How did you learn about the Barefoot Runners Society?

Okay, granted that was under

Okay, granted that was under a sublink for my social network but still, when I do a search under Dogpile (a search engine that searches all other major search engines), he still shows up! I'm going to have to pull his plug. Ha!

What other forum?

What other forum?
(No subject)

There you guys go with that

There you guys go with that other forum again! What other forum?
(No subject)

Yup, I went back and

Yup, I went back and re-googled "barefoot running" to see what came up. All the links I've visited are still purple, and the link for BRS doesn't show up until page 6. My explanation: I was pretty desperate for information and "insider" advice when I started, and I remember looking long and hard until I found what I was looking for. TJ and Co., I hope you take it as a compliment when I mention that the BRS link is the last purple-ized link for that particular Google search. No need to keep looking once you land here. :)

A friend told me about the

A friend told me about the site (not sure how he knew about it, shod runner). He thought I should check the site out when I started experimenting barefoot. His exact words were, "If your going to be nuts and run without shoes, then you should learn from the rest of the experienced nuts out there." Best idea he has ever had.
Google last July or

Google last July or August.

I was a frustrated and lonely BF runner and couldn't actually attract the right attention needed to get an invite. I jumped in when you opened the door to the riff-raff last September.
Barefooting Bob wrote:If your

Barefooting Bob said:
If your going to be nuts and run without shoes, then you should learn from the rest of the experienced nuts out there."


JosephTree said:
I was a frustrated and lonely BF runner and couldn't actually attract the right attention needed to get an invite. I jumped in when you opened the door to the riff-raff last September.

I am so glad your riff-raff self is finally here, JT, and all of you riff-raff.

Keep the responses coming, please. They are very helpful.

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