philly marathon

Everett, you're a beast! I'm not running anything like those distances this year, and am holding myself to the promise I made to never ever run another Marathon. This body likes halfs or even 15 mile races just fine, but does not respond well to longer ones. Maybe I can meet you for a Pineland Striders run one weekend when it's a little warmer.
The 10 miler on my race rotation has been the Kutztown 10, run at the end of March. Last year I ran it in 1:18, about 12 minutes faster than the previous year, and good for an AG medal - 3rd Place! Your Ocean Drive race time was probably faster, if only because it sounds like a flat course, while the Kutztown run has lots of up and down.
I have run the Allentown PA 13.1 twice, my last time was 1:43, I think.
Sorry I have not responded sooner. I had quit checking this thread.

To Robbi, I did end uo with blisters on both feet. I think this was due to not running for 4 weeks before the race and due to increasing my milage from 20 to 26.2. My plan had been to run a 24 mile run before hand. I fell behind in training and decided that a 22 miler woukd be enough. Then Sandy and vacation hit and I did not even get that run or any run completed.

To the people in South Jersey, I will keep running club in mind. Are the trail runs barefoot friendly or is a minimum shoe necessary?
Sorry I have not responded sooner. I had quit checking this thread.

To Robbi, I did end uo with blisters on both feet. I think this was due to not running for 4 weeks before the race and due to increasing my milage from 20 to 26.2. My plan had been to run a 24 mile run before hand. I fell behind in training and decided that a 22 miler woukd be enough. Then Sandy and vacation hit and I did not even get that run or any run completed.

To the people in South Jersey, I will keep running club in mind. Are the trail runs barefoot friendly or is a minimum shoe necessary?

last year the weather was almost perfect. the temps were a little cold pre race and you definitely needed sweats to drop at the beginning. I ran in shorts and long sleeves. by the end of the race i had the sleeves pushed up. I don't recall the numbers but it was probably 40 F to start and near 60 F at the end. Temps in november are pretty good but there is always the possibility of rain.
Forgot to add, the crowd support is really good at this race which makes it a fun race. Philly does a goid job setting up the Cheer zones. Not sure how Boston will change this.

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