Houston Texas???


Nov 15, 2010
I've been running barefoot for a couple of months now and love it! (I've even been hiking barefoot on some nearby trails.) I've always disliked shoes and spend as much time barefoot as possible but just recently discovered how much better my running has become without shoes. I'm taking it slow and enjoying the new experience. It does feel, however, that I am the only one in a city of 6 million people that likes to run barefoot!


Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving!

Welcome, Bill!  Glad you're

Welcome, Bill! Glad you're here.
Same here. I swear I'm the

Same here. I swear I'm the only barefoot runner in the Sacramento Valley. I'm sure most of them are in San Francisco or LA. Its a bit lonely being the only one.
Bill - welcome to the crew. 

Bill - welcome to the crew. And I can assure you, that there are probably 2 of you in the greater Houston area. There may not be any more, but at least you're probably not truly alone. And there are all of your brethren and sistren scattered around, gathering together only here. As Davy Crockett always said, "Make sure you're right, then go ahead." There's no value in being both like everyone else and wrong at the same time.
Hi Bill -I'm starting

Hi Bill -

I'm starting barefoot running starting tomorrow.

I ran the Texas Marathon yesterday in Kingwood, my first marathon, and saw at least 2 runners in VFFs, one in water shoes, and another in something else that looked very minimalist. One lady I talked to wore shoes for part of the marathon, and VFFs for another part. It was a very wooded path, all concrete/asphalt, lots of sticks and dried gumballs on the path, lots of cracks. I also saw at least 2 bloody knees, and one lady had somehow scraped the side of her face. Probably tripping on a crack, which I nearly did as well.

I live in NW Houston, near Jersey Village. I got my pace down to 9:45 for an average on a 6 mile run, but will probably have to slow down again until I learn this new style.

Hope to see a post from you on how you're doing now.

Hey Bill and Laura!  Howdy! 

Hey Bill and Laura! Howdy! Now you know y'all aren't all by your lonesomes. The party can only get bigger from here.

I started running conventionally when I lived down there quite a while ago, in the mid 80's. I ran the Houston Tenneco Marathon in '84. Ooo! That was a looong time ago! I ran with the Greater Houston Track Club, and they were a very cool bunch. If they're still kicking around, you might form up their BF wing.

Laura, I know you've heard and read this many times, but TAKE YOUR TIME! Enjoy the process of readapting your feet and legs, as well as your spirit to the BF path. And don't stand around any fire ant nests!
Hey Laura! That's so cool

Hey Laura! That's so cool that you live so close. I live at 290 and West and actually grew up in Jersey Village and went to school there. That track is good for getting your feet broken in lol. It's tough! I usually run at a park like Wortham or there's another good one off of Barker Cypress. I would love to run with you sometime soon, especially while your pace is slow lol. I'll message you my info! -Bill
Hopefully, the Chapter

Hopefully, the Chapter President for Texas will start scheduling some runs together for you guys soon.

IBill, Thanks for the very

IBill, Thanks for the very kind invite back, but I'd rather not. (Shudder!!!) I remember what I thought of as soul killing heat and humidity that seemed to run from April to October. And then there are all those Texans wandering around loose. I'm just a wimp, I guess. Besides, there's no shad fishing down there!
 How cool! I was just in

How cool! I was just in Katy! I ran at Mary Jo Peckham Park. It was awesome - cold, wed, mud, rocks... fun! I'd love to run with you sometime. I'll message you my info.

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