Matt Fitzgerald is a tool. Discuss....

Great answers, Jason! Then

Great answers, Jason! Then again, since you're a big shot author now I'd expect nothing less. ;)

It's always interesting to see how much editors let their own beliefs influence their work. Im guessing this might be one of the worst cases...
Jason,Nice interview.


Nice interview. I forwarded it (along w/your links at the bottom) to my brother (Mr. Bloody Stumps). Good information. Thanks for sharing...


 Jason, your answers were so

Jason, your answers were so ... eminently reasonable ... I begin to feel ashamed at occasionally being one of those zealots. :)
Just playing to the audience,

Just playing to the audience, Blind Boy. Matt paints all of us with the same brush... we're a bunch of fanatical idiots that are trying to recruit the masses, then lead them off a cliff. That's the only view of barefoot running readers get. My goal was to marginalize Matt's arguments by pointing out that he obviously points to a few cases of BFR injuries as an accurate representation of all BFR experiences. I also tried to replay the idea that the vast majority of barefoot runners aren't bent on recruiting others, we're just excited that we are able to run injury-free.

I'm still waiting for them to post the interview. Since they're on the US West Coast, it will probably be another four or five hours...
I've been meeting more and

I've been meeting more and more experienced runners lately that are curious about BFR, but also seem to think it's a bit....insane. This interview addresses that crowd very well Jason! Think I may print out a few copies to keep on hand for those folks.
I think that's the complaint

I think that's the complaint from most people Pit.

I've stopped trying to convert people based on words alone. I think the only way people will come around is by giving them safe places to try barefoot or minimalist running. So I encourage them to come running with me and give it a try. Or I encourage them to go to REI and try on a pair of VFFs to see how comfortable they are.
When you guys are talking to

When you guys are talking to others about BFR whether it be friends or a reporter, please, please be sure to point out that shod runners get injured just as well. Ask them, "What are the number of shod runners FLOCKING to the podiatrists and sports doctors with Plantar Fasciitis and stress fractures? Hmmmm?"

I mean they seem to think that we barefoot runners are FLOCKING to the doctors and creating an "injury epidemic." Let's get down to the numbers. Anyone want to do the research?
Quite honestly I think it's

Quite honestly I think it's because he's afraid. Afraid that the world of running as he knows it and has known it for as long as he's been running has been flipped upside down and everything that had been shoved onto our feet regarding footwear down to heel striking/long striding form has been seriously debated and proven to have been bullshit. I think he (and a lot of other runners) are afraid of that. kwim? It's a new unknown and in his mind, even though he strongly supports everything he endorses about running, there's that chance that 'hey, maybe this barefoot thing really is on to something and everything that I'd written about and have promoted for so many years was in a sense, wrong'. People hate to admit that they were wrong. For the record, no clue who this guy even is. Just a feeling that that is what so many runners resist barefoot running.
BTW, awesome interview Jason.

BTW, awesome interview Jason. As always, very cordial with your responses.