Mileage Reporting 22nd Week of 2013

yesterday, Thursday, i went on a nice trail run with Vanessa Runs. 13.2 for me. for her it was just a small part of her goal of 31 hours of running. one hour for each year alive. Shacky her BF wanted to talk her out of it since the trail was muddy and he didn't want her falling in the night. she switched to a "trail" that was old road to be safer. poor girl. probably half way through that run it poured down on her. that was the last bit of rain and she should be finished about 4:00pm today. i plan on bringing them some famous Voodoo donuts since they couldn't find parking.

*warning* don't read the rest of this if you're squeamish and sensitive! it's a little graphic.

Ok. you've been warned. i don't know how the hell that girl continued running. 3.5 hours for me to finish that run. we ran at her ultra pace which was slower than my maf pace! i chafed quite a bit where the sun don't shine. the jewels were ok, only some irritation. i lubed those up with some coconut oil so they were ok. the cornhole though, ouch. not rubbed raw but getting close. Shacky told me he was chafing a bit too. that was enough of a run for me due to the chafing. showered when i got home and used my devils hand to apply some more coconut oil to the areas. instant relief. put some cornstarch on after since that's good for rashes. i feel great today and only have a problem in my left heel. i got a cut there, or something imbedded in my foot on mondays run. i love the long run! just have to prepare better for the chafing next time.

ok. i know you squeamish ones read this because like a car accident you HAVE to look. your own damn fault.
yesterday, Thursday, i went on a nice trail run with Vanessa Runs. 13.2 for me. for her it was just a small part of her goal of 31 hours of running. one hour for each year alive...

Sounds like an interesting run for both of you - well except for the chaffing and downpour parts! Another reason I like my hydro pack, I can stash a few small items like bodyglide in the pockets and have them with me if needed.
Sounds like an interesting run for both of you - well except for the chaffing and downpour parts! Another reason I like my hydro pack, I can stash a few small items like bodyglide in the pockets and have them with me if needed.
The downpour is a big part of the fun. Maybe it's a northwet thing? Hell, I see people playing that frisby golf thing here all the time in the rain. I guess here if you wait for it to not rain you won't get in anytime outdoors. You do learn to love it. Either that or you become a hermit who never leaves your home.
Oh, hey Tristan, I've been meaning to ask you since I know you live and run in the Cleveland area'ish. I have a buddy who lives in Parma (sp?) Heights and he says people have gotten mean to him for trying barefoot running. He tried running in Luna's too and said he got a lot of grief for that too so he went back to running in regular shoes. Are people really that mean about things out of the ordinary (at least for our western culture) or is he just being ultra sensitive? He says people in general are just more angry there in Cleveland too. I'm not sure what to think about Cleveland.
A warm up mile followed by 25 mins of hill repeats, followed by a mile cool down and some back stretches for a total of 50 mins workout.
The downpour is a big part of the fun. Maybe it's a northwet thing? Hell, I see people playing that frisby golf thing here all the time in the rain. I guess here if you wait for it to not rain you won't get in anytime outdoors. You do learn to love it. Either that or you become a hermit who never leaves your home.
Yeah I suppose y'all must get used to it! Now I don't mind rain, so long as its not a downpour, and I have a hat. As a glasses wearer I can't see when rain hits the glasses, and, well, I don't like it dripping down or hitting my face personally. But I do enjoy it if I have a hat and its not raining too hard.

Last year all summer I think I only got to run in the rain once or twice, and it was unexpected and my headphones got ruined.

