Running w/dog

Some people just have zero

Some people just have zero common sense. They're the same ones that let little kids ride in the front seat of a car and buy adult sized quads for their 10 yr old sons. And when you try to say something they look at you with the deer in the headlights look.
 Nate,How did you get the


How did you get the pic in? I want to show my running buddy......

We have three German Shepherds and I alternate running with them. They love going out - and since most days I'm out at 5:15AM it isn't stinkin' hot yet.
Try this work-around from

Try this work-around from Mrs. Deplume:

Here's my workaround for embedding pictures,

1.) Place your photo in a location that is Internet assessible, such as PhotoBucket or any server you have access to. Remember the path, or copy the URL (right-click the image and select "Copy image URL" or "Copy Image Location").

2.) Below the body of the post, click "Disable rich-text"

3.) Type

This should work, and put your image in your post. Make sure that your image isn't too large (Photobucket has a very simple way to resize the photos with one click, Flickr will resize them for you, too. 800 px is about as wide as you'd want it before it starts to eat screens. If it can be more like 400x600 it will be better for people who have smaller screens like laptops or who are on dialup.

**If you are using a site like Picasa or Photobucket that will generate an HTML code for you, it will work, as long as you remember to disable rich-text first.
 Those big poodles weird me

Those big poodles weird me out for some reason. Now Nate's buddy, that's a dog!

I run with a dog quite a bit, and I stress that I run with her and not the other way around. If I can hang with her for the first 3 or 4 miles then I am good to go as she'll finally slow down. I tried to take her on a 12 mile trail run but it proved to be too much for her. She's usually good for up to 8-10 miles but I'm trying to bump that up so that she doesn't have to stay home during my long runs. Some day.

Ginger was a stray that was found down in TJ along with a bunch of other pups. She was the only pup that left the brood and came over to check us out and so we couldn't pass. I've been told that she is German Shorthair mixed with Dalmation but I'll never know for sure.
Shacky, Ginger is adorable. 

Shacky, Ginger is adorable. I think it would be so cool to run with my dog!

And I do know what you mean about the big poodles. But after reading about them, they sound awesome!
 I dog rocks!!!

I dog rocks!!! :-D

But I think everyone's dog probably suits them just fine!

If anyone decides to friend me on FB, I have quite a few pictures of him....I need to get Melanie a picture of us running together!!
+1 On everything Wendy

+1 On everything Wendy posted. I had the poodle misconception (Real Dog thing) going on until I stumbled on the black one (Ferris 55lbs) from a breeder down the block eight years ago. We picked up the red one (Kitch 50lbs) two years later. Of the ten smartest breeds standards are ranked number two by many different sources. As Wendy indicated they were bred as retrievers/working dogs. Ours love to run with us and hate it when we leave them home do to conditions outside which will not allow. My wife and I run with them throughout the year and they have had no problems with our daily runs weather permitting. We even picked up dog boots used by sled dogs for winter running so they do not get packed snow in their paws which turn to ice and can injure them. Ferris's longest run was 18 miles without a hitch and it is not uncommon for them to come on our weekly longer runs up to 15 miles these days. They love human interaction and are wonderful companions and are great with children and toddlers. I cannot say enough good things about the breed and recommend them highly.
 Shacky, Ginger looks like a

Shacky, Ginger looks like a sweetheart, by TJ do you mean Tia Juana? I bed if you spent any time with a S'Poo you would get over being weirded out, they are just dogs with a lot of hair :)

Nate, my fav pic of your Husky is with the kitten curled up on his back. Huskies are gorgeous dogs, but I'm sure he is happy you live up North! I would imagine he doesn't do too well in the summer, but probably rocks the winter stuff.

Sole_Foot, I was hoping you would post a pic of your S'Poos! They are beautiful! I love the reds, but then haven't really found a color I didn't like :) Until we started looking for Lucy, I had no idea how many colors they could be.
Sole foot, that is just

Sole foot, that is just amazing! 18 miles??! Wow. How fun! You and Wendy have me completely sold. Now I'm trying to figure out if my 8 year old Pug would accept a new dog. He's my baby and I don't want to stress him. Anyone have any experience with introducing a puppy to an older dog??
F4R,I think our dog Charlie


I think our dog Charlie was twelve years old when Ferris was adopted into the family. He was a miniature (15-20lbs) and I actually think it perked him up a bit but he clearly ruled the roost. When he wasn't in the mood he would let him know and Ferris would give him space until he decided he wanted to play. Charlie, Ferris, and Kitch lived under the same roof for another 6 years until Charlie passed away at 18 years old. I would do some research on how to introduce a new addition to a household with an older dog. Here is the website to the breeder I bought Ferris from. The breeder is very particular about breeding practices and has an interview process to make sure her liters go to a good home as well as a contract with stipulations for purchase. She does this for the best interest of the new owners to assure they are getting a quality dog and for the breed to assure they continue to have a healthy bloodline. It will cost more than you see advertised in the paper but your odds of trouble down the road are greatly reduced.

Here is a Michigan Poodle rescue link if you feel comfortable going that route.

Good luck!
Sole foot,I've been doing

Sole foot,

I've been doing some research and from what I'm reading, I'm very encouraged. Billy (my pug) is very outgoing and loves other dogs when he meets them. Now I'm started to get excited! Thanks for sharing your experience with your older dog. It's making me believe this could actually be a good thing!
BFWendyBird wrote:Nate, my

BFWendyBird said:
Nate, my fav pic of your Husky is with the kitten curled up on his back. Huskies are gorgeous dogs, but I'm sure he is happy you live up North! I would imagine he doesn't do too well in the summer, but probably rocks the winter stuff.

You would think so....but like I said, he's a weird husky...he actually lays on the macadam driveway, mid day, mid summer....the video I have processing on FB right now shows him sitting next to the fire saturday night, on a night that was sweltering....He does like the snow too...I haven't figured out why he likes the's almost 90 and very humid out today, and he wouldn't come into the air conditioned house, he's been outside for 2 hours....go figure.

With our other husky (now dead), we used to shave him in the summer, especially if we were headed down to Alabama to visit my grandfather :).

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