Flat Feet

I don't know about youse

I don't know about youse guys, but I stand straighter because I am so posture conscious when I run. There seems to be a lot of muscle action involved in keeping my back straight and my head level while my legs are going like a duck's under water. Trail running even moreso.
JosephTree wrote:There seems

JosephTree said:
There seems to be a lot of muscle action involved in keeping my back straight and my head level while my legs are going like a duck's under water.

Oh what a visual! I cracked up reading that!

Its not whether your feet are flat or high arched its about the spring suspension system and the muscles that support it. The spring suspension system springs you off the ground providing protection from impacts of walking and running.

Also the spring suspension system recycles energy by springing you off of the ground rather than banging you into the ground. These muscles have long tendons, which are elastic providing free elastic energy that will allow movements to be more efficient.

The key is that if the spring mechanism weakens it can stiffen or lock which turns into a lever also known as foot lock mechanism, which is less efficient and cannot protect you as well from impacts.

Less efficiency equals chronic fatigue, inability to protect you from chronic impacts, which causes pain.

Read these articles by DR. James Stoxen; about the spring suspension system with self-help hands on treatments and exercises to help with the spring system mechanism.

Foot Lock! What You Get From Standing Too Long And How To Prevent It


Foot Eversion


Dr James Stoxen DC, President, Team Doctors The Barefoot Running Doctor

Supination or Pronation

What Is Foot Pronation and Supination? Is it Good Or Bad? How can we strengthen our feet to avoid over supination or over pronation?

This is a commonly misunderstood concept and subject to debate by professionals. Dr Stoxen has lectured around the world on how the body absorbs impacts for years.

This is his best explanation of how it works and some articles that he has written.

When you impact the ground during walking or running, the force of the impact collisions are absorbed by the spring, but the efficiency of that process is dependent, in part, on how the foot rolls when it touches the ground.

The roll should distribute weight across the foot so it is absorbed gradually, avoiding shock to the skeleton. It rolls from supination (the outside of the foot) to pronation (the inside).

That roll has to be performed within a safe range, meaning if it starts rolling too far on the outside or too far to the inside, it causes the lower leg limb to twist, imposing abnormal stress and strain through the muscles, ligaments and tendons of the knee, hip, ankle, lower back, lower spine and up through the head.


The spring suspension muscles in the arch of the foot must be strong in order to prevent over rolling (over supination or over pronation) to maintain the foot in a safe range.

Your spring suspension system muscles that support your arches fatigued and weakened. The arch spring eventually collapsed and locked and that led to further abnormalities in the way you move, imposing stress and strain on all muscles, ligament joints and bones. Eventually, the wear and tear on every joint in the body promotes the inflammation.

“It’s a three step process: we unlock you, we strengthen the spring and eventually supercharge it,” he said. “That’s a sizeable journey but we start by identifying all the weaknesses in your mechanism.”
Read this article Dr Stoxen wrote

What Is Foot Pronation and Supination? Is it Good Or Bad?


A counter support shoe is usually required to start the strengthening process in conjunction with spring suspension system exercises and carefully constructed running drills.

To learn how counter support shoes can maintain your foot in the safe range without sabotaging the spring loading that functions to spring you back from impacts and improves efficiency in walking and running by recycling natural energy through the spring read this article:

Video Tutorial #97 On Your Feet All Day? Fatigued? Achy? Over Pronation? I Recommend Footwear with Extended Medial Counters


Most importantly for your long-term health, here are some self-tests & exercises to help you reduce over pronation and over supination from impacts during walking and running.


I hope to network with more people who are interested in this subject. Please leave a comment in the articles to begin a exchange of thoughts.

Thank you for a nicely written article!

Dr James Stoxen DC, President, Team Doctors The Barefoot Running Doctor