As for Cleveland, I couldn't say. I live in the middle of the state and really have only ever been to Cleveland twice. I often talk about NE Ohio, my in laws are from the Canton area but that's still like an hour away from Cleveland. I can't imagine people that rude though? All my friends and coworkers always cheer me on and out at the parks I get very little comment but more often positive. Yeah sometimes there are hecklers which I assume there are everywhere, but nothing that you can't easily ignore.
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As for Cleveland, I couldn't say. I live in the middle of the state and really have only ever been to Cleveland twice. I often talk about NE Ohio, my in laws are from the Canton area but that's still like an hour away from Cleveland. I can't imagine people that rude though? All my friends and coworkers always cheer me on and out at the parks I get very little comment but more often positive. Yeah sometimes there are hecklers which I assume there are everywhere, but nothing that you can't easily ignore.
Ya, that's kind of what I thought. He's just a nancy boy I guess to criticism. :D I guess I remember when I started transitioning I noticed all the comments more, but it never bothered me and most people were just curious or in shock. He may be a little more sensitive though and taking that stuff to heart. I guess there are people that do.
Oh and I forgot to mention that I am a glasses wearer too and I have to wear a visor when I run when it's raining. I can't stand wearing a full fledged hat because my head starts itching pretty bad. I understand about not being able to see when the glasses are wet, but as long as I wear the visor I am usually good in even the worst of downpours unless there is wind blowing the rain sideways. That can kind of suck.
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18 mile bike ride today. amazing what a mostly flat, traffic light free road will do for you. was along Columbia river and my face is slightly burnt. i was able to get one sub 4m/m. crazy that some people can run that fast.
Managed a 20 minute swim and 60 minutes on spinning bike before rehearsal this afternoon for a son's wedding tomorrow. Hubby has okayed an hour on the spinning bike before we go to the wedding tomorrow. He thought it best I not be on the road bike and risk mishaps right before the wedding. Workouts are partly for sanity because it involves 4-5 hours of driving both days. The couple is cute though and I'm very happy with my soon to be daughter-in-law.
Ya, that's kind of what I thought. He's just a nancy boy I guess to criticism. :D I guess I remember when I started transitioning I noticed all the comments more, but it never bothered me and most people were just curious or in shock. He may be a little more sensitive though and taking that stuff to heart. I guess there are people that do.

Yeah I was that way too. I was really self conscious about it at first, I've said it before but prior to 2yrs ago I was as un-barefoot as one can get! Until I figured out if it was better, and built my distance back up to at least a decent run, I avoided all human interface during my transition lol. I understand though that most don't have that option.

I said hat but yeah it's actually a visor. It was you talking about it last year that gave me the idea. I just have to remember to bring it with me if I'm not running from home.
Ya Tristan, I didn't have a choice in my transition to run where no one would see me. Running while pushing a stroller there's only so many places to run. Maybe I just toughened up to the comments faster because I wasn't able to hide. As far as the visor, I saw a picture of Dean Karnazes with one and I thought that was a perfect solution for me. Glad Dean could help you too.
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Well, no exercise yesterday because my gym was being worked on but I think today we are planning on doing a little day hike. Looking forward to that, gonna be testing some new laces I just picked up yesterday at Joann Fabrics. Hope they don't trash my feet or cause blisters... These are a cotton blend of laces that look a lot like the hemp laces from Luna, only they are much softer against the skin.
Went for a 1 hour run,unplugged so no idea of distance or pace. Ran with 2 of my nieces who are identical twins. They are in town for my sons wedding today and flew in yesterday from the wet coast. Kind of misjudged the route, what I thought was about a 5k to 7k run was probably closer to 10k. They are both PE teachers and actually coach runners, so naturally 1/2 through the run I was asked "so unk, how long have you been running barefoot and why". So I explained them as to why, so now maybe they will both get curious. They both have already ran 2 halves this year. Their idea of training for a halve is running 4-5 times a week for a total of about 20 miles. I guess with teaching PE classes there is probably lots of cross training though. Off to the wedding now, and some cross training in the way of dancing, Happysongbird style. But I already have been threatened with violence by the SO if lack of footwear is noted at the reception. :(
Trail run/walk at Little Mulberry park, about 80F humid partly cloudy, ran the gravelly Ravine Loop then the Horse trail loop plus about a mile of cross country grass trail....7 miles total. I need to run this more often as its great for foot conditioning and its hilly...speed was between 12 - 15 m/m pace except the X-country part was under 10 m/m.
Went for a 4 hour hike today in Zion National Park! Another hiker passed us and said, "Barefoot! You're adventurous." I said, "Yeah" and suppressed laughter and managed not to be to much of a smart-butt since I didn't want to embarrass Brine Shrimp. ;) My hip has been "niggly" all day cuz with all this traveling I have not done my daily exercises - so that is what I get. This calls for a long run tonight interspersed with lots of preparation to fall to my death tomorrow morning off of Angel's Landing (six people have died there). :D Whoot! Meanwhile here are some photos! That last photo is the snarly look Brine Shrimp gets on his face when he is about to threaten my 8 year old self to stay "inside". Lol!

Curvy.jpgEmerald.jpgJustice.jpgReflect too.jpgUFO.jpgSnarly.jpg

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