To Marathon or not to Marathon?

Mental anguish I hear you but one has to do what one has to do. Better than nothing- ok maybe better than swimming (for me i sink).
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That's what I do run up and walk down and repeat but start with less than "I can't take it anymore"
Maybe go up/down four/six times and take from there untill you can safely do the repeats for about fifteen mins.
Yah, we'll see. I run up at about 10mm pace, and then my recovery jog around is close to 11mm pace, sometimes even slower. It seems to work. I do that about 8 times. But if I were to just go up and down, I could probably do more repeats, so I've been thinking of giving it a try.
Hey one question on your hill work Dama. I've been running up a steep hill and then running around the block back down to its base. It's about less than .2 miles up and .4 miles back around, or .6 miles per circuit. But I've been wondering about just going up the hill faster and walking back down, repeating until I can't take it anymore. Any thoughts?
BL, I used to do this very thing until I've now found this long steadyish hill to run up. It's a great training tool doing the repeats up and then walking down (I just slow jogged down on my repeat hill). I'm no expert though I just know what works for me.
Sorry, let me try a more schematic explanation:

Monday: weights (front or back), maybe some rowing.
Tuesday: run 6-8 miles, push the pace a bit if possible, so I guess this might be something like a tempo run.
Wednesday: weights (front or back), maybe some rowing.
Thursday: Hills or Fartleks, 5-6 miles or about an hour.
Friday: weights (front or back), maybe some rowing
Saturday: long run, 10mm pace or better, 8-12 miles (if things keep going well)
Sunday: rest, or 30-60 minutes of rowing, or more weights.

This isn't your marathon plan, is it?

Not nearly enough miles...
This isn't your marathon plan, is it?

Not nearly enough miles...
No, no marathon plan yet. Dama and I got slightly off topic here. With time hopefully the mileage will continue to increase, especially on the weekend run. But I'm a bit of a contrarian, so it's halfway tempting to run a marathon or baby ultra on my own and not tell anyone (except everyone on BRS of course). I read somewhere that 500,000 people run marathons every year in the USA alone, so the allure or specialness isn't quite what it used to be, especially since Oprah ran one. Still, probably something I should have under my belt at some point. Right now though, my only motivation is general fitness. The basic idea is that I work on increasing pace during the week and work on increasing distance on the weekend. If and when the time comes to run a marathon, I'll know how to train, as I've already done some serious endurance cycling (traveling across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa for two years), among other things, so I think I have a decent feeling for how these things build up. Most likely I would just beef up the two weekday runs a bit and add whatever mileage seems appropriate on the long weekend one. When I can run 16-20 miles at a decent pace, say 8-9 mm, then I'll be good to go. I would probably do the Twin Cities Marathon, "The Most Beautiful Urban Marathon in America®":
Mental anguish I hear you but one has to do what one has to do. Better than nothing- ok maybe better than swimming (for me i sink).
Yah, I was trying to get 30 minutes of aerobic exercise in per day, so I bought the rower last fall, and while it's not bad, and I often listen to my field recordings while doing it, it can be mind-numbing repeating the same movement over and over while stationary. Swimming would be much better, but I don't have the funds to install an indoor pool, and am not up for the hassle of going to a public one. So lately I've been going all out on the rowing so that I can get it over with more quickly. I try to do 2500m at the 10 setting in 10 minutes, whereas previously I would shoot for something between 6600-6800m in 30. It's a nice way to finish my strength-training workout.
No, no marathon plan yet. Dama and I got slightly off topic here. With time hopefully the mileage will continue to increase, especially on the weekend run. But I'm a bit of a contrarian, so it's halfway tempting to run a marathon or baby ultra on my own and not tell anyone (except everyone on BRS of course). I read somewhere that 500,000 people run marathons every year in the USA alone, so the allure or specialness isn't quite what it used to be, especially since Oprah ran one. Still, probably something I should have under my belt at some point. Right now though, my only motivation is general fitness. The basic idea is that I work on increasing pace during the week and work on increasing distance on the weekend. If and when the time comes to run a marathon, I'll know how to train, as I've already done some serious endurance cycling (traveling across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa for two years), among other things, so I think I have a decent feeling for how these things build up. Most likely I would just beef up the two weekday runs a bit and add whatever mileage seems appropriate on the long weekend one. When I can run 16-20 miles at a decent pace, say 8-9 mm, then I'll be good to go. I would probably do the Twin Cities Marathon, "The Most Beautiful Urban Marathon in America®":

Well lets shoot for the Twin Cities next year what do you say?
BTW I'll be in the cities this weekend.
Mental anguish I hear you but one has to do what one has to do. Better than nothing- ok maybe better than swimming (for me i sink).
ha....I was swimming, or at least trying to swim....while taking some time off from running. It was a heck of a workout trying not to sink to the bottom of the pool....didn't get much swimming in though :D
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ha....I was swimming, or at least trying to swim....while taking some time off from running. It was a heck of a workout trying not to sink to the bottom of the pool....didn't get much swimming in though :D

hahaha, at least you did your body resistance workout out of it.
Do you live close by? Whereabouts will you be this weekend?

