Weekly Mileage 5th week of 2012

An easy 4.8 miles to start off the week.
Did my 1 miler of course.

Did my 1 miler of course. Same thing all week. I considered shutting it down to totally rest the knee but then I just obsess over its condition and this gives me a measure of how it is feeling. I used the mile to tinker with form and such. Also listening to The Great Divorce on itunes. Should finish it during my runs this week. Pretty interesting stuff.
3.1 Barefoot at

3.1 Barefoot at Lunch

Another perfect 60-deg sunny day. Yes, my posts do get a little repetative.
Monday - 2 miles(1 mile

Monday - 2 miles

(1 mile running, 1 mile walking)


Last year I tried a low heart rate training approach. Having experienced several injuries (TMTS) in my first 1.5 years of running, my goal for last year was just to get through an entire year of running without injury. To that end I was successful! But I was inconsistent with my training so I never really got the full benefits of LHRT and I went from being a slow runner to an even slower walk/runner.

New year, new approach.

This year I want to turn up the heat a bit and see if I can run stronger and faster while remaining injury free. With 2.5 years of BFR behind me I think I might have finally got the hang of running easy. Now I want to work on running strong and easy.

My plan is this. I'm going to do less running (at first) but run harder. I'm going to add to that mileage by doing as much additional walking as I can. For the running I'm going to follow the C25K program with a focus on running as strong as I can during the run segments. Today was the second day of C25K and so far so good. My run segments have averaged in the 8:50mm range which is wicked fast for a slow-poke like me. (My typical run pace last year was >11mm.)


Did a "modified" run of 9.85

Did a "modified" run of 9.85 miles to the bank this afternoon.
Three trips through the house

Three trips through the house yesterday! Made myself a quick dinner. Still feeling electrical shocks, but they seem less and less each time. Developing some other weird foot pain, probably from not being able to control my steps/altered gait. On my feet for more than five minutes this time! Hurts after that, but I'm sure I will improve.
2 miles today, 1.6 walking

2 miles today, 1.6 walking and 0.4 running as usual. But I had to stop back by the office after the 1st mile because I picked up a tiny shard of something in my heel that was fairly painful. Not sure if it was a piece of asphalt, or piece of tree bark or what. This one sidewalk area where I walk had a couple of large limbs lying across it so who knows.

Pretty surprising that it was that painful despite pretty thick plantar skin around the heel that I thought was pretty tough.
1.72 mile run and .5 mile

1.72 mile run and .5 mile walk. Januarys total is 28.9 miles, Barefoot = 16.32, Minimalist = 12.58. These numbers are with almost exactly 3 weeks off due to injury. Hopefully I can stay on the mend and not have any more injuries this year.
Just got back from an

Just got back from an after-lunch 7.52 mile run to wrap up 168.22 miles for the month of January.

Very interesting, I ran 160.74 miles for the month of January, 2011, in the same amount of days, which was 23.
3.0 Barefoot at Lunch Did I

3.0 Barefoot at Lunch

Did I ever mention how nice 'Vegas weather is in the winter? 60-degrees and sunny (again).
chad1376 wrote:3.0 Barefoot

chad1376 said:
3.0 Barefoot at Lunch

Did I ever mention how nice 'Vegas weather is in the winter? 60-degrees and sunny (again).

68-70 and sunny here in the Memphis area... booyah!! :p
I spent dinner with my family

I spent dinner with my family at the table for the first time in weeks. I finally felt I was able to get up and walk that far and have my feet dangle from the chair. I've been having to keep them elevated to lessen the pain. I have to walk in my old "comfy" crocs though, since walking barefoot is really painful. The nerves, or what's left of them, fire like electrical shocks, some stronger than others depending on how heavy I step. I'm doing better day by day, or sleep by sleep, but I can't place the ball of my left foot, the one that was done first, down on the ground, but the right one, the one that was done 11 days later can take some weight on the ball. Very strange. It's like it's broken. It's not so much a pain factor that is preventing me from doing so, but it seems like it is mechanically damaged somehow.
Nothing for me so far this

Nothing for me so far this week, getting ready for Saturday!!!
