Running in the dark

 I have begun running some of

I have begun running some of my runs in the dark. It's almost needed here in Norway during the winter wherein you get only a couple hours of light. I think asphalt was easy, but my trails were harder. Could not see the textures even with the headlamp. I notice I am hesitant and that sucks. I will run in the dark tonight.
I occasionally run BF in the

I occasionally run BF in the dark but it's the route I'm most familiar with. There are some really dark areas and I can't see a thing, and the worst thing I've stepped on was a chewed-up acorn or piece of pine cone. I would say try it both with and without a light and see how you feel about it. It really is more relaxing, like everyone has said.
I just tried BF at sunset

I just tried BF at sunset last night (it was dark by the time I arrived home). I didn't have a choice because the evening was the only time I could squeeze my run in yesterday. It was great! The temp was perfect (can't believe how warm its been out here in CA!) Lighting was flat and couldn't see much, but it wasn't a problem since I ran mostly on the streets that had some streetlights. I think its one of those things that may seem more dodgy until you really try it.
I run almost exclusively in

I run almost exclusively in the dark, usually 4-7 miles across a wide variety of terrain. I actually think it's better than doing it with shoes, as I can feel the terrain better and adjust for it. I've also found that I haven't sprained my ankle since I started barefooting, but I'd pretty regularly roll my ankle when I was shod.

I usually run alongside streets and through neighborhoods and try to run in grass, but probably half or more of each run is on pavement. I haven't cut my feet yet (been doing this for about 6 months now). I carry a good light and just light up the path when it's too dark and I know there could be an obstacle. I live in Dallas, so it's never TRULY dark, there are streetlights and in general a good bit of ambient. It works for me! It's too hot to run during the day here during the summer. The pavement actually burns my feet!
Hi, Nathan.  Welcome!

Hi, Nathan. Welcome!

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