What are your "four best things?".....

barefoot kean wrote:1)

barefoot kean said:
1) stopped listening to music 2) bent my knees 3) read EVERYTHING 4) walk barefoot

Knee bend seems to be a biggie for a lot of folks, and it came pretty naturally to me. I still listen to music when I'm not running with a friend, but the times I didn't early on were a wake-up call in my breathing and foot strike (listening for slap). I stopped completely when I went full-time barefoot and eased back into it.
1. got a dog2. started

1. got a dog

2. started running

3. went min/bare

4. got a forerunner for maf training. (still waiting to reap the benes)
migangelo wrote:1. got a

migangelo said:
1. got a dog

2. started running

3. went min/bare

4. got a forerunner for maf training. (still waiting to reap the benes)

I run regularly with my dog (boxer/lab mix) and he is definitely good accountability.

Are you not seeing any effects from the Maffetone routine? I know I love my Garmin just so I know how fast I'm going. Had not idea before. That would probably be #5. I think I've worn the HR sensor maybe four times... and one of those was on bike just out of curiosity.
yes i am. i got it at the end

yes i am. i got it at the end of october. it broke before i ran a 10k but it helped by teaching me how to pace myself better. i finished strong instead and sped up throught the race instead of starting fast and slowing down. same thing for a 5k in december. running at my zone is getting somewhat easier. i'm not sweating as much as i used to. i went out for three hours yesterday and felt great. not tired or anything. just aggravated my back/hip a little which means it is time for a massage.

my dog got upset with me as we kept looping on the trail. he stopped and waited for me to head down. he wasn't too happy that i turned around and kept going. he's been sleeping since and only got up in the middle of the night to finally eat. he barely wanted to go out last night just struggling to walk.
1.) Ditched the minimalist

1.) Ditched the minimalist shoes for the majority of my running.

2.) Bought a metronome that I only use for long pavement runs. It helps keep my cadence stable and therefore my energy levels.

3.) Started trail running which has really increased my strength and endurance.

4.) I just bought a heart-rate monitor in order to improve my aerobic system.
+1 BF Gent.Also, I cut out

+1 BF Gent.

Also, I cut out lots of crap from the way I was eating. Less fats and processed foods and more green stuff. Now I've lost weight and think more about what goes into my mouth. That actually makes me a happier runner if not a better one.

As far as reading goes I finallly broke down and bought a copy of Ken Bob's book this afternoon. I got a couple others that looked interesting while I was on that website (Alibris used books) which was the direct result of having a credit card in my hot hand at a very weak moment. So, I haven't read any of these things but I'm much closer to it.

I will not get a dog.
1.) Stopped waiting for the

1.) Stopped waiting for the warmest part of the day so I could run barefoot in winter. OK, I still do that, but not so religiously--too often it's impossible to run in the middle of the afternoon, stuff comes up, so I end up not running at all. Better to run at least part of the run shod early in the morning, when temps are closest to their coldest, when I don't have any distractions.

2.) Stopped running every day, now run every other day, row on alternate days. This is much better for my body and motivation.

3.) Stopped having goals.

3b.) Started doing whatever I felt like on any particular running day: sprints; long runs; half walk, half run; hills, etc. OK, I was already kinda doing that anyway, but now it's official policy, so I don't feel guilty and am more consistent in my inconsistency.

4.) Started thinking about doing some kind of functional fitness sometime in the future to supplement weight-training.
1. Took my shoes off.2.

1. Took my shoes off.

2. Ran

3. Ran some more

4. Continuing to ran more, more and more.
Took off my shoes.
  1. Read Chi Running
  2. Ran Slower
  3. Read Ken Bob's Book
  4. Took off shoes
This is not the chronological order, I took the shoes off first. That by itself did not work for me. I changed to a forefoot landing but was over striding and it was not pretty. Once I learned good technique and was willing to run slower to refine the technique, then things got relaxed and easy. The speed(this is a relative term) came back and surpassed my previous ability on its own.
JT, being a dad i was of course suckered into taking the dog. i've not gotten any animals yet somehow keep winding up with them. wouldn't trade this guy for anything though.
1. Got pregnant and gained 30lbs
2. Got pregnant again and gained 30lbs
3. Got pregnant again and gained 30lbs
4. Stay at home mom of 3 small children means I now run to stay sane.
1. Got pregnant and gained 30lbs
2. Got pregnant again and gained 30lbs
3. Got pregnant again and gained 30lbs
4. Stay at home mom of 3 small children means I now run to stay sane.
And it looks like in your avatar you still can't get away from them while out on your runs either.