My First Barefoot 5K is a PR

Oceanside Turkey Trot 5K. My first barefoot race, and a new PR for me at 25:56. Negative mile splits of 8:45/8:22/7:46, ending at 7:42. My finish time is a full 2+ minutes faster than my last shod 5K, a full 5 years ago. I just turned 56 last week, so it's gotta be the barefoot! What's even more startling to me is that for the past couple of weeks I've had very little training time due to a difficult family issue. But I decided that since I'd entered this race months ago, I was going to run it, no matter how poorly I felt.

Better than this, my wife (the adamant non-runner) completed her first race, completely barefoot, mixing running and walking, and felt great at the end. Can't believe it, after all these years, but damn if she didn't surprise even herself. Not sure of her finish time yet, but THAT she finished was enough. Even says she may do another race!

Thanks to all of you for your support. I hope that things will resolve soon enough that I can spend a little more time here again, reading all of the bad jokes and soaking in the collective wisdom of the best group of barefoot runners on the planet. Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

TD Pre-Turkey Trot.jpeg
Congrats, Thom!
Great run, and the smile definitely says it all.

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