New barefoot/minimalist running book! 'Second Wind: the running coach you never had but always need

[font="'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif"]Hi guys and gals - my name is Levi and I live in Oak Ridge, TN. I am the author of Second Wind: the running coach you never had but always needed[/font]

and the book focuses on a minimalist running style and barefoot/minimalist shoes (and my journey in learning this process). The inspiration for the book came (after multiple knee surgeries that left me in a wheel chair for a time) when I began researching what I could possibly wear and what I could change that would possibly allow me to run again. The book provides guidance for both those who have never run to those currently running marathons (and approaches it from the minimalist perspective - one I have Not always held!). The book is a study of bio mechanics, stride, form, shoe selection, breathing, etc. Check it out and I would love to hear your thoughts on the book sometime ! Thanks, and good luck to with purpose! - here's the link to my Live@5 at 4:00 interview: Levi Dodd AmazonBooks a MillionBarnes and Noble
Hi Levi.  Your story's

Hi Levi. Your story's synopsis sounds very inspiring. Does your book explain what brought you to minimalist running?
Abide, I thought the same

Abide, I thought the same thing at first, and although he's not posted before, he's been a member here for 3-1/2 months, so you be nice.
Besides, it is of a nature

Besides, it is of a nature that relates to our interests here, right?
Perhaps Levi could provide a

Perhaps Levi could provide a copy for one of us to review. There are actually 4 or 5 "barefoot running" books out now and it'd be good to compare them.
Good point, Is there an

Good point, Is there an official position at the BRS "Barefoot Running Book Critic"?

I'll definitely buy Ken Bob's when it comes out.
Or perhaps we could raffle

Or perhaps we could raffle off one of his books, and that person can write a review of it that we can publish here. Good idea, Stomper.
I just contacted Levi about

I just contacted Levi about reviewing one of his books on my BRS and normal blog. If he agrees TJ, I could see if we could do some kind of giveaway as well.
All great ideas guys  -

All great ideas guys - minus the spam/troll one, of course ;)

I would love to hear what you guys think and would interested in ideas. I have offered TJ a copy, and Saypay was the first one to contact me directly about it and I've just sent him a copy as well.

The book does go into why I went barefoot, how I got there, etc. It talks a lot about the science and research studies behind it, but also just talks about the huge personal benefits that I got out of it (being able to run again - and injury free!).

Thanks guys!

I never read a book about

I never read a book about barefoot running, and had no intentions to ever read one, until I heard Ken Bod has a book coming out in May. Now that one I will read.

Second Wind, congrats on the book, god knows what else we can write about with barefoot running without constantly repeating information, but hope it does well.
I suggest we do a coordinated

I suggest we do a coordinated review of all the books that are out there. I'm sure all of them say similar things, but the question is, how do they differ in readability, understanding of the science, instruction, etc.

So here's a list:

- Jason's book

- Levi's book

- Ken Bob's book

- Sandler's book

- the Craig Richards book

By the way people, it is totally customary and right for people like us to ask publishers for free review copies of books. Don't feel like you have to buy them. Also, books "coming out in May" will probably be available now for important reviewers. Like us!

Who'd like to review each of the books above? I'll do the Richards book.
I have secured two books to

I have secured two books to be raffled off to the BRS members from Levi. SP, just call it BRS swag. ;-) SP, would you and AJB and maybe Miker like to head this up? We would like to target just the main BRS Facebook page (not the Facebook chapter pages; too much overhead and don't want any chapters to be left out), and ask that if the FB fans would like to take part in this raffle, they will have to first be a member of the BRS (not just a fan). AJB and Miker handled the last raffle, so if she's and/or he's game, she/he can help you and me pull this off. We are going to start the contest the third week in April, since the first week and second week will be dedicated to the Official BRS Tee Shirt Contest...yes another tee shirt! I guess those who win the raffle, can choose whether they want it electronically or in hard copy. Levi will distribute it to them either way.

With this, Stomper, SayPay and I have offered to read and do a review of Levi's book.

Jason's book has already been reviewed out the yahoo, so those reviews can be pulled from all over the net, unless anyone would like to review his second edition fresh, of course. I probably shouldn't review Jason's books, either the first or second edition, since I edited the first edition for him before he had it printed. Of course, I'm going to say it rocks. And the second edition has a few TJ and BRS references in it, so I probably shouldn't review that one either. Hee. ;-)

There's another book soon to be released written by Ashish Mukharji called Run Barefoot, Run Healthy. Some of you know him as Finding Flow from "that other forum." He interviewed me for the book, so I probably shouldn't review that one either.

Stomper, we could add these books' cover images/snap shots to a page in our Library and include some text with the title, description, author, date of release, etc., and reviews about the books. That's a cool idea, right? Books...Library... I kinda got it from you. :)
Just one note though TJ. 

Just one note though TJ. Levi's book isn't really a "barefoot running book" like Jason's or Ken Bob's book. It's a book that covers all aspects of training. It is written from the assumption that barefoot running is best though.

I'm just letting you know because I don't know if Levi, or you for that matter, want to compare it to those other books.
That's pretty much what I

That's pretty much what I understood too. And I wasn't wanting to "compare" books at all, ever. I think each book should stand on its own. I do think that this book is relative to our group here though.
Good point, SP. We

Good point, SP. We could/should review them, and post all of that in the library. But the books shouldn't be compared to each other (like shoes would be). The books should be judged on their own content. Just my $.02
Sorry 'bout echoing TJ. I

Sorry 'bout echoing TJ. I started writing my post, got called away from my desk, came back, finished the post, then noticed that TJ "one-upped" me. ;-)
Miker, TJ, I don't entirely

Miker, TJ, I don't entirely understand the resistance to a member here reviewing books together if they feel like it.

In my very humble O, any reviewer should be able to write any kind review they want -- of a single book, or two independent reviews of two different books, or a "comparative review," which is a single review of more than one book. The BRS Library or forums have room for all of those things.

The comparative review is a standard type of review that is frequently used in better magazines and newspapers (harper's, nytimes, etc.) when experts review a "hot topic" of the day. It doesn't mean that all the reviewed books have to meet the same standard. It just means that the reviewer can point out the strengths and weaknesses of each, without having to repeat a whole lot of background information. For example one might say "Book X focuses more on minimal running, but otherwise sounds a lot like Book Y."

The comparative review is often a really informative and valuable type of article. Don't be hatin'!
Stomper, I didn't mean to

Stomper, I didn't mean to come across as "hatin" anything. My typical book review method is 1) wife reads book. 2) I ask if she thinks I will like book. 3) If she says yes, I read book. Unless there are guns & explosions & covert operations. Then I don't ask her. ;-)

I just wanted everybody's book to get a fair shake, that's all.

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