Why do I think I need to do a full marathon now?

Barefoot TJ wrote:Abide, I

Barefoot TJ said:
Abide, I can virtually handle anything! I'M IN! Which one are we running?

We can do this one :) I'm assuming the PF is virtually gone...hehe


But honestly anyone who wants to run a Jan marathon, this one is great. It's real flat and the weather is perfect for running barefoot in January here. Come join us...well me and maybe Mark and Duck.
Ok, thought for sure you guys

Ok, thought for sure you guys would be talking me out of this.

SP, you may be on to something wtih the seed you planted a while back. Dama, girl! Come on up, it'll be a big ol BRS partay!

TJ...lmbo, love the Smoosh!

One thing that I was a little concerned about was maybe too much cross training? Will I burn out with still teaching 6-7classes a week and running 3 days with the distance in there? As of now I feel strong, but my long runs are barely in the double digits. Ta hell with it, caution to the wind. Live a little right? It's on!
I'll virtually fly out there,

I'll virtually fly out there, and virtually meet you. Then in my honor, since I can't run worth a crap right now, or ever for that matter, you can carry a virtual picture of me in your pocket on your iPhone. Hee.
Oh, just be sure to pick me

Oh, just be sure to pick me up a shirt.

barefoot.zumba.runner said:
Ok, thought for sure you guys would be talking me out of this.

SP, you may be on to something wtih the seed you planted a while back. Dama, girl! Come on up, it'll be a big ol BRS partay!

TJ...lmbo, love the Smoosh!

One thing that I was a little concerned about was maybe too much cross training? Will I burn out with still teaching 6-7classes a week and running 3 days with the distance in there? As of now I feel strong, but my long runs are barely in the double digits. Ta hell with it, caution to the wind. Live a little right? It's on!

Just do an easy class when you are tired, with a lot of stretching.

You will probably get tired of doing it all once in a while, but you are going to get tired in the marathon too, so it will be good training.
And then email me back a

And then email me back a picture of my tee shirt. ;-)
Zum, you're doing really well

Zum, you're doing really well with the 3 runs a week because your crosstraining is really vigorous. All you really need mileage wise in order to do well in my opinion are three runs, as long as you do the right kinds. One long run, one speedwork, and one mid-distance easier run should suffice
saypay45 wrote:All you really

saypay45 said:
All you really need mileage wise in order to do well in my opinion are three runs, as long as you do the right kinds. One long run, one speedwork, and one mid-distance easier run should suffice

This pretty much sums up my training.
Zum! Run when it's

Zum! Run when it's fun...You'll get there when you are ready. I threw caution to the wind and wan't sure about running one even 6 weeks out. But now I think I am ready. You'll be there soon.

Abide...Miami in January? I'm thinking about it as long as Snowmagedon II doesn't hit DC in Dec/Jan.
lmao TJ, send me a real pic

lmao TJ, send me a real pic and I'll bring you along in my sweaty pocket:p You are so in on this it isn't funny!

Thanks for the motivation/words of wisdom all, I think I can handle a full and am really getting amped up about it with all of this talk. Let's keep the momentum going with a May Marathon chat thread, maybe in mileage forum?

SP, you are such a good advocate of mine. If SP can do it, so can I;) We'll be working out a bunch of long runs together I'm thinking. I'm cool with that. We can meet earlier than our group runs, or run later. It'll be good motivation for both of us I think.

So, now drunk on wine, I'm pretty confident I can run an ultra marathon tomorrow. This is going to be a fun adventure, thanks all! Look forward to sharing the experience with you...ok before I get too mushy :party:
For the people saying screw

For the people saying screw training for a marathon, that is ridiculous. You don't need to follow a set plan from a book or online, but you need some kind of training plan. Usually it's people who haven't ran a marathon that have that attitude, you have to respect the marathon distance. I have witnessed and heard from people that went into a marathon with no training, two things happened they DNF'ed, and know have no desire to ever try to run a marathon again.

The best advice that I got is make your first experience a good one, don't worry about time, just put your training in and complete a marathon. You learn alot from your first marathon.

I was going to do my second one this past september but I as well am in school at nights, and our second baby was born in June. I said forget it.

I plan on doing my second marathon in May, the New Jersey Marathon, then another one in Oct. which is Hartford CT.

