Barefoot Halloween Contest Again This Year?


May 7, 2010
Is there any interest in a virtual Halloween contest this year like we had last year at RWOL?

I've included a copy of LPJ's original post from last year. Hopefully, with a bit more notice this year we'll get more participation. Feel free to suggest rule changes for this year. I think we added bonus points for race miles when we did this for the US Thanksgiving holiday. Discuss, debate and start planning those costumes!




This is LPJ's original post from last year...


Let's make Halloween a little more fun this year! The idea: Accumulate as many points as possible. Each person will be responsible for tabulating your own score. Scoring begins at 12am this morning (Saturday), ends at 12am tomorrow (Sunday) based on your local time zone. You receive points for each of the following:
  • Go trick-or-treating in costume barefoot = 10 points
  • Go trick-or-treating in costume in VFFs = 5 points
  • Picture evidence of either while trick-or-treating (must post pics) = 5 bonus points
  • Attend party/bar in costume barefoot = 10 points
  • Attend party/bar in in costume wearing VFFs = 5 points
  • Picture evidence of either at bar/party (must post pics) = 5 bonus points
  • Run barefoot = 2 points per mile (round all decimals down)
  • Run in VFFs = 1 point per mile (round all decimals down)
  • For each alcoholic beverage consumed = 1 point
No exceptions to point values. Don't live in a country that celebrates Halloween? Be a pioneer... start a new national holiday. Don't have kids? Work on that for next year. Don't have a costume? Guys can always dress as women, women can't go wrong with anything "slutty" (may also help solve the "kidless" problem). Don't know of a good party/bar? Move to a college town. No camera? Borrow one. Too cold to run BF? Stop being a p*ssy. Don't drink? You'd better start running to get those miles in!

All scores must be reported by 5pm Sunday. Don't forget the ending of Daylight Savings Time unless you're from Indiana.
Too cold to run BF?  Stop

Too cold to run BF? Stop being a p*ssy.

Best advice ever for all of you cold weather runners!

Let's do this one again. I'm in!
Aw, yes.  Missed those

Aw, yes. Missed those virtual competitions. (Is that what we meant when we advertised the BRS would have "friendly competitions?") Sure miss Jason's humor. He has become such a mega star, he has no time to be funny anymore.
I'm in, too bad one of my

I'm in, too bad one of my costumed races is scheduled for early November, but I won't cry over it

Should we have a sub competition for most scary/sexy/original? Do a couple poles and all that good stuff.
lol love it! Jason is so

lol love it! Jason is so eloquent:p

I'm all about dressing up! Now, to think of a costume. TJ, do remember some of those I'd sent your way earlier this year?? It's on folks! And since I don't teach any classes the day after Halloween, I may have to do my part in wracking up some good beverage points ;)
Cool!  Good to see some

Cool! Good to see some interest. I don't want to be the only one posting pictures again this year, so break out those cameras, folks!

Using Jason's rules from last year and adding bonus points for race miles, running in costume and posting race pictures, I suggest awarding points for the following...

  • 2 points per barefoot mile
  • 1 point per mile in minimal shoes
  • 1 bonus point for each mile in costume
  • 1 bonus point for each mile in a race
  • 5 bonus points for posting picture evidence
  • 10 points for trick-or-treating in costume barefoot
  • 5 points for trick-or-treating in costume in minimal shoes
  • 5 bonus points for posting picture evidence
  • 10 points for attending party/bar in costume barefoot
  • 5 points for attending party/bar in costume in minimal shoes
  • 1 point for each alcholic beverage consumed
  • 5 bonus points for posting picture evidence

If you have to ask whether your footwear choice counts as minimal, you're disqualified. If you have to ask if running in socks counts as minimal or barefoot, you're disqualified.

Winner earns bragging rights and can sport a cool new siggy declaring themselves winner of the 1st Annual BRS Halloween Contest.


KarenMcF, no, that doesn't

KarenMcF, no, that doesn't count. :( But it would count if you go Trick or Treating in VFFs through the hospital dressed in costume. I bet you might find a few patients willing to give out leftover hospital food. ;)


Good question, Abide. Considering most parties will be Saturday I'm open to stretching it over the whole weekend. You can accumulate mileage ponts (including bonus cosume/race points) and drink points all weekend. All other points are awarded once.

Contest Runs 12am Saturday morning (Oct 30), ends at 12am Monday morning (Nov 1) based on your local time zone. Results must be posted in the OFFICIAL 2010 BRS HALLOWEEN CONTEST thread (to be created) by 5pm Tuesday, Nov 2.

  • 2 points per barefoot mile*
  • 1 point per mile in minimal shoes*
  • 1 bonus point for each mile in costume*
  • 1 bonus point for each mile in a race*
  • 5 bonus points for posting picture evidence
  • 10 points for trick-or-treating in costume barefoot^
  • 5 points for trick-or-treating in costume in minimal shoes^
  • 5 bonus points for posting picture evidence
  • 10 points for attending party/bar in costume barefoot^
  • 5 points for attending party/bar in costume in minimal shoes^
  • 1 point for each alcholic beverage consumed*
  • 5 bonus points for posting picture evidence

* No limit -- accumulate points all weekend

^ One time points awarded for EITHER barefoot OR minimal shoes (no doubling up on point by arriving in VFFs and then going barefoot).


Oh, my!  This could get very

Oh, my! This could get very serious! I'm going for race points, trickertreat, boozing and posted pics. The hard part will be keeping score for myself. I might have to designate a personal point monitor.
 I have a minimal shoe

I have a minimal shoe question. I have a pair of sketchers shoes that I have removed the insole out of, they are very thin soled with no heel rise, if I wear them to a party do they count as minimal or do they have to be minimal run wear?

Also, can we get 5 bonus points for a barefoot/minimal race PR?
I'm in!  I got a sweet Betty

I'm in! I got a sweet Betty Rubble costume and I'm attending a 5K on Sunday!

Oh, and I have to ask... can I get some bonus points for a barefoot costume PR? I haven't run a 5K in about six months. While no one is ever guaranteed a PR, I'm running way faster than I've ever run in my life right now.

I got some Zigtechs and they got a hole in them. Are they minimalist shoes now?
How do you guys feel about

How do you guys feel about sending me a dollar for an entry fee, and I will purchase a BRS tech shirt with it, and the winner will get the shirt? Maybe we can do a Paypal thing, so you don't have to actually mail cash or a check. I would love to contribute out of my own pocket, but some renewal fees for the BRS are coming up, like the site hosting fee, the filing fees, taxes, and other stuff. Just a thought. Since this is our club (yours and mine), we can and will only contribute if and when we feel we have it to give; it will never be a mandatory thing.
Okay, when I hear back from

Okay, when I hear back from some of you to know we've got this covered, I'll get the details together. Thanks, Abide!
I'm IN!Tentative schedule

I'm IN!

Tentative schedule for Oct 31st:

8am: Marine Corps Marathon

1pm: Drinking at Bar in full running gear watching the Washington Redskins beat the Detroit Lions

5pm: Change into costume and stagger around Georgetown at more bars. Possible night in jail depending on my mood!

Bring on the points

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