Running naked.

Hmmm, wondering if I could

Hmmm, wondering if I could get away with that around here. I did see a women walking naked downtown one night after I left the office, but the police picked her up fairly quickly though.
So, like what?  Are you

So, like what? Are you saying you are going to run streaking in front of my house?! Ha! I have curtains! Pttttth! I'll act like I don't know you. Just cause there's some crazy man running back and forth in front of my house barefoot and naked doesn't mean I know him, guilt by association and all that. Now, if you ring the door bell...
I can't wait to run

I can't wait to run naked!!!!! I ran with a few unclothed individuals this year during Bay To Breakers and I was a bit jealous. Looking back now, I wish I'd just taken off my clothes and finished with them, but I was already carrying a sweatshirt I wish I hadn't brought.

I've decided that next year I'll be doing it sans clothes.....I just hope I don't chicken out at the last minute.
Angie Bee wrote:We have

Angie Bee said:
We have streaked through the cemetery after the gates have closed. Best feeling ever!

Excellent training tool to have the girls free. My hubby runs commando in his kilt and wouldn't have it any other way :)

Here was my blog about one run.

LOL!! Blogging GREATNESS!!! It ends all sweet and romantic and whimsical and then you slap 'em in the face with my favorite line, "Ran smiley at both ends!" I did not see that comming! Well played!


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