When will it end?


May 13, 2010
The SOB known as TOFP. It's back strong but on my other foot now. It goes from one foot then slowly fades and as soon as that is gone I get this shooting pain on the other foot and then it takes like two months to go away. Then behold the other foot flares up again. This is now the 4th time my left foot has felt this way, and the right just got over the 3rd occurence.

What the hell is wrong with me? I didn't change anything. No increase in mileage, no change in cross trianing, nothing?
Thanks Jschwab, and I hope

Thanks Jschwab, and I hope you never get it.

I tried a funny experiment tonight. I put on an old pair of trainers that I used when I shovel in the garden. It actually made it feel better especially when walking.
Abide wrote:Thanks Jschwab,

Abide said:
Thanks Jschwab, and I hope you never get it.

I tried a funny experiment tonight. I put on an old pair of trainers that I used when I shovel in the garden. It actually made it feel better especially when walking.

My podiatrist said if you have high arches (which I do), it can contribute to TOFP or make you more prone to get it when you are running barefoot. One thing to do to help it heal is to use arch supports in your shoes. Of course this kind of negates any barefoot training, but the goal here is to get back healthy and go from there. Calf stretching is also important.
Thanks, I have read his ideas

Thanks, I have read his ideas and do use them almost daily. I just wish I could figure out how to prevent it in the first place?

The shoes do take some of the pressure off, but they irritate the hell out of the rest of my foot. Maybe I'll just take a week off from running.
OK here is another question,

OK here is another question, why would running in vff's be the culprit? Every time I have gotten TOFP it was in vff's. I didn't run faster or longer than I do barefoot, so could it be a form issue with them?
I've found that my form is

I've found that my form is slightly different in vffs compared to barefoot. There's enough of a difference that I had some TOFP this spring when I couldn't run bare. It might be the same in your case.
Perhaps its the Velcro

Perhaps its the Velcro strap.

My form completely changes when I run with something (even socks) on my feet. I'm not a good runner. I'm not a graceful runner. And when I run with something on my feet, I don't bend my knees as much (intuitively), and I heel strike. You'd think that by now, I would have this form thing down pat and be able to move from one to the other, but I can't. All I do know is that when I run barefoot, I am not being injured by it.
Yeah I think that about

Yeah I think that about myself too. The hard part is I have to wear them in the Y so if I am going to do any type of a running workout there I have to use them. It's not too often that I do run in them, maybe once a week for about a mile, but even that little bit wreaks havoc.

Oh well, it's feeling a little better I'm going to get back at it in the morning...barefoot.

I leave the strap real loose already, Although maybe the fabric causes the same issues? Too bad I didn't get the sprints.
Alright I have a new theory.

Alright I have a new theory. Here it goes.

Since I have been barefooting it, I believe my foot strength has rapidly dimished/shifted. Contrary to what I thought, my foot seems like it is good at absorbing a shock, but terrible at applying a force. So when I actually try to push off, such as when I do box jumps or fast sprints, I hurt my feet.

So I am going to focus on rebuilding that "push off" strength in my feet to see if that helps condition them for both bf running and jumping.

Any thoughts?
I had real form problem with

I had real form problem with KSO's - the half sole at the midfoot and the sucked in superarch killed me and I ended up overpronating as much in those as in regular running shoes. I was also really bothered by the heel strap. I recently tired Bikila's and they flattened that out and made the sole go across the whole foot, so I'm hoping they work better for me.
No thoughts on your box

No thoughts on your box jumps...

But mild - and I do mean mild - TOFP is my best friend. I've been at this nearly a year, and very often when I run faster or farther, it comes back. The exercises TJ links to have been helpful. The other thing that has been helpful for me is wearing ankle compression sleeves to bed. You can pick some up at the pharmacy - they are the elastic "ankle braces". Except, slide them down so only the toe sticks out and the "heel" part is under your arch.

Good luck!
Abide wrote:OK here is

Abide said:
OK here is another question, why would running in vff's be the culprit? Every time I have gotten TOFP it was in vff's. I didn't run faster or longer than I do barefoot, so could it be a form issue with them?

I don't know, but very shortly after starting to run in VFFs, I started dealing with IT Band issues. VFFs just encourage a form issue for me, I think. I'm back to just running in socks when the roads get to be too much for my bare feet, and my leg/knee is much happier.

Don't know what that means for me this winter, though.
I'm one of those people that

I'm one of those people that has to agree that there is a difference in form when covering my feet. Even VFF. It's not always bad, but it is different. The reason I'll wear my VFF is because the road is too rough (lot of chip seal around here). They give my feet protection, which in turn, allow me to land harder and not pay as close attention. That isn't a good thing (for me).
 think of your feet the same

think of your feet the same as your hands. do you handle things differently or feel things differently when wearing gloves as opposed to not? you should all answer yes because the gloves force you to do so. anything between your foot and the ground will change the way you receive the ground and the feedback from your footfall. so yes running in vffs will almost automatically change your form. for most people it's negligible enough for it to go unnoticed and for the rest of you it will cause issues.

Abide your theories of foot strength have great merit. Being able to absorb the shock of a footfall and being able to drive force through the muscles are two different processes. If you are asking your muscles to be able to perform both then you need to train for both. It's the same as a sprinter who also wants to run distance...gotta train for both.
Abide... you mentioned that

Abide... you mentioned that you run at the Y with shoes , I ran at the Y in Barefoot then I read the rules sign "Shoes must be worn at all times" but no one has said anything to me yet......The Y's track is real nice to run BF on....
I ran at my Y with socks many

I ran at my Y with socks many times. Usually none of the trainers would say anything but last month that guy refused to let me on the track without shoes :-(

Then another trainer told me it was great that I practice running barefoot but said that the policy about shoes what probably to reduce the spread of athlete foot (from shod people deciding to take off their sweaty shoes after their workout and walk on the track). But he said that huaraches would be acceptable.

I guess what is acceptable varies with each person's interpretation of the rules.

I don't want to argue everytime I need to run and take with me all the options of minimal footwear to please whoever is on duty that day so I try to do most of my runs outside but using the track would be useful on rainy days (and our Y has free babysitting for my kids).

Maybe I need to talk to someone in charge and get a clear statement regarding what is acceptable.
The athletes foot argument is

The athletes foot argument is bogus, just tell them they let the yoga classes go barefoot and it isn't any different. They'll probably start the insurance policy argument then.

Well here is the whole story, if I am going to run I do it outside. However sometimes the workouts I do include running and lifting so I am sometimes forced to run on the treadmill. They actually don't like it when I lift barefoot, no ones ever said anything about running though hmmm? But I have gotten busted for flip flops and VFF's, and had to talk to the excutive director to get the VFF's cleared.

Jimmy that makes complete sense about feedback and strength. Thanks for the input

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