Download a free copy of the second edition of The Barefoot Running Book for 24 hours

We needed a tool to help convince more people to try barefoot or minimalist shoe running, so here you go! Feel free to share the link with anyone and everyone that may be remotely interested in the topic. The download will be available until approximately 8am Sunday April 2nd (est.)

Help me launch this revolution!
thanks Jason, downloaded it

thanks Jason, downloaded it last night.. will try to read it sometime soon.. time is pretty short these days..
Thanks Jason.   When I

Thanks Jason.

When I first saw this yesterday I thought it was an April Fools joke. I was not sure what the link would get me. I now feel foolish for my skepticism. I look forward to reading the book.
Thanks Jason!  It was just

Thanks Jason! It was just the thing to e-cozy up with during the snow yesterday! Having that all in one resource is pretty important when talking to people who are interested in barefoot running - it reminds us of all the things that are so second nature now that I'd never think to teach them. Fewer starting injuries/glitches = more happy new barefoot runners!