Definitive Gross Picture Thread

I've actually been getting

I've actually been getting them more lately, and I very much blame my mp3 player for that. I get into a song at the wrong cadence & end up blistered. Overstriding. Pushing off. This time I've really sobered up. I gave my Sansa player to my husband and told him to hide it. The need to listen to my feet & body is essential, I think.

I do all my running on pavement (sidewalks, some asphalt)...

My left foot is almost completely unblemished, it's my right foot - the one that I lead with - that tends to get out of control. I think more lifting will clear it up. This past month has been blister free until around the past 2 weeks (and we have had barefoot weather.) Blisters form just on the ball of my foot between my great toe and pointer toe, and lil tiny blisters on both of my ring toes.

Any thoughts?
 For the full story, see


For the full story, see this blog post at Story of a Barefoot Runner. . .

Short version - I kicked the foot of a metal construction sign leg.
I have no idea what my "lead"

I have no idea what my "lead" foot is? Should I start paying attention? No. That would drive me nuts. What do you mean by your lead foot? You really pay attention to what foot you lead with? I mean, after the second step, aren't both of your feet lead feet? Hee.

Maybe you are just getting back into the groove and reconditioning your skin now that you are running in different weather. Maybe the pavement has been too hot and caused you blisters? I think that happened to me the other day. It was 77 and the sun was sitting on the asphalt all day. It didn't feel terribly hot, just nice and warm, but I've heard others say they developed blisters under the same temps. It could be a combination of the heat and friction.
I remember that boo-boo,

I remember that boo-boo, Terry. Looks like a nice one! ;-)
all right you's

all right you's what running up and down (ok ok, so I couldn't actually RUN it because of these conditions) three mountains over 16 miles in torrential down pours, on a trail that had ankle deep mud in it everywhere....I slid going up and down the mountains...and filleted my feet...I know you are all green with envy!!!


I would have put shoes on the

I would have put shoes on the first slip and cut, but at least for the first time ever I know I can run further AND faster than you. So we all win!
Nasty, envious not

Nasty, envious not necessarily.
it wasn't a form

it wasn't a form was 16 miles in torrrential rains on trail that was completely covered in ankle deep mud...every step was a was a race over and down 3 mountains with near vertical grades in places....I walked most of was a day for F.A.T.....but even those with shoes were damagaged at the end...many loosing all 10 tonails, not to mention sprained/torn ankles and knees, etc. from all the slipping. I'm good to go except for the skin on the bottom of my feet ;-).
Jeez!  I'm surprised you have

Jeez! I'm surprised you have any skin left at all. You can probably graft some from your backside, which I'm guessing is nearly as tough.

Was that a Pretzel City race?

I hope you heal well and quickly.
Man you crack me up, JT!When

Man you crack me up, JT!

When I first saw this thread bumped, I was like, "Oh, goodie!" Then I opened it, and I was like, "OMGawd!" Still cool though, I mean for you, not if it were me. Ha!

BTW, at what point did you realize you were shredding your feet?
at mile the bottom of

at mile the bottom of the first mountain decline...JT, yeah, and my ass is getting tougher, as I'm having to scoot around on it to get from my chair to the bathroom LOL....not pretzel city...the Hyner Challenge is a part of PATrailDogs I think....going up the mountains, I had to use my hands as much as my feet...I litterally could not get good footing....and going down was like being on an ice slick, except with iceslicks, there aren't rocks under it...this kind of trail, I usually really love, there was nothing on it that I don't run regularly (except the HUGE slope gradient)....but it was impossible to run on this mud for's a picture of the mud....pretty much the entire 16 miles was like this:

Nate, you've taken the gross

Nate, you've taken the gross picture thread to the next level. Congratulations... uh, I think. :sick:
thanks Josh LOL....yeah,

thanks Josh LOL....yeah, pretty sure my form is good...I've not had any problems at all and I've been running on this type of terrain as well as roads...last weekend I did 20 road miles on the course of my upcoming marathon(which, now I'm going to have to bail on, it's in two weeks LoL), and my feet were fantastic for it. This race couldn't be considered a run for me...I barely ran at all...I was slipping just trying to walk...and in many places, slipping just legs don't feel like they got a work out at all :-D.
Hey Nate,I was just

Hey Nate,

I was just realizing that your foot gore is a pretty cool experiment and valuable to our collective knowledge.

Please let us know how the healing goes. I'm curious to know if you will be really back to square one like a full on rookie BF'er or if all the time you spend barefoot has enabled you with super powers in terms of capacity to grow thick protective pads? That doesn't make much sense to me as far as my understanding of biology and regenerative dynamics but intuitively I'm guessing you will heal and be back with your habitual pads in short order. I hope so any way.
I'm hoping they'll grow back

I'm hoping they'll grow back thicker and stronger :)...or if not, that they will condition back up my experience with other body parts, that seems to be the case...done a lot of iron-body training with my MA practice over the last decade, and except for ligamental stuff....bone and skin seems to heal pretty quick and strong....but I plan on keeping you all is hurting like a mo-fo tonight though ;)
I bet taking a bath is

I bet taking a bath is pleasant.
Hurting like a mo-fo is

Hurting like a mo-fo is always good for laughs right? And yeah TJ, a nice hot bath sounds perfect on exposed flesh. :tired:

In all seriosity Nate, what is iron-body training?
I did get a bath today...kept

I did get a bath today...kept the feet out of it LOL...iron body training is condtioning of various parts of the body that we do in kung fu....banging forearms and shins on steel poles, condtioning hands and feet to be able to both recieve and give blows....done on the torso too, hitting abs, traps, chest, lats, etc....taking full kicks into the thighs and legs, that sort of thing. At first you get brusies, etc....after a while though, no bruises and no damage, you can take quite a bit of force....the skin, muscles, and bones get stronger, blood circulation is better, healing is better, etc. It doesn't happen over night, it takes years of consitency, like barefoot running ;-).

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