Mileage Reporting 44th week 2013

So good to be back to my bare feet.

Yesterday - 3 mile walk - soft tilled ground with debris to condition the arches. A good foot massage.

Today - 7 miles. Very easy run. First 2 miles sub-freezing temp. Rough conditions with a cold front coming through and 60 mph winds stripping away all the soft dirt 2 days ago. My choice was gravel or field stubble. I mostly chose the field stubble with occasional run-able dirt.

Excuse my narcissism, but a 3 day recovery after a rugged Ultra distance! I continue to be impressed with my progress considering 3 years ago a half marathon would put me out for a week and 2 years ago to last year a marathon or even a 20 miler might put me out for 1 to 2 weeks. Have I finally figured things out? Hopefully not just a fluke. Thanks for letting me pat myself on my back. Ego deflating now.:)
For me, that's what it's all about. Cheering each other on, learning and gaining inspiration from each other. Congrats on your progress Rick!
Trying to get back to it after some last luster weeks. Have run for the last 3 days (been a while since I have been on a streak so to speak). 5.4 miles on Monday including 2 km barefoot at -7 degrees, 3.5 miles last night barefoot at -7 degrees and another 3.5 barefoot miles at lunch today at a balmy 3 degrees. Still none of the white stuff, thus no crazy salt and chemicals on the trails and roads, runners bliss.

Still trying to recover my left ankle and right knee (little niggles) from my crazy miles ran at the beginning of the month, hopefully they go away soon so I can start increasing my mileage again.
Excuse my narcissism, but a 3 day recovery after a rugged Ultra distance! I continue to be impressed with my progress considering 3 years ago a half marathon would put me out for a week and 2 years ago to last year a marathon or even a 20 miler might put me out for 1 to 2 weeks. Have I finally figured things out? Hopefully not just a fluke. Thanks for letting me pat myself on my back. Ego deflating now.:)

Ain't it amazing how the more you practice the easier it gets :p
Today was supposed to be interval day, I decided to do it slightly differently, I ran 45' at a reasonable tempo (5'30"/km) and then added 5 x 2'/1' intervals, just wanted something a bit more exciting than just doing laps around my local park...

Quite happy, and my feet are holding it real good ! Just passed the 1600km/1000mi for the year !!! Currently on target to reach 2000km. I think I have never run that much, not to say without serious injury, and still happy to get out there !!!
Still none of the white stuff, thus no crazy salt and chemicals on the trails and roads, runners bliss.
Haha, Winter Challenge, barely squeezed in a qualifying run-commute today at 42 F WC. Felt a little colder than that because of the light drizzle and wet pavement. Now I'm hoping for some windchill this afternoon to make my mezzo run in high 40s temps qualify. It's so perverse to wish for colder conditions, but that's the Winter Challenge for you. When it begins to get cold in earnest, I'll have to start avoiding routes with sidewalks, and I may lose my river routes when they start salting them. But I guess I would've done that anyway, because I hate running with shoes! Don't I? Man, I guess it would be nice not to deal with pointy rocks jabbing my mets for a while . . .

Yesterday, besides the usual run-commutes, I did my Back ST. My cooties were making a comeback (thanks again Sced!), so I just did pulldowns--neutral grip, straight bar, and chin-ups. Good pump. This is turning out to be a strange week, strengthtraining-wise, where I just focus on a few exercises and do a lot of extra sets. Good to change things up once in a while I guess.

Yesterday, really tight lower leg and achy feet. Took several rolling/massaging/stretching sessions to work out the kinks. Even had to break out the electric massager for a thorough going-over. It's a constant battle to stay proactive, and not slip into a reactive stance. Last week during my Sced-inspired, cootie-induced break from running, I didn't do much of anything as far as maintenance goes.

Quite happy, and my feet are holding it real good ! Just passed the 1600km/1000mi for the year !!! Currently on target to reach 2000km. I think I have never run that much, not to say without serious injury, and still happy to get out there !!!
Great Mileage Andy, congratulations! I'm hoping to squeeze by the 1000-mile mark this year, for the first time. After a slow start the first six months, things have been humming along lately, so it should be possible. My original goal was 2013 kilometers, but that won't be happening. The ITBS ogre kept grabbing my shorts from behind, impeding progress, until he finally lost his grip some time around spring.

Hey, I forgot to mention, Pete Kemme has an excellent listing of functional fitness exercises you might want to check out:
I just remembered that it was 4 years ago today that I did my last long run in prep for a marathon. Ran about 20.5 miles, running 10 minutes at a time and then taking 1 minute walk intervals. I was wearing Brooks Adrenaline running shoes. Had a little fade towards the end, but overall it was a strong run. The weather was somewhat like today's weather, but a bit more rain then than there is today. Also windier. I felt really good that and was at a good time in my life. Then came 2010 and some things fall apart. It's been a long crawl, walk, and now run back. I'm very glad to have found how good-feeling and expressive barefoot running can be.

There is just something quite powerful and primal about feeling yourself running soles to ground. I never realized how alive it can make a person feel, not until I actually did it.

So far the longest I've gone barefooting a run is 6.56 miles or so. Depending on the feet, weather, and opportunity, I can probably be ready to break the 10-mile mark sometime next year.
:D Okay, he rode on his next to me. I position the machines so that mine is always just ahead of his...

LOL, that made me laugh so much I almost fell out of my chair. Got to love the compeditiveness (where is spellcheck when you need it) of that. Positioned the spin bike just in front, hilarious.
No running to report, haven't been keeping up with the forum here...been working straight thru the last 2 weeks with not much time for anything....only have played tennis a few times since.

I did some experimenting with barefoot, vibrams and minshod-court shoes for tennis. Barefoot wins out for sure for the first hour of play...more agile and faster sprinting around until big toe blisters start in...its odd I get no abrasion what so ever anywhere else on my feet.

Vibrams do better than the court shoes the best for me is to stay barefoot until i feel the abrasion on my big toes then either slow down a bit or switch to Vibrams... this strategy really works well as I'm able to out hustle the guys I'm playing against. A couple of times the other tennis players on the courts next to me stop and watch me run around the court and commented they can't believe how fast i'm getting around without shoes. There is a sign at the entrance to the the tennis courts that says only tennis shoes allowed...i guess I'm breaking the rules.

My tennis fooling around will be over soon and my work schedule will be changing again in a few weeks so I'll be re-arranging how i fit normal running back in again...i'm kinda in running limbo right now. I have an off weekend from work coming up so hopefully i can get some running in .
8 miles slight drizzle just enough to barely wet the ground.
8.6km or 5 and a bit miles on the beach this morning. Quite sluggish, I'm putting it down to a a few things - I played basketball at 10 PM on Wednesday night and it messed up my sleep for two nights, and I had far too much ready access to chocolate and lollies on Halloween. Worse still, the tide came in a little on the way back and I almost got 'bogged' a few times. Worse again, we just had a donut morning tea for charity and I ate three little ones with no guilt.

Let's just write today off, shall we?