
 I have the human flag, for a

I have the human flag, for a very short amount of time....and it is quite ugly...that, and a planche pushup are my goals for this fall :-D.

I hear that about the rings....I don't have a set...want a set....I'm also trying to get one of the local gymnastics people to give me some private lessons...but they are still really busy with "kids summer camps"...maybe this fall....I want some pointers on flips and arials too...now, just to fit it in to my "normal" teaching/training routine :-D
lmao, my mind went straight

lmao, my mind went straight for pullup training pants...sigh, my mind is officiall Mom brain.

I'd love to do more pushups (I can do about 2-3), may have to try the dragon flags. those look badass!