Mileage Reporting 11th Week of 2013

Did 2.03 miles outside, BAREFOOT!!!!!!!!!! Woohoo! Probably overdid it as I had a plan to go out a half mile and then back but it felt so good I decided to keep going. At a mile out I knew I was pushing my luck so I turned around and headed back. I kept it real slow and easy and averaged a pretty steady 12:30 pace. My ankle started screaming when I was about 1.5 miles in so I slowed down slightly and just cruised in nice and easy like. No hotspots or blisters and my feet feel great. My ankle on the other hand is pretty angry. Not sure what exactly is binding up and causing the issue, but I just wish it would go away. Oh well, eventually the PT will work this out for me too hopefully.
Thursday afternoon
6.5 mi /10.5 km, running
7 mi / 11.3 km total
36 C / 2.22 C
31 C / -.5 C

I saw my doc earlier in the day, to get a check-up but mainly to have him order an abdominal ultrasound. My dad's doc, who had repaired my dad's abdominal aorta aneurysm two summers ago, said his sons should get checked out to make sure everything is in order. Anyway, my doc said everything looked pretty good, all the gauges are fine, so it's good to know the exercise is paying off. It must be nice for a doc to treat a patient who's taking of him-/herself, and he said so in so many words. Still need to lose the weight I've gained since last fall though. Still not sure how I put it on. I know my running dropped off while I was working through the endless niggles, but I've also probably added some muscle mass as I've added more time to my st workouts and phased out the rowing. I dunno. Still hunting that elusive 200 lb mark. Maybe by this summer . . . if I can keep up the last few week's full workout schedule. I would hate to have to revert to dieting :rage: like Nick :yuck: .

Anyhow, here's a tip for the younger men: when you get to the age when you need to start getting regular prostate exams, recruit a little doctor with small fingers. My guy is The-Artist-Formerly-Known-As-Prince-sized. Helps a lot.

Tru dat, but it's still fun to see others' running spots.

Go with the muscle mass hypothesis. Honestly, if you can see things changing (like muscle definition), then that's good weight.
Besides, oh, dieting, such torment.

Will pass on that tip to my son when the time comes. :D
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Go with the muscle mass hypothesis. Honestly, if you can see things changing (like muscle definition), then that's good weight.
Besides, oh, dieting, such torment.

Will pass on that tip to my son when the time comes. :D

Funny, my doc said the same thing yesterday. When I tried to explain how I got up over 220, he said not worry about absolute weight, just look in the mirror :yuck: .

Using the mirror criterion, I would say the weight gain is a bit of both. I can see some muscle mass gain a bit on the upper body, but I can also see regrettable (why does regrettable have two 't's?) fat gains around the waist, although I haven't yet passed onto a different size belt or pants size. I'll keep attacking the fat with a purely calorie-burning approach for another month or two before giving in and adopting a calorie-limiting approach as well. Right now in my running I seem to be butting up against a 7-to-8-mile limit distance-wise, so until I can push past that barrier, I'll continue working on increasing my max weights and intensity in st and start doing one 'speedwork' (tempo or intervals) run every week, which burns more calories and seems to give me a greater metabolic boost afterwards.

Also, as my daily runs creep past the one-hour mark now, and require more warming up before I even head out the door, I've been thinking about allowing my strength-training to exceed an hour a day too, mostly by working in more mobility, 'core' work, and flexibility stuff. That should help burn more calories too. I can justify the extra time by reminding myself that if I diet, I'll feel hungry at my desk, which will cut into my productivity :stop: . My sleep also becomes really efficient with more exercise. Often just 5-6 hours is plenty when I can get into an exercise-induced, really deep slumber:happy: .

Sorry to hear about the cootie return, btw. It's good of you to battle through it while continuing your multi-modal fitness regimen :sorry: .

Kudos to Nick on the BFR :barefoot: . For the ankle, you might try walking backwards, calf raises, or rotating the foot around while standing on one leg. Looks like the Hawks got another few decent FAs to sign. Congrats.

Ok, off to try a full version of my revised "bottom" st. I got rid of my useless plyo boxes a while ago and will just use a cinder block for the step and jump plyo stuff I've been meaning to get back to, now that my left MCL seems good again. I'm also going to try to push the dead lifts a bit and see how the MCL does with that.
Well, that run was officially stupid of me. Ankle is super bad now. Dang this sucks. Starting to think maybe I just wore my body out and all I can do is bike... I feel great when I do that.
Well, that run was officially stupid of me. Ankle is super bad now. Dang this sucks. Starting to think maybe I just wore my body out and all I can do is bike... I feel great when I do that.
A year ago I was wondering the same thing, with the never-ending TOFP and a sore left shoulder that never got better. But I found solutions, and I believe you will too. Maybe just take a break from running while you're working with your PT, then build it back up super slowly, almost inch by inch. Maybe try calf raises, vertical jumps, anything besides running that might strengthen your ankles, and see if it helps or hurts. Maybe try super short intervals at higher paces. I dunno. Keep experimenting!

