Count down begins, game plan for coming out of 6week recovery?


Apr 3, 2010
Ok, so TJ says start out small (as in back to 1/8mi after my 6 weeks are up). How does one build up again after an it like from scratch or is the progression faster? I'll ultimately listen to my body, but have no idea what is even logical game planning for when I can start running again.
I think it depends on what

I think it depends on what you are recovering from exactly (in your case, the type of injury) and how much pain tolerance you have.

I'm at about 5 miles per run, shooting for 3 runs per week right now. It is quite painful in the beginning of the run and the end of the run. I feel okay-enough during the middle of the run. This surgery has been a beeatch. (Surgery unrelated to running barefoot, more related to running shod, for those who don't know.) Since I have been at a standstill in my recovery for a number of weeks, I know I won't make my condition any worse.

With you, I would be concerned about recreating the problem on your good foot by favoring your weakened foot. When you do decide to run again, make sure you run balanced, step lightly, and keep your speed slow and distance short. Good luck, Zum.
 Zumba, if it was a break, 6

Zumba, if it was a break, 6 weeks is adequate time for the bone to heal, barring any issues (failure to lay bone, if calcium/vitamin D issues exist). Your foot should be able to handle anything your body is able fact, at the place where the break was, you will actually be stronger, as the bone will heal with MORE bone there than you had. Breaks are nice in that they do really only take 6 weeks to heal....sprains/strains on the other hand can take 6 months or more. I wouldn't worry so much about the bone, and just start slowly to bring the muscles/tendons of the foot off of their haitus. But they shouldn't be that "out of shape" after 6 weeks.

AND don't baby it too much....but DO pay attention to any "wrong" physical feelings there.
I'm optimistic, foot is

I'm optimistic, foot is already feeling better! Not good for doing anything but light hobbling around on, but the excrutiating pain I had earlier this week is dissipating.

TJ, I do have a pretty high tolerance for pain though don't usually like to pain myself or push through pain because to me it's indicative of something not right. kwim? Pushing through soreness yes, but if it's me I need to back off to avoid making matters worse. I didn't realize you were up to 5mi a pop now, that's awesome! Sorry it's stil painful for you though.

N3, that's reassuring that it will heal stronger. I feel fortunate to not be in a cast, I've been trying to stretch and lightly work the muscles in my foot when I don't have my foot all wrapped up.

Thanks for the tips!
Yeah, Zum!  You'll be healed

Yeah, Zum! You'll be healed in no time!

barefoot.zumba.runner said:
N3, that's reassuring that it will heal stronger.

yeah, the cracked area will get encased in a kind of hard coccoon. I still have three of these in my feet from when I ran HS X-Country.

Can't come up with any more ideas to speed your recovery, except maybe foot baths with alkaline salts (warm, not hot, and finish off with ice water), massage and manipulation as I showed in my video, to keep the blood flow up, but obviously not so violently as to actually interfere with the healing process.

And a little Yukon Jack is known to work wonders in some cases :D
uh oh, I might get myself

uh oh, I might get myself into some trouble with some Irish Whiskey :p

I'll have to try the foot bath, what's the idea behind alkaline foot bath? I've been doing some stretching and massage, and light exercise on that foot (curling and uncurling toes etc). I can't believe how good it feels today, I'm anxious to get back on the road.

Thanks folks!
 If you soak your feet in sea

If you soak your feet in sea water, they will be better after your shower....
would have to get to the sea

would have to get to the sea first :p

everything's better after a good hot shower, except the doesn't like hot
I think its a mistake to be

I think its a mistake to be planning a return so far in advance but like myself, I bet it's inherant to your nature. I also have a crazy high pain threshold and tried to return too soon much to my doctor's chagrin. Please, please, please take it slow and be careful.
Thanks Shacky, you're

Thanks Shacky, you're absolutely right. I've got the rest of my life to do this, no sense in neglecting sensibility and pushing out there too soon and end up pushing myself further back.

Karen, yeah it stinks but it could be much worse. 4.5weeks to go :) Love your avatar, did you make those? They're beautiful.
Zumba, we ALL loved Karen's

Zumba, we ALL loved Karen's avitar, it was in use on the old site long before your time.

It's been imortalized in the RWBF forum avitar hall of fame!

I'll be looking forward to

I'll be looking forward to pix. Do you just pick supplies up at the craft store and have at it? Is there a template you follow?
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Don't forget, the BRS is interested in displaying them for sale on our site...

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