Rediscovering Running in mid 40's


Apr 24, 2011
Learning to love running again through barefoot running. Started a few months ago walking 1/4 mile then ran 1/2 mile followed by a 1/4 mile cool down. By adding 1/4 mile to the run portion every week or every other week, now up to 3 3/4 mile during the run. Found a free Steinway & Sons metronome app for the iPhone, which is great for 180 beats per minute. What type of stretching is best?
Any stretching you choose to

Any stretching you choose to do should be after a good warm-up. I personally only stretch after a run, and then only sometimes. I'm in my mid-40's also and ran traditionally for 25 years before switching to BFR. I don't find that I need any stretching on a regular basis, but that's just me. All the stretching I did with the Army for 9 years produced no benefit that I can measure versus only occasional light stretching when something feels tight after a workout. Welcome to the neighborhood!
Hi there,I'm also the wrong

Hi there,

I'm also the wrong side of my 40's. I wish I'd discovered barefoot running about 10 years earlier before barking up the wrong tree of orthotics and stable shoes. Running was a chore back then, now it is enjoyable again.

I ran a in a 10km race over the weekend and managed just over 51m in very wet conditions. I'm looking forward to doing more races this year and think I could get my 10km down to 45m.

As for stretching, I have stopped the static stretching and just do some leg swings, jumping on the spot before setting off, I'll maybe do some more traditional stretches after my run.

Keep your progress slow and steady. I went through the Too Much Too Soon phase and collected the injuries that go with it. Now I am out the other side it is great and I'm sure you will get there too.

Hiya BFDad, welcome to the

Hiya BFDad, welcome to the group and congrats on your rediscovery of running as a joy, not a chore.

I'll echo what these other dudes are saying about static stretching before activity and how it's somewhat overrated for preventing injuries. From the research I've done and my own limited experience, I can corroborrate that warmup activities and "shaking loose" your joints is usually adequate to prepare you for a run.

Stretching afterwards is a great idea, though... and feels fantastic. I do a lot of calf/Achilles stretches, which hurt so good. I also stretch my feet/ankles by assuming a kneeling position and stretching (curled toes) by rocking gently backwards with my butt on my heels, balls of the feet on the ground... then, point my toes so they lay flat beneath me, which stretches that anterior muscles on my ankle/shins. And my favorite stretch is a yoga position called Pigeon Pose, which is an amazingly effective stretch for the I.T. band and the glutes. It's easier to just have you search for it on Youtube, as trying to explain it in text would take a while.
Before you incorporate

Before you incorporate stretching, make sure you are diligently doing cooldowns. If you just started, doing calf stretches (make sure you google "soleus stretch") can be very helpful.
Welcome! I'd say that

Welcome! I'd say that whatever type of stretching you feel like you need is going to be best. Definitely AFTER running and not before, though. My calves tend to get tight, so one of my favorite stretches involves rolling them out with a rolling pin.
Great guidance on stretching!

Great guidance on stretching! I hope to be ready for the Carlsbad 1/2 marathon in January while running 3-days per week. Recently purchased a $7 pair of aqua socks from Walmart and a $5 pair from Big Lots for the days when there are blisters on the balls of my feet. I don't recommend the present model from Big Lots, as they are not very ergonomic. The Walmart pair work great and have the triathalon-style pull laces. These light shoes are a nice mask of the symptoms, but they do not fix the problem with my mechanics. How do I stop getting blisters when I run barefoot?
lift your feet, don't push

lift your feet, don't push off the ground, and your blisters should go away ;-) far as stretching goes, everyone's advise is sound...but don't knock a regular "off day" stretching routine (says the yoga and kung fu teacher ;-)...stretching increases strength, fluidity in movement, and muscle endurance, but not just done "occasionally"...a regular practice is needed for the bennifits...pidgen is fantastic for runners, as is cow face pose, forward bends etc....stretching regularly also helps the body how to understand how to relax, and if you can stay relaxed in a run, you are more efficient :). Anyway, welcome to the group!
Hi Guys, I just started

Hi Guys,

I just started running a few years ago at 59 so don't let those silly numbers get to you

Started just like you with a run walk. Now the longest I have run is 10 miles.

Funny thing about being 62 - I ran a 10k a few weeks ago and got first prize for my age. Well, the thing was - I had bad bronchitis I was recuperating from and had to run 3/4 then walk some etc. so my time was 10 minutes slower than Normal!

Well, they called out for the ladies 60 to 64 yr old category and I got first prize. Seems I was the oldest woman there AND the only one in my age group ( rolling in laughter ). Got a really nice blanket. I went up and said "I'm 62. I have bronchitis and I DID IT!" They all gave me smiles.

So, with that said - GO FOR IT!

BTW I usually only stretch my calves when I get home. Mostly because I run either minimal or BF.

Welcome, BF Dad!  I'm also in

Welcome, BF Dad! I'm also in my 40s. I wish I would have picked up running when I was younger, but at least I found it before it was too late.
Thanks everyone! I am

Thanks everyone! I am starting with the sun salutation and other basic floor stretching, which seem to work and feel great. Cool links Nate!
I'm glad you like them! I'll

:-D I'm glad you like them! I'll be joining the 40 crowd in about 13 months :-D...and just started running regularly last year..BF IS the way to go LOL.
Nate, I hope you're ruuning

Nate, I hope you're ruuning again by then. Oye!

BFD, my favorite stretch is to work my feet into different positions in bed before I get up. That way I know if I need to take a little more time to loosen the joints up before starting out or to do a few gentle heel drops. I do precious little of the traditional big muscle group stretching. In Born to Run, I seem to remember that Chris McDougall cited a strong increase in injury rates for people who did much in the way of yoga. There is such a thing as too loose,I guess.
I don't remember that in

I don't remember that in BtR.....but maybe I blocked it out LOL...there is def. a problem if one's flexibilty and muscle tone are NOT in balance...people equate yoga often with ONLY flexibility, often misunderstanding the strength and core integration that is a huge part of it....if the body is in balance, and one can stay realxed in physical endeavor, efficiency is the result...not injury. I've not had any "flexibility" related injuries in my running.
Hi,Also early mid '40's, and


Also early mid '40's, and a new father. I ran in high school and for a while a number of years ago. I've been trying to lose weight by working out at the gym before getting back into running. I'm not grossly overweight, but my mother had terrible knees and I don't want to temp fate by overloading mine.

Regarding the blisters-This

Regarding the blisters-

This may be due to torsion forces such as twisting or rubbing of the foot while it is still on the ground. You may need to look carefully at what your feet are doing as you run. Strait up and down. I had to do the same thing when I started urban barefooting as I was getting sore patches on certain parts of my feet. Now I can walk all day on concrete or paving slabs with no problem, so long as I do it right! One day I will be able to run all day too !

I am also in my 40s BTW

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