Hot Feet


Chapter Presidents
Jun 5, 2010
portland, or
No, i don't mean that they are attractive. I mean that my feet get hot after running. Sometimes after work or a long day on my feet also. I went for a run on wet trails and now my feet are burning up.

I seriously am getting uncomfortable here. It may not help that i had a beer with dinner but this happens to me more often that not, especially after running bf when it's cold out.

Does anyone else have this problem or is it just me?

this happens to me in the

this happens to me in the summer also. it's happening on days i don't run. so really? i'm the only one here who gets uncomfortably hot?

  I have had the same

I have had the same experience in cold weather also. When I get through running my feet feel like they're on fire, this happened even when I use to run shod as well. I am not really sure what causes it though? I can say that it's not quiet as bad barefoot than it was shod though.