Mileage Reporting 10th Week of 2013

Bare Lee

Jul 25, 2011
Saint Paul
Sunday afternoon
8.5 mi / 13.7 km
32 F / 0 C
25 F / -4 C windchill

Had to take my wife's car in to get the brakes looked at. The Tires Plus nearest us isn't too far from the river, so I checked it out on Google Maps and saw a run from the garage to the river and around two of the bridges would be just a bit over the target distance for today, so I decided to make that my run while I waited for them to check out the car.

It was pretty nice being out of the fairgrounds/neighborhood, in more expansive scenery, but there were a bit too many wet and/or slushy patches/stretches still, especially on the west bank/Minneapolis side, so my feet got a little number than I would've liked. There were a lot people out walking, running, and riding bikes along the river paths. I got a handful of comments. Three cyclists even stopped to ask me about bfr while I stretched out my legs on one of the bridge's handrails. I've been cloistered for so long in the fairgrounds that the attention and comments kind of took me by surprise at first, but then I realized of course, I'm running barefoot in winter. Most comments were your standard fare, but one seemed kind of awkward. A 20-something guy in full running gear shouted enthusiastically, "Dude, you are such a dude."

It was nice to have a little real-world out-n-back adventure after so many months of running ascetic loops and back-n-forths in my fairgrounds monastery.
1 mile swim on the roof. Pix and blog soon.

Also, walked about 4 miles about Taipei today, scouting where hubby and I will run tomorrow AM and doing other horribly unfair things like buying silk at the fabric market and getting ice cream at Cold Stone Creamery (brought some back to hotel for hard working man):joyful:

Kind of funny, I've worn flip-flops, sandals, or my Moc3s since here, but it has been way more than I am used to having shoes on my feet lately. I felt it was necessary wandering around as a foreigner. I'm already getting stared at enough. Then, I realized that I'm wearing a running shirt from the Hot Chocolate Run (in Boise, Idaho). The word "HOT" is larger and more distinct than any of the others and probably the only one they can read, if they read English at all. So embarrassing...o_O

I did finally decide to take my sandals off for the last block home. I just couldn't stand it anymore, but I figured since I was carrying them, and they are stylish enough, that it might be okay. Felt like I might be pushing it walking into the hotel, but no one said anything and I tried to look like a confident world traveler. :cool: Definitely no one else on the streets barefooted.

Photos of major street in Taipei from one of the walkway bridges to cross the street if you don't want to wait for the light, so yes, stair repeats. The street signs are not only in Chinese, they are not situated like I am used to in the USA. The last photo is the river that we hope to run along tomorrow.

Nanjing east view.jpgNanjing west view.jpgDanshui.jpg
I trained four days this week, trying not tired for the half marathon yesterday in which I participated, with the Bikila's, time was made ​​1 hour 28 minutes, position 65, only barefoot runner.
I ran 53 km this week, next week will more kilometers
12.5 maintenance kilometers with the doggie woggie, got in quite a bit of BFR, weather is gorgeous! No pics, will check in later
monday morning: 3.5 at 530am
9degrees F on the thermometer, still air, only my face got a little cold.

saw a hard core bunny out there, just hanging out hopping around on the frozen snow in the dark. Seen hard core bunnies in that spot before, may be the same one, didn't ask. it hopped off somewhere when i ran past.
1.5 mile walk to the park with my son today. Hamstring is still bothering me a bit so I decided instead of biking to just walk down to the park with my son instead. Good to get out for a bit but I hate that the ladies at the park always seem to whisper and giggle and stare. Apparently it's weird to see a father out with his son, or maybe they think it's cute, I dunno. In either case it was good to get out and get some fresh air.
I hate that the ladies at the park always seem to whisper and giggle and stare. Apparently it's weird to see a father out with his son, or maybe they think it's cute, I dunno.

Not that you're paranoid. You should wear some speedos next time. :D
1.5 mile walk to the park with my son today. Hamstring is still bothering me a bit so I decided instead of biking to just walk down to the park with my son instead. Good to get out for a bit but I hate that the ladies at the park always seem to whisper and giggle and stare. Apparently it's weird to see a father out with his son, or maybe they think it's cute, I dunno. In either case it was good to get out and get some fresh air.
I'm pretty close to my kids, and have a lot of fun with them out in public, and always get those gushing looks too. I think women enjoy seeing men enjoying their kids. We look for signs of fertility, they look for signs of good fathering/providing.