Yesterday afternoon I had a nice workout with squats, deadlifts, good mornings, leg extensions, calf raises, and a bunch of jumps & kicks, and I believe these kinds of strengthening exercises are really helping keep my ITBS at bay. On hindsight, it seems obvious that my running needs to be supported by these kinds of exercises, but it was anything but obvious just six months ago. We each have to find which combination of running and non-running activities works best together, and I believe you will find it, just give it more time. This is a lifelong project, so don't be surprised if the solution takes months or even years longer than you anticipated. For some it comes easy, but for others like us it can take time to figure out what kind of runner we are. I still have my doubts about becoming a long-distance runner, and am pretty sure I could never be a high-volume runner even if I wanted to, but I've regained the ability to run 5-7 miles fairly effortlessly, and that's a great blessing right there in and of itself.

No 'distractions' today!

14.5 miles (3/4 of it on "trail"), 8.17 pace and 124 AHR. It was time for a longish, gentle run!
Ha, no pacer bunny eh? You are a beast!
Thanks Lee, I already do most of those exercises you suggested and I don't seem to have much, if any problems when doing those. I think it's the repetitive nature of running with also using the full range of motion. Feels like my ankle is jut breakimg down and getting worse and worse, although my heel seems to be completely better finally. I don't know man, just don't know anymore.
Ran my 10K race today. Decided I had to wear the Moc3's. Turned out to be a very good choice or I'd probably still be out there picking my way over the gravel on asphalt.... Only 2nd in my age group. An old 54 year old lady beat me by a minute! Man! Maybe I'll get faster when I get older? ;) Did have some excuse, though. There were HILLS which I haven't trained on since the fall and being sick.

Also, and possibly most important, racing so soon after travel seems to have predisposed me to heart palpitations. I noticed barest twinges of the sensation last week, but nothing major. In the race however, I had to walk a few times to ward off a full blown episode. I have dealt with this for 20+ years, but never running before, so I think it has to be the travel.

Was a little worried to tell dear hubby, lest he impose restrictions. I needn't have worried. He said he needs to make me do more hill repeats. :p
I had a reasonable time in spite of it: 53:02 with an average 8:33 mm pace. Not too shabby for an "almost old" lady with heart palpitations!

Here is one photo of me at the finish, because I thought someone was trying to pass me. No trouble with heart issues there. Other photos of the scenery on my blog on Tuesday, if you want to see Idaho wine country.Shamrock final sprint.jpg
4+ miles today. ran unplugged so no idea of exact distance, pace or any other relevant info. New route for me, an out and back. On the way out I was downwind and thinking that I had to many layers on, Then I turned around and and the thought was "dang it, should have worn another layer". The air temp was -14C with a windchill of -25C. I had to to dig out my arctic running running gear again for today's run. Not much relief temperature wise for the rest of the week, I just hope the snow stays away. Last year at this time some of the local golf courses were already open, this year they are at least 4-7 weeks away. :( Sound like a great run HSB, did your hubby run as well?
A nice and sunny (but very windy) day for my week's last run. A long run (16.5km - 10mi), and my fastest run so far ! At an average of 5'20"/km (8'30"/mi). My average heartrate was about 133. That brings my total this week to 47km (almost 30mi) !
Just wrapped up the week with a 5.77 mile run. 43.16 miles for the week.
Sound like a great run run HSB, did your hubby run as well?
Not this time. He's still fighting his work schedule (12-14 hour days) and the torn rotator cuff. He has been running some, but was afraid he would try too hard and hurt himself.
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4+ miles today. ran unplugged so no idea of exact distance, pace or any other relevant info. New route for me, an out and back. On the way out I was downwind and thinking that I had to many layers on, Then I turned around and and the thought was "dang it, should have worn another layer". The air temp was -14C with a windchill of -25C. I had to to dig out my arctic running running gear again for today's run. Not much relief temperature wise for the rest of the week, I just hope the snow stays away. Last year at this time some of the local golf courses were already open, this year they are at least 4-7 weeks away. :( Sound like a great run HSB, did your hubby run as well?

It's so touchy to get dressed in cold temps with wind. A bit too much and you're miserable hot. Too little and you are miserable cold, or bad enough that you go numb.
I've gone out many a time in cold cold morning temps with no wind and it's no problem. Throw in a touch of wind or precip. and everything is such a calculus.
6 mi, slow this afternoon, with a throbbing piercing sinus headache just behind my right eye. Didn't get any worse for the run, and running made me feel better than when I tried lying down to nap earlier in the day and got the stinkin headache in the first place.

~55 min swim lesson. instructor said my freestyle looked good and not to listen to the hecklers. backstroke ok but kick is still weak. breast stroke he gave up on me with. butterfly did some drills and he said i improved by the end but i think he was just being kind. my head hurt too much to work on flip turns. next time.

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