Soreness on 'inside' of knee


Sep 13, 2012
Hey docs,

I thought I would post this up to see if it rings any bells.

Background: I've been running for a little over six months now alternating between barefoot and shod, in 4mm drop running flats. Generally, I do my longer runs in shoes. I've built the distance up very slowly to the point where I'm running 5-6km BF and 6-10km in shoes without any problems.

Last weekend, I ran a slow 7.5km in shoes on Saturday, and then on Sunday I did a long slow run of 12km. It was my longest run yet, but only 500m more than my previous longest run. In the last km of the run, my knee started aching a little. I let it rest for a few days until I couldn't feel it, and then went for a short barefoot run on Wednesday morning. After 2.5km or so, the ache came back. I was able to run the rest of the way home without things getting any worse.

The pain is hard to pinpoint, but it is on the 'inside' side of the knee, nowhere else. It's not extreme - just an ache, but I'm wary of pushing it further. There's no swelling as far as I can see, and it doesn't seem to bother me at all unless I'm running. On the Wednesday after my run, it was OK walking along flat ground, but it did hurt quite a bit walking up the stairs to the office. On subsequent days, the stairs were OK. The only other way I've found it to flare up is when I'm driving - if I lift my leg and move the foot towards the other foot it can be painful, but that has now settled down too.

Lastly, I've been playing golf weekly. I noticed it slightly a couple of times yesterday on the golf course when swinging, so I'm not sure if that is contributing to it. I tend to plant my weight onto that leg when hitting the golf ball, so that could be a factor.

I'm taking a week off running to see what happens - in the meantime, any suggestions?

A couple of possibilities come to mind
1 problem in medial head of gastroc behind knee which can be worked out with art Graston or by most myotherapists,
2 shin splints. The tibialist posterior runs into the area you describe
3. If the muscles surrounding the ankle are stiff they will not allow the bones in the foot and ankle to move properly and lock the ankle which affects the hip which in thru will strain lye knee most commonly medially. A good sports chiropractor can remedy that with soft tissue work and manipulation
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A couple of possibilities come to mind
1 problem in medial head of gastroc behind knee which can be worked out with art Graston or by most myotherapists,
2 shin splints. The tibialist posterior runs into the area you describe
3. If the muscles surrounding the ankle are stiff they will not allow the bones in the foot and ankle to move properly and lock the ankle which affects the hip which in thru will strain lye knee most commonly medially. A good sports chiropractor can remedy that with soft tissue work and manipulation

Thanks William, I'll do some research, and report back if I can narrow things down.

Any tips for what to look for to narrow it down? I know it's almost impossible to diagnose over the internet, so I'm not expecting too much.

- I don't think it is shin splints - I think I've had that before in the past and I would recognise the pain in the front of the calf. There's none of that.
- The medial head of the gastrocnemius seems interesting, although most of the stuff I read talked about a feeling of it 'popping' in the case of a tear. I don't think that happened - I'll try to be more aware in my next run to see if it just switches on or comes on more gradually
- Hard to say with this one, I guess. If it continues, my next stop will be at the office of a sports chiro or physiotherapist, for sure.
Since the Doc has responded I'll say my experience on the inside knee aches has been exactly what Backfixer said his item #1...I have found soreness at the inside top of the calf muscle that passes under the knee has been tight. Its hard to massage this area so I use my fingers to dig and find the sore spots and massage them that way. The other area is soreness at the end of the Quad muscle closest to the knee on that area with tennis, golf ball etc. Doing this has resolved the knee aches before they get out of hand...usually just a few days and its gone.