Weight lifting and running


Dec 22, 2010
Do any of you also lift weights?

I am currently not running due to cold weather so I am lifting weights. Last year I lifted and ran on alternate days. This year I am thinknig about training for some races (not expecting to win, just to finish) and wonder if I should lift weights when running 25 + miles per week.

When I was in the Army, no one really lifted and ran. You either were a runner or a lifter. Neither the two shall meet. /build2/sites/all/modules/smileys/packs/Roving/bigsmile.png

What is the current thinking about mixing the two?
I always do both, and on the

I always do both, and on the same day.

This book has a good section on weight training and running.

i do both. i don't spend

i do both. i don't spend hours at the gym. i get in and get out. i do all compound exercises to maximize my workout. i have good results and it warms me up for a run which if i have time i'll do after.

Welcome, Mac!

Welcome, Mac!
I used to do traditional

I used to do traditional lifts/movements (bodybuilding and olympic type lifts) when I was deployed because that is all that we could do. Now in our PT we incorporate crossfit exercises almost everyday and not to much traditional lifting. After work I usually go for another run (barefoot) but havent been lately due to an injury.

When I did traditional lifts I got to big for my own good (almost 30lbs bigger then I am now) and while I was really strong and muscular, I was horrible at everything else fitness related. I am staying with crossfit type exercises/workouts and running 1 or 2 times a day. I stay strong, but not bulky which helps me at my job
 I lift/workout as well...

I lift/workout as well... Not for size, mostly core stuff and lower weight - higher rep exercises. I think it has helped me tremendously all around. 2 days a week it is on run days, 2 days a week it is on non-run days... At least, that was before I switched to BF exclusively, now my running schedule is more of a fluid schedule (depending on my feet)...but it is still pretty close to that.
Hi Mac,I've been running and

Hi Mac,

I've been running and lifting weights for nearly 25 years now and can't think of not doing one or the other. When I was in my late teens I was just a runner so had good legs but skinny shoulders.

I feel doing both keeps me much more balanced, I don't want to look like a skinny greyhound runner. My weight peaked probably about 10 years ago at around 80kg when I was doing more weights than running, now I'm much more balanced my weight is around 73kg. When I was running marathons at around 22 my weight was around 65kg

The running is good because it burns fat and improves your cardio and the weights are good for balancing top and bottom.

Barfoot running of course is the best because it improves balance and works all those muscles that don't get worked when you are in supportive shoes.

I remember doing lunges for the first time in very thin shoes (gym policy is that you have to wear shoes boo) I could hardly balance at all, now I don't even think about it.

Ive tried both separately and

Ive tried both separately and together and have found that a good combination is the best. I usually let running take priority, but lifting (not necessarily in the gym, just heavy objects works just as well, or even push-ups/pull-ups) definitely helps you maximize your fitness. so go with both and just have fun with it. if its a lifting day and you feel like running then run, if its the other way around then just roll with it. Its all about having fun.
 Nothing new to add, I do

Nothing new to add, I do both. I've actually got a trifecta of running, lifting, and cycling. I'll variously ramp up one activity to take a little physical and mental recovery from the other two. For lifting, I like complex movements with heavier (for me) weights. Things like snatches, man-makers www.youtube.com/watch, etc.
Man maker = burpee(kind

Man maker = burpee(kind of)>push up/row>squat>clean>shoulder press. repeat

It's just a combination movement. That someone picked a bad name to call it. You can call it whatever you wish, and make up your own combinations. Sky is the limit in combination options.....
I'm surprised you haven't

I'm surprised you haven't plugged Crossfit yet Abide. If you won't, I will. I do a fair amount of Crossfit, which is just high intensity interval training. It's a good workout for a runner, because the interval training actually improves your stamina while giving you a good strength training workout.


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