Why do BFR hate VFFs so much?


Oct 28, 2011
I've noticed a lot, especially on Dailymile, that barefoot runners seem to have a strong disdain for VFFs. It seems they would rather go back to shoes then put some toe gloves on. I'm a VFF runner. What are your thoughts?
I think it's not quite fair to say, "barefoot runners seem to have a strong disdain for VFFs." Maybe some do, but not all.
I actually started barefooting, BF walking and BF running last summer/fall before I had VFF's. Didn't have the money at the time. But I saved up some and purchased a pair just to use whenever it was too cold for me. However the mild winter made them not necessary very much. Combine that with the fact that my feet are swimming in sweat after a short time (which is why I prefer BF in the first place), and to wear them with socks means I have to get REALLY expensive special socks, makes me not want to use them all that much.

I will wear them for running if it's below 40°F outside, or about 36° and bright sunshine. I also used to wear them more before I got a pair of Stems back in February. But now the Stems get daily use, and I haven't actually worn my VFF's in several weeks now.

I wouldn't say I HATE them, I just prefer full BF for various reasons. I would even say my Stems are more comfortable for casual wear, but I wouldn't run in the Stems.
I think it's not quite fair to say, "barefoot runners seem to have a strong disdain for VFFs." Maybe some do, but not all.
True I should have said "some" in my statement. I've been adding some BF runs into my training but haven't completely made the switch to BFR. One day I'd like to go completely barefoot but so far I've been running perfectly fine with my VFFs.
I think the biggest knock on vff's is that they don't fit everyone. I have long fat toes that don't fit. I would love to own a pair of kso's. Unfortunately in order to do that I would have to have them custom made for my feet and I don't even know if that is possible, let alone feasible cost wise. I'll just have to make do with my huaraches for now. I wish vff would make some models with slightly different foot shapes. I think this would boost sales for them as well as provide an option for those with different feet than their standard layout.
I don't think most barefoot runners feel that way. I mean most barefoot runners put something on their feet now and again, depending, and I'll wager VFFs are right at the top of that list.

Now some/most purists may have a problem with them, but then they would also have a problem with anything worn on the foot.
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Yah, they seem to be among the most popular minimalist shoes. But for cold weather running, it seems better to have your toes together in something like a SoftStar shoe, and those are easier to slip on and off if your feet get too cold or heat up. I guess for gravel or technical trails they might be handy, I wouldn't know. But for everything else, it's hard to see why you'd prefer to wrap your feet in rubber. I try not to be judgmental, but I just don't get it.
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I am a barefoot runner, and have 3 different pairs of Vibrams. I continue to have a love/ hate relationship with them. Being a barefoot runner, when I have to wear footwear and chose a pair of Vibrams, the restriction sucks. That comfort of running barefoot totally dissappears, and in no way it's not even 1% close as running barefoot. I agree with NickW what he said about fit.
i had sprints and loved them. then they tore open so i switched them for some kso. hated those. i seriously don't know why people like those. they were too tight across the top of my foot. my biks got too tight too so i gave them away. i put my TG's on today, first time since new years, they were tight. all this time bf and in sandals has made my feet wide and muscular.

it's not really a bad thing i don't fit in shoes now is it? i have no black tie affair in my near future.
Yeah my vote is toe pockets as well. I had a hard time with them for quite a while and have only recently signed a peace accord with my new seeyas.
I'm very fond of my Biks, and take them with me more often than I wear them. I find them just right as hand weights when I'm not sure where I'll be running, and like to slip into them for crushed stone or techincal stretches of trail if that's where I end up. I also have made peace with them as racing gear for longer road races. My feet fit into them just fine and, unlike Patrick, I've never noticed them to be sweat catchers.
To sum it up, I started out BF and still prefer BF, but find my Biks the right tool for some of my running.
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I think the biggest knock on vff's is that they don't fit everyone.

.... and for that reason, I hate my VFFs. (I got them free for running on the Lieberman treadmill.) For me, the VFFs have provided 10 new place to get blisters. I'm barefoot on roads, but will wear other minimalist shoes on trails and in the snow. I usually run road races barefoot unless it's super cold.

The whole barefoot versus VFF dynamic at races is a bit weird. I don't typically chat up the VFF wearers on my own, since I'm usually just trying to survive the corral (I'm short and get squished a lot). Sometimes, people in regular trainers will try to chat up the VFF wearers, and then it gets all awkward if they see me. Conversation typically goes like this:

Shod runner: So, how are you liking those VFFs?
VFF guy: They are great! I'm really tough because I run with no cushion, but they offer the protection I need for my soles.
Shod runner: Oh, hey - there's a barefoot girl! Doesn't that hurt your feet? Don't you need some protection?
Me: No, they are fine. See?
Shod runner: So, why don't you wear VFFs?
Me: I'm sorry, but why should I?
Shod runner: Don't your soles need protection?
Me: No, see? They are fine. I've run about 40 miles this week barefoot, and no problems.
Shod runner: So, VFF guy, why don't you run barefoot then?
VFF Guy: Uh, well, I, uh, glass?
Shod runner: Yeah, how often have you stepped on glass?
Me: It's not really a big deal. I've never had to miss a run because I stepped on glass.

And VFF guy is getting all embarrassed because I'm this mousy looking little lady and I don't need that "protection".
The other thing that I didn't see anyone mention - because VFFs limit your perception of the ground, they in the way of easy natural running form, and there is some evidence that there are more injuries with VFFs than regular shoes - because people more easily use poor form without realizing it, and don't have the protection of the cushioning in the bulkier shoes. Barefoot Ken Bob's book goes on and on about the hazards of VFFs.

I find that I get metatarsal pain when I wear VFFs, that doesn't happen when barefoot or in running sandals like the Lunas. So they aren't great for me...
.... and for that reason, I hate my VFFs. (I got them free for running on the Lieberman treadmill.) For me, the VFFs have provided 10 new place to get blisters. I'm barefoot on roads, but will wear other minimalist shoes on trails and in the snow. I usually run road races barefoot unless it's super cold.

The whole barefoot versus VFF dynamic at races is a bit weird. I don't typically chat up the VFF wearers on my own, since I'm usually just trying to survive the corral (I'm short and get squished a lot). Sometimes, people in regular trainers will try to chat up the VFF wearers, and then it gets all awkward if they see me. |

I run races in VFF's and my bro runs barefoot or in huaraches and I've noticed more people come over to him and chat him up because of his huaraches or BF. I guess VFFs are becoming more commonplace in races nowadays.
I don't have much good to say for Vibrams....I don't hate them but they very limited use for me. I still wear my KSO's once in awhile but I only use for spring or fall in between barefoot running and back to flat/min shoe running...only for transitioning... this spring I just skipped them all together. I have a long second toe on both feet and the Vibrams hurt this toe on long runs over 1o miles plus they are not warm in the winter and I can't really run any faster in them compared to barefoot so very limited use for me.

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