What's your running/fitness schedule?

5'11 and about 208# here. Doc said I need to lose 10-15 lb and get my cholesterol down a bit. Been trying to walk and run at least 3 times a week for months now, typically during my lunch break at the office. I used to walk 3 miles total each day, but have backed it off to 2 miles with more running. Last week I almost went out every day of the week, but missed Friday due to work load, so that was 4 consecutive days for me.

I typically go BF unless it's below 40°F or if I just don't feel like dealing with all the little rocks and twigs that day. Then I'll go in VFF's. But last time I went in VFF's I ended up pulling them off after 1 1/2 miles and doing the last 1/2 mile back to the office BF. I get sick of how sweaty my feet get in VFF's.
5'2" 104 lbs.
I don't have a running schedule I run when I feel but not less than three times a week my running days vary from day to day. The days that I don't run a XT and on Fridays I play volleyball.
5'4" and 119 lb.

Training for my first marathon and I currently run 6-7 days a week, distances ranging from 2 miles up to ~19 miles, totalling about 45-50. I throw in about one downhill ski day a week with that, but there's not currently the time or weather for much else.

For the ticker, copy and paste in the bb code in your sig....

I'm short. :D I average anywhere from 30 to 50 mpw, depending on how many days I run and how I feel. I try to shoot for 100 per month. December, though, I hit 205 thanks to a crazy holiday challenge. Lately I've been trying to take the whole weekend off so as not to annoy hunny with the whine of the tm. During the school year, my regular srd is Wednesday since I'm out of the house until early afternoon. Saturday is my variable day if I need to make up some miles..............
Just trying to keep one foot in front of the other right now. Seems my healing from the surgeries is going backwards. I feel like I did two weeks ago. I've had two walks in the past two weeks, the first was like four houses out and back and the second one, I think was like 8 houses or so out and back. The nerves are a mess, even the missing ones. ;-)
Wow, I'm looking at everyone's height and weight on here and I feel like a real big (fat) guy now. 5'7" and I've plateaued at about 200 pounds. I used to be really big into lifting weights so my weight was higher than a lot of people my height already but my two back surgeries did me no favors with my weight. My goal is to get down to 170 pounds and right now my tentative schedule is Monday = short fast run, Tues. = weight training, Wed. = Hill repeats, Thurs. = more weight training, Friday = long slow run. Saturdays and Sundays are my days off, although sometimes I do go out for a run or do yoga on Saturdays.
5'8" - I am currently down to 142lb. I am hoping of hitting 138lb before my May marathon.

M, Tu - 1.5hrs (18-19km)
W - 2hrs (24-25km)
Th, F - 1.5hrs (18-19km)
Sa - 3-4hrs (35km-50km)
Su - 30min (6-7km)
5'10" / 165 lbs.

As much as my schedule allows, I keep at least a 20 mpw base so I can spool up in a couple of months to a marathon.

This week is (M-Su) off/4/5/4/off/10/off

All totally barefoot. I use "G" for my supplemental workouts...
5'10" - 170
4 to 6 runs a week, mostly 3 to 5 miles and one or two longer (8-12) . sporadic surfing and kayak in the winter, more surfing, biking, kayak when its warmer. mostly barefoot but vff's when its cold.
The idealized schedule is:

Mon 30 minutes run/ 30 minutes strength training – front
Tu 30 minutes row / 30 minutes strength training – back
Wed 60 minutes run
Thurs 60 minutes row
Fri 30 minutes run/ 30 minutes strength training – front
Sat 30 minutes row / 30 minutes strength training – back
Sun Rest / walk around a park with family
The shorter runs can be hills, sprints, or jogging stroller to and from day care. Strength training is weights, abdominals, and, lately, a tad of plyometrics. When time is short, I give priority to the aerobic stuff. Would like to get in a pick-up game of basketball or soccer in once in a while, but don't want to be tied to other peoples' schedules. I have to grab my workouts when I can.
Mental image of my height and weight are best projected from my fuzzy photo.
5'6" - 135

Sunday ~ 10 miles of mountain biking
Monday ~ 1.5 hours of Jiu Jitsu
Tuesday off
Wednesday ~ 1.5 hours of Jiu Jitsu
Thursday Gym - back, legs, treadmill
Friday Gym - chest, legs
Saturday - optional break or swim 1/2 mile

have not been running much since october 2011...because my IT band has been bothering me.
but I am hoping barefoot running will change my stride/posture & ultimately not fuel my ITBS.
5'7, 140 pounds (female) 48 years old

Mon -run 3 or 4 miles, upper body weights
Tue - run 3 or 4 miles
Wed - leg strength, lunges, squats, core work
Thu - run 3 or 4 miles, upper body weights
Fri - rest
Sat - run 7-9 miles
Sun - leg strength, lunges, squats, core work

I'm training for a HM in May. I run in VFFs.
Schedule? That would be work, work, work (desk job, but I often stand while working -- does that count for fitness?). Then shuttle kids between piano, rock climbing, swimming, run club, orchestra (includes transporting a stand-up bass), science club, etc. In between all of that, try to squeeze in as much time as possible for running, hiking, cycling, swimming, zumba, yoga, rock climbing or whatever other activity seems fun in the moment and, as often as possible, include the rest of the family in such pursuits.

5'8", 145 pounds (working on dropping another 5-10 pounds)

6' 1" , 185 lbs, I'll volunteer my age, 40, because it has been the best year of my life. Give you young guys something to look forward too.
I hope to lose 5 pounds of my winter beer fat soon. I felt better at 180.
Schedule? No, mine sounds like Karen's. Work, family of 6, and animals. I just run when ever I can. Try to crosstrain by biking, hiking, skiing, and upper body work from shoveling manure, pulling weeds, chain saw, welding, etc.
RickWhiteLaw, Ah, yes, I kinda remember 40. 50 was better! (Giving you something to look forward to.)
Unicron, if you give the time and energy to building the natural form, I'm pretty confident your IT will work for you rather than the other way. Take your time and enjoy the trip.
5'10 205 lbs, down 30lbs since November. Registered for a 1/2 in may, but training for the full.

Run 4-5 times a week. totaling around 30-35 miles a week. Rest days I do core workout, push-ups etc.