Anyway, blowing off my ST workout today. I'm feeling a little sluggish and under the weather. The actual weather is snowing, with 6-10" inches of accumulation forecast by the time of Tuesday's afternoon run, so, conveniently, I'll do my ST workout tomorrow while it continues to snow, and then hope that a good deal of the fairgrounds has been plowed in time for Wednesday's rescheduled run.
I'm pretty close to my kids, and have a lot of fun with them out in public, and always get those gushing looks too. I think women enjoy seeing men enjoying their kids. We look for signs of fertility, they look for signs of good fathering.
Ya that's what I thought too. It's just kinda the chubby person dilemma (I can say that as a fellow chubby person). I may see a chubby person running down the road and I watch them thinking, man they are keeping up a great pace. They see me looking though and in their head they see someone judging, when in reality I am actually impressed and inspired. Probably same type of deal as you had said with the women looking for signs of good fathering.
monday morning: 3.5 at 530am
9degrees F on the thermometer, still air, only my face got a little cold.

saw a hard core bunny out there, just hanging out hopping around on the frozen snow in the dark. Seen hard core bunnies in that spot before, may be the same one, didn't ask. it hopped off somewhere when i ran past.
Sounds like you are in league with the hard core bunnies!
Grand sunrise 7 miles or so run with my husband along the Danshui River before he had to get to those meetings. The Garmin couldn't locate me in the first and last mile, due to all the high rises on from the hotel to the river, but I clocked 8:12 mm pace for mile 4! woot woot! I know, it's sea level and I'm used to nearly 3000 ft above, but still.:) One of the Taiwanese men started racing me from behind and I thought it was Greg so I gave him a run for his money. Not that Greg couldn't pass me at a whim, but it's the spirit of the thing.:joyful:

I was completely barefoot the whole time. The pix don't give an idea of how well traveled the path was. A lot of folks were happily intrigued by my bare feet. The older ones, in particular, were quite encouraging with their looks and smiles. There was one middle aged lady, a breakfast street vendor, that starting yelling at me from behind during the first mile and I thought I was in BIG trouble, but she was actually just ecstatic about my bare feet! I think she was speaking in Taiwanese, but the exaggerated thumbs up made everything clear.:barefoot:

Is it better to post the photos full image or thumbnail? Notice how I'm blurry because I'm moving so fast....Tuesday on the Danshui the back of Greg.jpgTuesday on the Danshui blurry Laura.jpg
Tuesday on the Danshui early light.jpg
Looks like a great place to run Laura. Enjoy your time over there.

I ran.:woot: A real run. I was just going out for a recovery walk after snow hiking and skiing yesterday, but the walk soon turned to running. No self control, the surface conditions were perfect, rain softened dirt and gravel. 5 miles with the middle section 10-12 mm pace. No extra stress on my foot, I feel alive again.

Had my appointment at the clinic. The x-rays showed a small bone spur, but not anything of concern. Got a physical therapy order and going to start Wednesday.
Is that a dedicated BFR camera with foot recognition software built in?

Bare Lee, I hope you replied with "Thanks Dude!"

Meanwhile, fate seems to intervene every time I try to run 10km for the first time in over ten years. This time, on Sunday, I was up to 3km and ran into a mate's father who had come down for a holiday. I stopped for a chat for 5 minutes or so and then kept going. In the end I made it to 10km, but I don't think that counts. Next weekend, one way or the other!
- Monday was 3km barefoot and some excellent bodysurfing - I'm finding that distance pretty comfortable now, so I might start going a little further next week.
- Today the waves were too good for running. An hour of surfing, but at least it's barefoot!
2.85 miles. Fourth day in a row that I've ran. No abnormal trigger points. Hips feel great - thank you wide-stance squats!!! My soles are distinctly thicker than they were about 3 months ago. That's when I started wearing my Moc3s - EVERYWHERE! Since I started running again, I have gone completely barefoot! I love it! That is definitely what I have been missing.
Bare Lee, I hope you replied with "Thanks Dude!"
Or, "Thanks Dude, I do dutifully do Dude dashes rudely nude, viz. salubriously excluding shoes."
Unfortunately, my standard reply is just to mumble something like, "Thanks, it just takes a little getting used to."
In this case, though, the guy shouted at me after I had already passed them going the other way, so I just gave him a backwards wave.
@HBS, awesome pics!, and great form (not that I have any business judging form). You really do look like a bird humming along in a blur of happiness.

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