Wish me luck!

I'm pretty amazed that after a 2.5 hour nap I feel great! Not ready for a race, but I realize that I just ran up the stairs to get the phone. I'll take tomorrow off and see how a recovery run feels on Tuesday.

Chris, I'd love to come run in the city with you. You were a topic of conversation with my main running companion this morning.

Thank you all so much!
Congrats none the less, thats a very long ways to go, and sounds like you had a good time (well other than all the pains you had in those things I dont even know what they are lol).
Thanks all! Ya, It would have been a great morning if I'd been targetting a half marathon. No worries on my part looking back on it from here. I've got this race checked off my bucket list already, since back in 1984. I don't know what inspired me to break my solemn promise to myself to never do it again. Just some moral weakness, I guess. Maybe I thought it would be much easier running natural style in my VFFs.
...as for a sticker, how's this ?

Love it.

JT, each day we step outside the door to put foot to pavement gives us a different set of circumstances to get through. Sunday just wasn't a good day. Next time may or may not be better...but you're not gonna know unless you get you heiny back out there :) 23.5 is better than 0.0, and stopping for pain means you were smart. 'Smart runners know when to pull out.' ;)

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