Hollywood is catching on.

Don't get me wrong, I eat fish and poultry regularly and only try to avoid red meat when I have the will power to do so in order to help limit my intake of animal fat, but I still don't get this food/gross out relationship people have with a slightly dirty thickened bare sole. The TMZ writer says Liam's naked dirty foot ball is something one doesn't want to see while in the produce department. So the assumption is when looking at fruits and vegetables a natural human foot doing the job it was intended to will make the viewer sick or something. BUT......that same shopper will see hundreds of pieces of dismembered animals, whole dead fish, and mammal muscle that has been put through a grinder before being put on display within seconds of also looking at produce. Actually none of that grosses ME out in any way, but seeing a barefooter puts a smile on my face even while my hands are physically touching tomatoes or 'taters.

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