Sneaking out of the hotel

Finally! I've been a part of this forum for 9 months. Its been nothing but pats on the back and encouragement. Finally someone wants to tangle. (I wish there was a tounge-in-cheek smiley.)

Sorry to have "disturbed" you. There are clearly different reasons to run barefoot. I don't necessarily BF to be subversive or anti-establishment, I run bf to run better. I wear compression shorts because they feel good and keep things from getting too bouncy. I wear tech shirts (more in the cold) to stay more comfortable. All that said, look at my profile pic. Just after a run in a free cotton t-shirt I got for giving blood.

Not ALL technology is bad for a runner.
Like you I don't shun technology. I don't wear compression shorts because they cause me to overheat down there which causes sweating which then causes more chaffing than wearing normal running shorts. I do wear normal running shorts though versus just any old shorts and I wear tech t's. I wear them not to signify I am a runner, but because the tech t keeps me cooler with less chaffing than a cotton shirt while running. I wear running specific shorts (just not compression shorts) because I get less chaffing and it keeps me cooler than regular shorts. I run barefoot or in sandals because it feels better and is better for me, not to stick it to convention. I don't understand that philosophy. Oh well I guess to each his/her own.
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Great. Now I'm getting hit over the head with OneBite's bouncy bits and Sid's 12 year old undies.
At these prices, dare I say, anyone would be loathe to throw them out before a decade of use!
I'd rather have great clothes that last forever, than cheap ones I have to replace every year.
(Sadly though, the last time I bought a pair, the texture of fabric had been changed. So, I may need to look for another brand when it's time to replace them.)
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Great discussion here!

Turns out the sun was up by 5:30 in the morning, and there weren't a lot of people around at that time, so I did just sneak out every morning. Surprisingly, the Strip is a fun place to run in the mornings, and there are quite a few runners even early in the day.

I like the flip-flop idea best. To me, VFFs are just as odd as bare feet, and I don't want to spend my money on them. OTOH, I do have a pair of Xero sandals, which are quite easy to carry while running, and which I sometimes carry if I'm worried about glass or thorns.

FWIW, I am in the swimsuit-with-pockets and Hanes Cool-Dri T-shirt category. I don't need to spend a lot of money to look like any particular kind of runner. They closed off the sidewalk in a few places due to construction, so at one point I found myself running barefoot through a casino. Nobody seemed all that bothered.
And by the way, the Strip wasn't all *that* dirty, I had to wash my feet, but I usually do after a run. There was some broken glass here and there, but not much. And there's something surreal and fun about running past all that pretense in the light of the new morning.

People walking by kept warning me about broken glass. I'm pretty sure the barefoot runners pay a lot better attention to what's on the sidewalk than anyone else, but I did appreciate their concern.

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