Are VFFs "fashionable"?

Well, you know what they say

Well, you know what they say about fashion cycles. Here's a photo of what was popular in 1490. ;-)

I run barefoot, and when i go

I run barefoot, and when i go elsewhere (work, shopping, gym, outdoors in the winter, etc), I usually wear my Vibram Speeds (w/laces) or KSOs. I personally enjoy them, real comfortable and I feel beats conventional shoes when I need to wear something other than my feet. I also like some of the other styles theyre coming out with that dont look like just water shoes. Sure I get some stares or comments, doesnt bother me, I just look at it as a way of opening up conversations of barefoot/minimalist benefits. Hey, I feel to each his own.
VFF are definitly becoming

VFF are definitly becoming more mainstream.

Here in South Africa one of the big sport shops are starting to stock them (Sportmanswarehouse for those of you here in SA :) ) although not all the branches yet.

Up until now they were limited to a very few outlets.

Still a bit difficult for people that are not near any of the big cities. And no online sales.

I think they are going to be quite a fashion item one of these days!!
...when i first saw VFFs

...when i first saw VFFs about 2 years ago, i predicted that they'd be as ubiquitous as Crocs were in 2006 (or whenever) by 2012.

we're about halfway there... i see people in VFFs everywhere, especially in grocery stores.
Definitely on the rise, which

Definitely on the rise, which is good and bad. Good in that people who truly barefoot won't be thought of as being so weird, bad in that those who use them to run in can become injured because they are not fully aware that there are changes that must take place before they amp up their speed and mileage.
On the plus side more people

On the plus side more people who are new to running altogether might start picking them up. Then they are going to have to work to build their strength from the begining. Probably alot less likely to wind up doing TMTS than some of us that switched and got antsy.
New to running = less bad

New to running = less bad habits. :)
i think you guys are hating

i think you guys are hating on VFFs and ignoring what a HUGE POSITIVE PR tool the VFFs are for barefoot running. i wear my VFFs everywhere, they are NOT fashionable, i get weird looks and questions all the time. but thats the point. the first thing out of my mouth when people ask about them is "oh, have you read 'born to run?'" i make sure to psych them up about how healthy barefoot running is and that book. if they read that book they will get into it the same way i did. no one i know that has read that book doesnt get super into barefoot running. spread the word people. i love spreadin the gospel with my VFFs :)

smell: i live in florida, we wear boat shoes, VFF smell doesnt even come close to a pair of leather Sperrys. when i take my shoes off i wash my feet, and leave the shoes in the bathroom, by the front door, or garage, etc... smell isnt really an issue for me.
It's not hating on VFFs.  We

It's not hating on VFFs. We all respect how VFFs, spurred on by Barefoot Ted and BTR, have brought attention to barefoot running, healthier running. It's wishing the newcomers would take it slow and easy in them until they can build their distance and speed back up, gradually, as their bodies learn to adjust to the new way of running, so they don't get injured, tell someone they were running barefoot, when they were actually running with something on their feet, so BFR gets the bad rap. We just need to separate the realities, that's all.
Hahaha! Well, I'm a

Hahaha! Well, I'm a officially a hater. But, I also have webbed toes and find them very frustrating.


That being said, I still spread the BFR gospel to anyone who will listen. I've already converted 4 (almost 5) people who I NEVER thought would even bother. Two of them weren't even really runners to begin with but wanted to try BF just to get into running. So I think I've earned my bone to pick with VFFs.
I am definitely NOT a VFF

I am definitely NOT a VFF hater. I get way more comments & questions when running in VFFs than i do when running barefoot. (mostly people just shake their head when they see me running BF)

People are really interested in footwear & when they see something new or different, they want to know what it's all about. I have a good time telling them about my experiences running in them, which have been largely positive.

By the same token, outside of the realm of people who wear them mostly for running / hiking / boating, etc., VFFs have all the trappings of an emerging nerdy fashion fad / trend. My hope is that they'll go mainstream!
Okay, no bad habits

Okay, no bad habits then.

I'm seeing VFFs everywhere lately. I see people shopping in them around at some of the stores, and I'm even seeing a few people running in them around here. It's getting interesting.

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