More needles!!!! Say it isn't so!!!!

Barefoot TJ

Staff member
Mar 5, 2010
Has anyone had cortisone shots in their heels for Plantar Fasciitis? Please share. Tell me everything, the good, the bad, and the ugly.
TJ,  I take it that this

TJ, I take it that this isn't an idle inquiry. How do you achieve PF while BFing? I sort of thought they were incompatible. (The fascia get tenderized by the nice high frequency, irregular impacts.) Hope you're over it and running again soon.
 you can get PF as a bfr.

you can get PF as a bfr. It's probably even a little bit easier than in shoes. in shoes the built in arch support weakens the plantar fascia and then the high impact heel striking irritates that weakened tissue that's just flopping around in your foot.

as a bfr the fascia gets irritated by an over tensioning of the arch. by landing on the fore/mid foot the arch is contracted and if that is left to get overly contracted then the fascia it's connected to will have to pay the price.

TJ I have no personal experience with cortisone shots for anything but from my many clients who went in for the shots for their pf i've heard nothing but good. of course they said the shot hurt like crazy but then the pain in the pf went away, not permanent of course, but a good six months or so was the shortest time frame i've witnessed. this is also a group of people who continued shod running after the shots and some of them even continued with orthotic shod running. in terms of bfr and cortisone for pf i have zero info...sorry
I'd hoped you were done with

I'd hoped you were done with the needles by now. Bummer. I don't have any experience with cortisone but a doctor once told my dad (half-jokingly) that it's the cure for everything except maybe death. I hope for your sake she was right.
Hmmm, I don't know, TJ. After

Hmmm, I don't know, TJ. After reading a bunch about it and the way cortisone can break down tendons, this is one I will absolutely not mess around with. In posts about it on RWOL, it always seems like 90% of the people are negative. I've taken that to heart.
I didn't get PF from barefoot

I didn't get PF from barefoot running. I got it from walking around on my heels after having cryosurgery for Morton's Neuroma. (I developed Morton's Neuroma directly as a result of the shoes I had worn and ran in, in the past. Nice, huh?!) The pain in the balls of my feet was so insane from the cryoprobes and consequent freezing of the nerves, that I couldn't walk around regular for 3-1/2 months after the surgery. The only way I could get around was to walk on my heels to avoid putting pressure on the balls of my feet.

Any other experiences or knowledge, please?
I have no experience with

I have no experience with them TJ, hope they help your feet feel better!



Thanks all.  I can't tell if

Thanks all. I can't tell if the Arnica is working or not, Abide. I doubt it is doing too much in my favor. I've been icing, resting, stretching, NSAIDing, massaging, Arnicaing, you name it. I hope it's all helping, but it's hard to tell. Perhaps just staying off my feet is the biggest help.
I'm a big believer in

I'm a big believer in elevating, so I have to agree that staying off your feet (rest) combined with elevation should make a difference for you. It's gotta be worth the effort and the waiting period, knowing that it will all pay off in time.
I should, Miqie.  I just

I should, Miqie. I just think it would be mega expensive. How often did you tape? Did you run while you had PF? What else can you please tell me about your recovery from PF, what you did, how long it took, etc.?

I've had it twice before. The first time I got it, I was transitioning to barefoot and VFFs away from ASICS Kayanos, full on boat anchors. It was in the 30s and way too cold for me to run barefoot that day (or in VFFs for that matter, since I wasn't conditioned to the cold that first winter). The second time I got it, I had ditched the ASICS completely by a few months, but like a fool, went to put them back on to go pick up a race packet at the Dome in Atlanta, since I planned to run in my VFFs the next day, and it was raining, and I didn't want them to get wet--I stepped left, then right, and the pain just exploded in my right foot, so intense, I had never experienced anything quite like that. No doubt that time was caused by the boat anchors. Both times I had it in the past, I believe running barefoot helped me get over it. The first time, it took two months, and I think it took that long because I was still switching up between shoes and barefoot; the second time took only one month, and I think it was shorter because I stayed completely barefoot the whole time. This time, I don't think that's the case. This time is different. Perhaps because I developed PF from walking on my heals for 3-1/2 months after the cryosurgery.
I had it years ago and part

I had it years ago and part of my cure was to stay off hills. As far as taping, my doctor did it the first time with me watching very carefully. He gave me some extra tape which lasted for a little while and then I used duct tape which worked fine. I think I took a couple of weeks off and then resumed running, sans hills. There are various taping methods on YouTube but what I used was simple: Point your toes down, taking pressure off your arch (you're actually making your arch taller). Now in this position, take your duct tape and put a piece from the ball of your foot, along your arch, back to the heel. Not on the bottom of the foot, but along the side of the arch. Press this nice and tight for good adhesion. Keep the toes down. Now take another piece and start where your big toe flexes and continue along the side of the foot, back around your heel and along the other side up to your little toe. Keep a lot of tension on the tape as you're doing this. Toes still down. Don't get lazy on me! Now to anchor it all together, take another piece of tape and start on the top of your foot, mid way between the toes and the ankle, and go down around the bottom of the foot and back up the other side and overlap on where you started. This anchors the other two pieces that you put on before. This really took the pressure off the arch and allowed healing to take place. I also took NASAIDs at the same time. I don't remember if I iced or not. I think it took about a month or so to get rid of it.
Thanks for this, Miqie.  I

Thanks for this, Miqie. I never even thought of duct tape. I can do duct tape! I have tons of duct tape.