Zumba, a May marathon is possible, I would just drop maybe the dance classes, or something else so you can train.
 I think that running three

I think that running three quality runs per week is enough. I think that more than that may be too much for most anyone. So many of my bloggie buddies are getting injured in the midst of their marathon training plans. Some can do it but with my busy life I just can't seem to recover fast enough to add more.

The long run is the important one and doing marathon distance at least once in training is powerful for the mental aspect of the race. There is no time in the race when I doubted my ability to go the distance.

I didn't train well for my first marathon 12 years ago. In turn, I hated running for a few years after and didn't get back to running until 2.5 years ago and not had success until going barefoot a year and a half ago.

I think with your fitness you could totally do one! I ran maybe 40 mile weeks a few times over the summer but that was not so much for training but because I like to run :)
Will be running the Calgary

Will be running the Calgary Marathon May 29.

This be my fifth marathon, first barefoot.

I intent to enjoy the running all winter with 5, 8, 10, & occasional 15km runs ~4 times a week. More focus on speed work over the winter. Then ~8 weeks out from the race will start doing 2 - 5k runs and one long run/week. The mileage stays about the same just more weight is put on the endurance runs in the last 8 weeks. In the last phase I get more disciplined with rest time. With more focus on rest in the last 8 weeks the chance of injury in reduced. I try to be well rested for the long runs.

With this plan the idea is to get fast then put endurance on speed.

And since to seems very difficult to have the form to do speed work that is where most of my time will be spent.

Should be interesting to follow the training over the winter.

Angie i think you are right you can get by with 3 - 4 runs a week

Time management is the key.

With running at noon at work my wife hardly notices my marathon training.

Zumba just slip in the training when you can. Then plan for some long stuff at the end.

Do able but up to you

Thanks for your input

Thanks for your input guys.

Adam I agree, can't totally screw the training (basically what I meant was continue to do what Im' doing and start throwing in some longer runs...adding a mile a week or two. I will probably follow the training schedule I posted, with flexibility. Not sure I can ditch too many of the dance (that's my job) without it hurting our monthly income. I think that both Zumba and Belly Dance Fitness are good compliments to running, they are excellent for the core and Zumba is awesome cardio, ( the Ab Attack/Core strength classes I teach also good for core strength. The bonus is that I get my cross training in AND get paid for it ;) ). I will, however, probably have to bring my own intensity level down when teaching some days and encourage the students to rely on their own energy..not mine so much.

So really the only thing that I have to work at incorporating into my schedule is the runs. I plan to do a short (5mi) once a week, mid (6-9) once a week and long (I'm at 10mi now and will just build from there).

Barker, another virtual training buddy! My running schedule will resemble yours over the winter (I've got a half marathon or two in there too in Feb...maybe Jan too).

Ang, how are those legs/feet feelin? I agree with you on getting the marathon distance in before the race, some do it some don't. I like to. When starting to train for my first half marathons I always liked to go a mile over the half distance, just to become comfortable with the distance.
Two things:1) Smoosh!2) I'm

Two things:

1) Smoosh!

2) I'm planning my first marathon for the end of April. So I'd be happy to get in on this virtual training partners deal. Honestly, I'm not worried about working up to the distance and expect the long runs will mostly grow on their own, but we'll see. I'm with SP...gonna run how I feel and if the distance isn't happening, maybe I will wait for the North Country marathon in August.
Glad to have you as part of

Glad to have you as part of the virtual team Art!

SP, I woke up and thought "shit, what did I post last night??" :p never forgotten you BRS buddies
Angie:  fantastic job on the

Angie: fantastic job on the marathon!

I have been running 3 days a week for years, but during my first marathon training I was following a schedule that had me running 4 days per week. Working full time, family and being in school full time i started to feel the 4 days beat me down, 6 weeks before the marathon I injured myself. Achillles problem and an IT band issue. I still ran the marathon but was in pain from mile 15 and on.

My point is for my next marathon I will train on 3 days a week, I know my body and I do very well with rest. Plus my life is even more busier so 3 days will fit that as well.

I really think 3 quality runs is sufficiant enough, now if you mention this training in the marathon section of the RW site you will get bashed. But people are all different. If you are out to run a sub 3 marathon, of course you will have to run more days and increase training.

Zumba: I didn't know dance was your job! What a great job to have, and yes you can't drop that.
Zumba, one recomendation from

Zumba, one recomendation from me about training. I felt woefully unprepared for the marathons I have run while following a training plan. After 18 miles i just crashed on them all. My recommendation would be to do a couple longer than 20 mile runs. Not sure if it will help more, but it can't hurt.