Invisible Shoe - Hurache

The thing in the front is no

The thing in the front is no problem for me. The problem for me is laziness. The lacing on mine definitely need tweaking and I've been too lazy to get them right so I can actually run in them (I've walked in them alot before the relacing that messed them up). Other than that, I think they are a great shoe - really the only really good solution for hot weather. I like my $6 beach shoes, but they get too hot like everything else. I got a blister in between the toes at a race Friday night running in them - it made me realize I really need to get my huaraches working. I just bought the kids' kits to make my kids some.
I don't have the invisible

I don't have the invisible shoe but I did make a pair that are comparable. They are strangely comfortable and I like wearing them better than flipflops. The knot under the toes is barely noticeable and is in between the toes not under them. I ordered a pair of 6mm(1/4") Leather Latigo Laces because I really didn't like the nylon feel of the cord.

Here is the blog entry that shows some pictures

Here is a link to tan and black Laces if anyone is interested and the price is killer. I think these are the same Latigo laces BF Ted uses.

Brown Latigo Laces

Black Latigo Laces
 like lava I made my own from

like lava I made my own from tires and old flip flops. I love them, even the heavy tire ones I made. I've also played alot with different tying options and have some that just wrap right around and I can slide the knots to tighten. tough to explain but they take no effort to get on and off now.
ArggggggI ruined mine. The


I ruined mine. The material wasn't as strong as I thought and I ripped out the side.

Now I have a dilemma, Do I but a sheet of 4mm or 6 mm Vibram sole material. I don't want them to be super floppy. Are the 4 mm floppy and would going to a 6mm be that big a difference?

Lava,   I was reading

Lava, I was reading Barefoot Ted's blog about his new luna huraches he is coming out with, and he makes them with 6mm vibram sole material because he finds the 4 mm is too floppy to run with. He also said the bigger foot you have the more the 4mm width will have a better chance in flopping, makes sense. Just some information to pass on.

I have heard there is really no difference in feel between the two.
 Thanks for the input Adam.

Thanks for the input Adam. I was reading Ted's website earlier today and am really considering buying a pair of his huaraches. My company gave me a $100 gift card which makes his shoes even more enticing. I'm considering the leather topped $65.00 pair, the money screams at me to say no but they are still cheaper then a pair of standard running shoes.
and they are pretty dang cool

and they are pretty dang cool looking too.

Heck, $65 is cheaper than a pair of VFFs and Ted built them ;)

Maybe he will autograph the footbed with a monkey paw print.

Thanks for the feedback, I think I'll just buy a sheet of the 6mm off ebay.
 i like the 6mm much better

i like the 6mm much better than the 4. the four feels flimsy and loose. the 6mm feels substantial but not in a bad way. the 4mm feels sort of free and light but once i started sweating i felt loose on it. with the 6mm i didnt get that feeling and i personally like the feeling of more cushioning that i felt with the 6mm. i dont want inches of cushion but 6mm feels that way to me but in a very minimalist fashion.
Shacky wrote: Thanks for the

Shacky said:
Thanks for the input Adam. I was reading Ted's website earlier today and am really considering buying a pair of his huaraches. My company gave me a $100 gift card which makes his shoes even more enticing. I'm considering the leather topped $65.00 pair, the money screams at me to say no but they are still cheaper then a pair of standard running shoes.

I wouldn't mind getting a pair as well, they look great especially with the leather topping. Just can't afford them right now, I think the $65 would be worth it though. Like Lava said, still much cheaper than VFF's, and definitely cheaper than shoes!
Invisible Shoes only uses the

Invisible Shoes only uses the 4 mm sole. I wonder if I did a 4mm and then glued on a leather deck what that would do to the stiffness. Wearing the pair I did have the flopiness was a bit annoying and I like to avoid the noid. Good sole glue is cheap and leather can be bought for next to nothing and lasts well. My Birk shoe decks last for years so it seems the way to go.
I made my own pair as well,

I made my own pair as well, but I used saddle leather purchased from a local store. Originally, I had leather laces, but I felt like they stretched out the longer I ran. Now I use nylon laces and keep them tight, and they feel great!
Kind of a drag. My leather

Kind of a drag. My leather straps shown up today and now I have no sole LOL

The leather seems very strong and durable. I think theyu ill be perfect after a treatment of oil to soften, strengthen and pre-stretch them.

Here are some pictures of the leather so you can get a feel of the size.



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