Don't live close by I live in Iowa City, IA but we're visiting my husband's relatives in Maple Grove and Shoreview and our son somewhere in Minneapolis.
So how about the Marathon for next year?
Don't live close by I live in Iowa City, IA but we're visiting my husband's relatives in Maple Grove and Shoreview and our son somewhere in Minneapolis.
So how about the Marathon for next year?
It's very tempting. But it will all depend on how my running is going. I ran 8 miles two days ago. If I can add one mile to my longest weekly run every month, then by this time next year I'll be able to run 20 miles at a pop, which I think is the recommended distance to prep for a marathon, right? So, yeah, theoretically, it should be doable, but after a year of overcoming minor yet nagging injuries for the first time in my life, I'm a bit hesitant to commit. I don't know if I can still push my body like I used to. I guess registration opens in January, so by then I should probably know if it looks practicable. It would be a blast, and I know the route well, having grown up here, and it is beautiful. The section down by the Mississippi River is where I ran on Tuesday. And it would be fantastic to do it with a fellow barefooter, provided you're not a chipmunk. In fact, hey wait a minute, Iowa City? Are you Barefoot Angie Bee? I'm a bit slow when it comes to discovering people's secret identities. I used to think Willie was German.
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Well continue to safely add miles and if by the time the marathon comes and if you're healthy and the miles under your belt err soles then you could make a decision but wait till the very last minute to sign up.
I remember when I went BF I crossed out all races of my list but what do you know six months after my trancitioned I signed up for the Des Moines marathon in the spur of the moment(signed up right before registration was about to close).
Angie ran the half and I run the full---what a blast!!

So now you know that I am not Angie she lives in Des Moines.
And as far as me being I chipmunk well can't tell for sure but I am a small person.
Well continue to safely add miles and if by the time the marathon comes and if you're healthy and the miles under your belt err soles then you could make a decision but wait till the very last minute to sign up.
I remember when I went BF I crossed out all races of my list but what do you know six months after my trancitioned I signed up for the Des Moines marathon in the spur of the moment(signed up right before registration was about to close).
Angie ran the half and I run the full---what a blast!!

So now you know that I am not Angie she lives in Des Moines.
And as far as me being I chipmunk well can't tell for sure but I am a small person.
Cool, yeah, I have no idea what to expect, whether or not this last year of nagging injuries was an anomaly or the shape of things to come. Based on my somewhat more remote history, doing a marathon in a year's time shouldn't be a problem, and also based on my very recent history of the last few months, it looks entirely feasible as well. My left foot was a little achy yesterday, after the prior day's 8-miler, but it feels fine now, so today I'm going to do five miles of my hills routine, and then on Saturday either try a new 10-mile route, or try to run 3 miles at 8mm pace and then another 3 miles at 9mm pace, around a nearby lake that's almost exactly 5k in circumference. Anyway, it's fun pushing things a bit, and it would really be a blast to run the TC Marathon with another BRS member--and we could do a sort of Rashomon race report together. So let's mark the date and see how it goes. I saw a few days ago that this year's marathon registration filled up a few weeks ago, so we have until late spring/early summer to make a final decision.
It's very tempting. But it will all depend on how my running is going. I ran 8 miles two days ago. If I can add one mile to my longest weekly run every month, then by this time next year I'll be able to run 20 miles at a pop, which I think is the recommended distance to prep for a marathon, right? So, yeah, theoretically, it should be doable, but after a year of overcoming minor, but nagging injuries for the first time in my life, I'm a bit hesitant to commit. I don't know if I can still push my body like I used to. I guess registration opens in January, so by then I should probably know if it looks practicable. It would be a blast, and I know the route well, having grown up here, and it is beautiful. The section down by the Mississippi River is where I ran on Tuesday. And it would be fantastic to do it with a fellow barefooter, provided you're not a chipmunk. In fact, hey wait a minute, Iowa City? Are you Barefoot Angie Bee? I'm a bit slow when it comes to discovering people's secret identities. I used to think Willie was German.
Let me know ahead of time if you guys are doing this one. I could be talked out of retirement for that one. Providing like Lee that my training goes well over the winter. It is also my goal to try to do the Manitoba full next year (early June) too. So Lee, are you saying the course is barefoot friendly?
Let me know ahead of time if you guys are doing this one. I could be talked out of retirement for that one. Providing like Lee that my training goes well over the winter. It is also my goal to try to do the Manitoba full next year (early June) too. So Lee, are you saying the course is barefoot friendly?
Wow, that would be great Dutchie. I would be very honored to be accompanied on my first marathon by a couple of vets like you and Dama. And yes, the whole course is very BF-friendly. Mostly smooth asphalt with a little mild chipseal along some of the lake and river paths, and pretty flat overall. Check out the link above for this year's course map. I don't think it varies from year to year.
Let me know ahead of time if you guys are doing this one. I could be talked out of retirement for that one. Providing like Lee that my training goes well over the winter. It is also my goal to try to do the Manitoba full next year (early June) too. So Lee, are you saying the course is barefoot friendly?
Hey, also, if Dutchie joined Dama and me, that would complete the three roles for our Rashomon-esque race report, with the Vet, the Dama, and the Newbie, replacing the Samurai, the Wife, and the Bandit.
Vet, oh boy that only counted when I was shod and before breaking my heels and ankles. I am just happy to be running and finishing standing up in what ever time that might be. Because that was something my doc told would not happen again. Since then a half dozen half's and a 12 or so 10k's. My barefoot journey started last fall, so I think that should be counting me in as newbie as well. :D
Vet, oh boy that only counted when I was shod and before breaking my heels and ankles. I am just happy to be running and finishing standing up in what ever time that might be. Because that was something my doc told would not happen again. Since then a half dozen half's and a 12 or so 10k's. My barefoot journey started last fall, so I think that should be counting me in as newbie as well. :D
Yah, not sure Dama would like being known as the replacement for the wife either. Oh well, it will be a blast in any case if we can make it happen. Maybe we can successfully unite and restore the Manitoba, Minnesota, and Iowa barefoot realms to their pre-glacial glory!
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