Exodus 3:5

Must be just old testiment

Must be just old testiment advice and not necessarily accepted as gospel........

At least as a man I will be able to remain barefoot on these holy ground, but women?

Either the rule makers don't consider these grounds holy enough, or else they must be opting to ignore the teachings of the Book of Exodus.

Dress Code in Vatican

A specific dress code has been advised and is to be strictly followed in the Vatican City. When you visit the Vatican, always follow the Vatican City dress code. Or else, you won't be allowed to enter the church premises and end up missing the most spectacular architectural finesse in the world. It does not matter if the Pope is present in the city or not, one is required and expected to follow the dress code in Vatican. The following is the Vatican dress code to be followed by men and women.

Vatican City Dress Code for Men: Men are supposed to be dressed in shirts or t-shirts with sleeves covering the shoulders and full pants. In case of papal audience, the men can be dressed in black or dark suit. A business attire with a dark tie is also suitable for men.

Vatican City Dress Code for Women: The Vatican dress code for women stipulates women to wear a black skirt or dress that reaches the knees. The sleeves of the top should be mid to long sleeves, no pants, simple jewelry, dark closed toe shoes. A black hat or veil is optional for the women to wear.

from this website:

Right, but it was established

Right, but it was established back then that bare feet are what is appropriate when communicating directly with G-D.

Why so many modern houses of worship require footwear for entry is beyond me.
I can say that when I run in

I can say that when I run in the dark, I "Run by Faith"! (Please no glass, please no glass) CURSE YOU SNEAKY ROCK!! (Please no glass, please no glass) It does mean I see a lot of pretty Sunrises and beauty in nature too!

Rebel, radical, dissenter,

Rebel, radical, dissenter, contrarian, ....yeah. Iconoclast? Never really thought about it but.....???
Vatican City Dress Code for

Vatican City Dress Code for Women: The Vatican dress code for women stipulates women to wear a black skirt or dress that reaches the knees. The sleeves of the top should be mid to long sleeves, no pants, simple jewelry, dark closed toe shoes. A black hat or veil is optional for the women to wear.

Well, that rules me out, since I refuse to go butt-naked!
nice, one, TJ!If I'd known

nice, one, TJ!

If I'd known all the women in the Vatican were running around with no pants on I would have totaly moved over there a long time ago! (even if I did have to wear a suit!)
The books of Exodus and

The books of Exodus and Joshua make it clear that holy ground should be stood upon barefoot rather than minimalist.

This coming Friday at sunset begins the Jewish Day of Attonement, Yom Kippur.

Most Jews believe that leather shoes are not to be worn on this highest of holidays, but will explain that synthetics are just fine.

Indeed at any Conservative, Reform, Orthodox, Reconstructionist, Secular Humanist, Traditional, Independent, Renewal, or Sephardic Synagogue you will see all congregants shod in a variety of synthetic shoes, with the exception of possibly some very young girls that have slipped out of theirs.

The non-leather footwear allowance is just taking advantage of a loophole, the scriptures of course only said "Don't even strap the leather from an animal on your feet on this day"

Never mind that no other form of footwear existed at that time (maybe hemp?), but the intent was clear.....one was to remain barefoot on Yom Kippur.

I've gone to services barefoot at a Chassidic Synagogue, and at least was allowed in. For some reason I believe if a grown man were to arrive barefoot at a mainstream house of worship in a suit he would be questioned and maybe told never to return that way.

These notes are from October 1964, in which the author explains that bare feet are what is required, and goes on to explain interpretations of why.

VERY interesting thoughts at the bottom of page three and top of page four!

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