How would you rate your pain on a scale of 1 - 10 before taping?

How would you rate your pain after taping and running at the same time?

I'm guessing you were wearing shoes to run in while you had your feet taped?

Was it feet or foot?

I can't wear shoes to run in, since I have MN (nor do I ever want to put my feet back in anything that is confining), but I do have an Invisible Shoes huarache kit I can put together to go with the duct tape?. Do you think that would work?

Do you suppose it would roll up and bind and cause me trouble while running if I taped and wore the huaraches at the same time?

Did you sleep in the tape?

How often did you change it?

It would be hard to shower with, right?

What did you use to remove it from your skin?

Thanks for answering all of my questions.

I'm shying away from the cortisone, after researching it a little more today. Turns out there is a small group of people who could become damaged by it, and I always, unluckily, fall in that small group of people. One thing, it can rupture the fascia, or worse, cause the fat pad on the ball of the foot to dissolve--not good for a barefoot runner, let alone trying to live normally into old age). I think I will give my treatments and now taping a good 2 or 3 more weeks before I rethink on the cortisone.
TJ, just to let you know up

TJ, just to let you know up front, I get paid by the question, and you just paid my electric bill this month. :) My pain was about a 5 and a 1 after taping. This was a few years ago, so yes I was wearing shoes. I did tape my right foot before running. This is the foot that I have TOFP in now and is the one I usually twist about every couple months or so on my run. Must be a weakness there. I think the huarches will work fine with the tape to a certain extent. I would usually tape and go out for about 35 minutes. I'm not Krupicka or Bourbon. I run for physical fitness and 30 to 45 minutes and some weight training does it for me. If you're going out a lot longer then, yes, the tape will probably start to break down. I did not sleep in the tape and usually removed it after my workout. (They do make some kind of night splint for PF) I had an orthotic I wore in a shoe which helped when I didn't tape. I couldn't use it for running cause it hurt my arch if I did, but didn't hurt just walking around with it. Removing the tape wasn't a problem. It was usually ready to come off after I worked out. Granted, duct tape isn't as good or long lasting as the medical tape, but it's a lot cheaper. They even have a spray adhesive that you can put on before the tape to help it stick better, but it's about $20 a can. Also, the medical tape is made for skin, so it's less irritating. I didn't have the duct tape on all day, so it was not a problem. Longer use may give some irritation. Depends on your skin. Also you should be doing your PF specific stretches and rolling your foot on a ball to break up scar tissue. I could really use a new flat screen, so keep the questions coming!
Ha, now way, Miqie, I'm not

Ha, now way, Miqie, I'm not rich...but you are very deserving. I've learned a lot from your answers.

I can't wear my custom casted, custom made $300 out of pocket orthotics, because I can't wear shoes, since I have a serious case of Morton's Neuroma in both feet, the othotics only made my condition worse, when I tried about a year and a half ago, and I won't ever wear shoes with a closed toe box again.

I do my stretches with the Step Stretch, I wear my night splints (though they don't seem to be helping), and I purchased a thingymabob that can be kept in the freezer to freeze the liquid in it, it is shaped like a football, and has protruding nubs on it to roll my feet over.

I'll forgo the sticky spray for now, but I am going to try taping today to see how that feels.

One last break the bank...

Do you think the taping helped to heal your PF, or do you think it only served to lessen the pain at the moments you were wearing it?
TJ, I think the taping helped

TJ, I think the taping helped to heal. Anytime you can take pressure off of an injury, whether it 's by a cast or splint or taping, you give the injury site time to rest and rebuild. One way to tell if it's working is by reduction of pain and I don't necessarily mean through painkillers. When I walked into the doctors office in pain and walked out without pain, I knew that the tape was the answer. Granted, my case was not too severe, but I learned a lot through that doctor visit. I'm headed over to Best Buy now, for my 46 incher. Thanks.
I have learned a ton from you

I have learned a ton from you Miqie! Thank you so much! Make it a 60"! ;-) Thank you everyone!

I had a weird experience with this PF today. When I took off my night splints this morning and stepped out of them, my calves were MEGA tight, and my PF felt like it did about 3 weeks ago, at its worst. I was pissed. Like WTF! All this work, sacrifice and nothing?! I mean I have been stretching my calves and plantar fascia like crazy all the time using the Step Stretch, using my nubby thingy, icing, sleeping with my night splints, taking my IB, you name it. So I called my hubby into the room and asked him to "roll me out." He was more than happy to, of course. I stayed laying down for about an hour. Then when I stepped out of bed, I had NO pain! What is going on?! Since then, my pain has been the least it has been in the past 3 weeks. Am I just having a good day? Will it all go back to the horrible pain like before? I don't know. It's weird because he's rolled me out a few times in the past week and a half, since we started doing this. I hope these are signs that I am on the mends.

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