Now Resolution!

In the early stretch of day 13 and I am going strong. How is everyone else doing?
Yah, I'm building up distance and pace slowly, showing remarkable restraint really, and each run my legs feel a little bit stronger. I still have to fight off the urge to do a nice long and slow run once in while; I'm not always up for the greater effort and mental challenge of a fartlek or tempo run. But it seems like the right thing for me to do. After two years of sporadic success getting back into running, I want to make sure 2013 goes well right from the start.
my goals are to get my hip, back, and ankle pains sorted out. from there my running should improve and if i can remember to do those two daily exercises a few times a day, pistols and one armed pushups, that would be great. getting my mileage back up would be good. i'm doing less than half what i was before school started.
I guess I do have a NOW resolution and that is to finally finish this dang book 50/50 by Dean Karnazes. I've been slowly working on it but school gets in the way of pleasure reading and now that I have a couple weeks break from school I'm going to try to finally finish this book. Been working on it since I got it last Christmas...
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I guess I do have a NOW resolution and that is to finally finish this dang book 50/50 by Dean Karnazes. I've been slowly working on it but school gets in the way of pleasure reading and now that I have a couple weeks break from school I'm going to try to finally finish this book. Been working on it since I got it last Christmas...

That boring, ah? ;)
So how your dreadful final test go?
Ya, a little dry.

The one final I am still waiting for the results and the other two I did poorly on but still barely passed those two classes. Fingers and toes are still crossed for the last class.
I'm also one of those readers who don't like to start something new until I'm finished with the current book. Drives me nuts because I have some good books waiting for me, Running on Empty, Ultra Marathon Man, and a couple Vince Flynn fiction novels (these two I know I will breeze through despite them being 3 times longer than this dang 50/50 book).
Just so I can put a bookend on my experience this past December, I ran a total of 17 hours and 20 seconds over 31 days and averaged just short of 33 minutes a day. By rough calculation I was consistently running 11 minute miles. Therefore I covered about 92.75 miles in December.

I am content with that!

P.S. I hope I didn't screw up the math on that.
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How's the precious little one doing, A? Are you and sweet momma getting into the routine yet?

She is up to 11 lbs 4 oz as of Friday and is tending toward longer, 5 to 6 hours, stretches of sleep at night. So, the routine is getting there. That said, working with her routine made some of those runs I posted about seem to have no routine of their own. Christmas Day I started out at about 11:45 and finished about 15 minutes into the 26th only to get up and run that morning before 9.

Thanks, it was really sweet of you to ask. By the way, how are you healing up?
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Five to six hour stretches? I'd take it. My first never slept, or so it seemed. With all the breast feedings, pumpings, diaper changes, I got no sleep. I was a wreck! I miss it so terribly though. My second was quite a bit easier, and his baby years went by so fast. And I miss them so as well. Don't let it fly past you. Take every moment in and never for granted. They pass so quickly. And you can never, never get them back. Cherish these moments, even the moments of sleeplessness.
My running goal is to complete the San Diego Triple Crown barefoot. The first race at the end of this month, the second in April, and the last in August. All half-marathons. An ancillary goal is to keep injuries at bay by maintaining a strong cross-training regimen. And finally, to practice patience regarding my running progress. All reasonable and do-able goals. So totally unlike me. ☺
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Don't let it fly past you. Take every moment in and never for granted. They pass so quickly. And you can never, never get them back. Cherish these moments, even the moments of sleeplessness.
+1. I was a youngin when my daughter was born and while I really enjoyed her as a baby and wasn't a bad father I don't think I appreciated everything as much as I should have. She is now 15. I have a toddler who is now 2 1/2 and it's amazing how much more I appreciate all the little things he does. It makes me wish I would have cared more about the little things when I was younger. I guess that's the difference in getting older and more mature and settled in life. You learn to not take things for granted.
I don't have a resolution but more a challenge for the year of 2013.
I guess I would say there are two kinds of BFR purist:

1) Someone who refuses to run outside unless conditions permit running barefoot; and

2) Someone who always runs outside, and always barefoot whenever conditions permit.

I suppose both approaches have their logic, but the second approach appeals to my sensibilities. I like to push my limits, but I'd much rather run outside in my Moc3s than inside on a treadmill barefoot. I can't stand to do any sort of aerobic exercise on a machine. Besides, running shod in snow or extreme cold presents its own unique challenges.
I'm doing a ton of short distance (5 mi or less) runs, but working on speed.
Doing the last 1-2 miles under what I normally do and feeling good.\
Working out every day.
What else is there? Trying to get my abs not so middle aged so I can teach in my yoga pants without too much shame.
My challenge is to do something active outdoors every day this year. Running, biking, surfing, bushwalking, playing on the beach with my little one, even a round of golf counts if I'm struggling for evidence (and carrying the clubs). I've reached the age where I seem to have lost my natural fitness and it only takes a couple of weeks of inactivity to plonk me back to square one. Time to see if I can reverse that somehow.

Running-wise, I'm still coming back from injury, so I'm keeping it modest. I'm currently doing around 90-95% shod and the rest barefoot, so the goal is to reverse those numbers over the course of the year. I'd also like to run the 10km rip to river fun run barefoot at the end of the year. Both of those things (and the main challenge) seem reasonably achievable if I can avoid injuries.

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