor landings.
I run WAY less than 25% of my mileage on the dreadmill, but I firmly believe in that basic principle.
Take a deep breath, count to three, and jump!

There, now you're outside running barefoot on a well-maintained Swedish sidewalk. See? That wasn't so hard.

Just go gradual, walk around barefoot too like Sced says, and everything will turn out just fine. You've already seen your body adapt to weight-lifting. The same thing will happen to your feet.

Personally I can't see why anyone would run on a treadmill. One of the great things about running is it gets you outside, exploring your surroundings and embracing the elements.
Learning barefoot running on the dreadmill, bad idea trust me this the the queen of treadmill running talking:singing:
Dama knows of what she speaks. What was that treadmill PR again Dama?
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Dama knows of what she speaks. What was that treadmill PR again Dama?
Let me think oh yes! it just came to me it was a 50K:D I should put it on my sig, what do you think Board
Definitely belongs in your sig. I assumed it was there all along til I checked a few minutes ago!
Quite an accomplishment, you know of anyone else that's done that?
As much as we hate the mill, you showed us that mind over matter can win out.
I remember when you first reported on it and I was VERY impressed knowing that you were a treadmill not by choice person.
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Definitely belongs in your sig. I assumed it was there all along til I checked a few minutes ago!
Quite an accomplishment, you know of anyone else that's done that?
As much as we hate the mill, you showed us that mind over matter can win out.
I remember when you first reported on it and I was VERY impressed knowing that you were a treadmill not by choice person.
:embarrassed:thanks :embarrassed:
I don't know of any other lunatic that runs long on the mill other than myself.
Oh wait Angiebee, remember her? she once ran a marathon on the mill. And she's lives in Iowa also.
I've been watching videos of barefoot running form and I was wondering if running on a treadmill is a good place to start if you want to run really barefoot (and not with your minimalist shoe on).

My thoughts are all over the map on this run. I hate running on treadmills, but, I do own one and use it in the winter. A few things about running barefoot on a treadmill. Your feet may get really black from the treadmill belt. The belt surface may get really hot from the friction. You may find running on a treadmill more jarring then running outdoors, even on pavement. Running on a treadmill does not seem to build up the soles of your feet the same as running outdoors.

I find that a treadmill is good for doing at least a little running in the winter months, when there is ice everywhere. I don't find it as a good preparation for running barefoot outdoors though.
Sure I remember AngieBee. Who could ever forget that iconic photo taken just before you did the full in socks and she did the half in Des Moines?
Didn't remember that she ran a full on the treadmill though!
Sure I remember AngieBee. Who could ever forget that iconic photo taken just before you did the full in socks and she did the half in Des Moines?
Didn't remember that she ran a full on the treadmill though!
Yea, she did and she posted about it that's how. There is thread somewhere in here about it but I am too busy(lazy)to look for it.
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wow what a long thread this has become.
Thank you all for your advise. Makes sense what you recommend and explain..
I'm glad I asked. I really don't like running on a treadmill so it's kind of nice to hear that it's not that good of an idea anyway.
I found that you can get blisters easier on a treadmill(if barefoot)...

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