VIVOBAREFOOT Coaching Program - Now Accepting Participants

Barefoot TJ

Staff member
Mar 5, 2010
Just assimilating the information:

All questions can be directed to Michelle Hinsvark at to register for an upcoming course:

26th October – 30th October, 9:00AM – 5:00PM

Pura Vida Fitness and Spa| 2955 East 1st Avenue, Suite 200| Denver CO 80206 USA

"Out of any fitness certification program available to the public, the VIVOBAREFOOT Certified Coaching program is the most thorough, organized, interactive, and fun course today. As a former Special Operations soldier, CrossFit Coach, and business owner, I found the 5-day course to cover an enormous amount of material, both in terms of science and the principles of effective coaching. Lee Saxby's wealth of knowledge and amicable demeanor facilitated a wonderful learning environment, coupled with a comprehensive written and practical exam ensuring an adherence to high standards. I have now successfully held over 15 VIVOBAREFOOT Running Clinics in just 3 short months, and anticipate many more. Having attended alternative running certifications before, I will attest that the VIVOBAREFOOT Certified Coaching Program is the premier running certification program today."

-Andrew Wallace

Owner, Upstream Fitness

Please visit http://trainingclinic.vivobarefoot for more information.

*As described by Chris McDougall, Author of Born to Run
I was like, "Cool!", and then

I was like, "Cool!", and then I saw the price. $3,000 to teach me to run without shoes...the way I was originally designed to run. Craziness.
Yes, I understand and agree. 

Yes, I understand and agree. The 3 grand is quite high for most people. I can't imagine that too many people will take advantage of it. But I'm sure it's a good program.
It's not actually $3000 to

It's not actually $3000 to teach YOU how to run. It is $3000 for you to learn how to teach OTHERS how to run.

Having said that, WTF are they thinking charging that kind of money?! I should have jumped on their offer when it was free.
I've heard a lot of good

I've heard a lot of good things about Saxby's (and Vivo's) program, but I simply can't imagine investing 3 grand in something like that. The price is obviously meant to be offset by using your newly acquied credentials to actually be a paid coach, but still...

Would love to participate in one of those but I just don't have that kind of money lying around. you can just about take a semester at college for that kind of dough!

thanks for spreading the word though, TJ! :)
funny how so many want to

funny how so many want to make money teaching people to do or teach the most natural activity in the world, makes me wonder why I've been helping people with training programs, coaching, etc for free all these years!
I used to think that way

I used to think that way too. It's barefoot running after all. This is something we surely should be able to teach ourselves. This is something that should be inherit into our behavior, almost like an instinct , almost. But with all the many contacts and communication I have had with people over the past three years, I can honestly say there are some people who need help. It doesn't just "come naturally" to everyone. Some of us have such bad habits deeply ingrained into our psyche that we need someone to show us the way out. Some of us just need some face-to-face, personal support. It's okay to get that help however you need it, if that means visiting forum discussions on barefoot running, watching videos, purchasing a book about barefoot running, or taking a course in barefoot running. I do think 3 grand is quite steep though, and I wonder how many takers they will get. I understand that some of the coaches they have already acquired were coached for free, perhaps to build a base to get started. I can't say there's anything wrong with what they're doing. I mean if you've got $3,000 to spend and want to spend it that way, that's entirely up to you.
While I like the quality of

While I like the quality of the information they disseminate, I strongly disagree with the "certification" idea. No need to beat that dead horse some more, though.

The three grand? I don't have a problem with that, it's in line with the rest of their price points. Is it worth it? Depends... is a Bentley worth $500,000? For some, sure.
SoleSolace wrote:I was like,

SoleSolace said:
I was like, "Cool!", and then I saw the price. $3,000 to teach me to run without shoes...the way I was originally designed to run. Craziness.

I agree. While I have faith in Mr. Saxby and I believe he could help fine tune form for most people, I highly doubt he could do any better to teach us than our own barefeet. If it were priced around 150-300 bucks I'd jump, but 3 grand is STEEP....cough STEEP I say.

On an entirely related note...If anyone would like to post the 3,000 for me to go...I'm gladly accepting donations haha.
Ken Bob, from what I hear,

Ken Bob, from what I hear, doesn't charge anything for his seminars. Charghing $3000 is a joke, I'm sorry but this is straight out ripping people off.

Come to Connecticut and we can all get together for a free seminar, run together, share ideas, have a few beers after, and call it a day. I am sure we will have all the same teaching skills as Mr. Saxby.
I think the $3K would be more

I think the $3K would be more worth it if VIVOBAREFOOT actually gave you some support to earn that investment back. As I understand it, after you become certified you're essentially on your own. You get to attend some events put on by VIVO, but they aren't really doing much to network their coaches.

I've heard that some folks have been successful as a coach after the certification, but I think most people sink money into something they really already know how to do.
TJ, I appreciate how you have

TJ, I appreciate how you have put the BRS organization together so that we can keep learning from each other, work on improving our form run by run while getting feedback online as we need it.
And basically for free. 

And basically for free. Thanks, Marc. You are very welcome.

The VIVO site does have a place listing their instructors, if that helps.
 To be taught and certified

To be taught and certified by a master Pose coach, a long term barefoot runner and all his credentials, the money seem more than reasonable. Are we not trying to get the word out, get people educated? we live in a capitalist society. Just as people buy shoes to get themselves out of trouble, they will turn to this group of certified coaches who will give them the right knowledge and yes the coaches will make money that is the best thing that could happen.

Let the masses be educated and for people to make money by educating.

I applaud Lees work and wish him all the success he deserves.

By the way Lee Saxby’s book is free.

There that is my rant for the day. :) Now I am going for a run Barefoot.

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