Poll: What do you do for cross-training?

Winter, I cross county, downhill, and backcountry ski. Try to hike whenever I can. Elliptical machine in the garage occasionally.

Spring - Fall. Not much cross training. With gardening and farm work (not a good excuse), can barely get my running in. Very occasional bike ride.

Given my current condition (injury), I am reassessing my goals. Dropping my running mileage and increasing cross training and strength training. Very interested in adding yoga. I'll have to self teach, I live in the middle of nowhere. Currently looking for a stationary bike.
Well lately I have been splitting a lot of firewood. Twice warm.
Ahh a fellow wood burner. I was going to mention that too... actually I'm up on the farm this weekend and will spend this afternoon and tomorrow with a chainsaw in the woods. In the last couple years I've lost more weight from logging in the winter/spring then anything else.

Like happysongbird I count gardening and stuff like that... most of my off days I am going to bed sore worn out and exhausted, so that's good enough for me. I'm always carrying around heavy things, digging with a shovel, swinging a hammer, etc.

I used to bike on opposite days but haven't done that since summer. Lately I have got out on the cross country skis though but since a week ago the snow is gone.
Ahh a fellow wood burner. I was going to mention that too... actually I'm up on the farm this weekend and will spend this afternoon and tomorrow with a chainsaw in the woods. In the last couple years I've lost more weight from logging in the winter/spring then anything else.

Like happysongbird I count gardening and stuff like that... most of my off days I am going to bed sore worn out and exhausted, so that's good enough for me. I'm always carrying around heavy things, digging with a shovel, swinging a hammer, etc.

I used to bike on opposite days but haven't done that since summer. Lately I have got out on the cross country skis though but since a week ago the snow is gone.

I've got a dead 80ft tall red oak in my back pasture that is too close to my barn for comfort. Tomorrow I am going to put it on the ground and start cutting it into logs for splitting later this year. I'll have firewood for a few years out of that (if any of it is good).

I brought in two-two acre cuttings of timothy hay this year as well. Harvested both with my scythe. I cut my lawn with the scythe too.
Well the weekend turned out to be a total burnout workout. Even though I got a late start Saturday, showing up at the camp at ~2PM, spending a couple hours unloading equipment and checking the woods for fallen and dead trees. But got a couple hours of cutting in and then spent the night. Was outside shortly after dawn, and besides a couple 30 minute breaks for breakfast and lunch I worked until after dusk cutting and loading. I was one sore dude!

Here is some photographic evidence...

I mostly cut downed trees but I did fell this dead cherry and a couple dead black locust trees. I know, I know, I'm not barefoot... or minimalist. :eek:

Although I've actually removed a bunch of gear already in that pic, I crossed the scales at about 16,000# on the way home. So that should be in the ballpark of 6,000# of wood I picked up at least twice (actually 3 times for most), in addition to the saw and all the other gear and stuff I handled all weekend long. And that nearly 40 yr old cub cadet is still pulling strong!
Just curious... sorry if this has been asked recently, I haven't been around for awhile!

I am currently practicing Bikram yoga as my cross-training. Actually, I was doing only Bikram and no running for a few months after I got burned out after my Half-Marathon last year. I am hoping it will complement my running as I begin to build miles again. It's kind of an odd turn for me as I used to be one of those "never-stretchers". I definitely think Bikram will help out with hip and foot strengthening.

So... what are you doing for cross-training?
Walk the dog , drink beer!;))
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Fixed gear cycling not barefoot.


Martial arts sometimes barefoot sometimes on the beach.
Does moving count? Holly crap I broken right now! :confused:
getting older it looks like
Hope the Bikram yoga works out for you. You're right, haven't seen you around much in a while. Im sure you'll be back ready for another half in no time. Just need to find the right motivation ;)

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