Dirt shoes!

This is my favorite thing when running barefoot:

1. Run on a dirt path.
2. See big mud puddle ahead.
3. Run towards big mud puddle.
4. Run through squishy mud puddle.
5. Continue onto dirt path.
6. Enjoy the sensation of the dry dirt sticking to your muddy feet.

Voila! Dirt shoes!
That's hilarious! You come up with that yourself?
Can't beat it. There is a farm I sometimes train on with a 2km loop and a 300m rolling hill with really nice soil, I call it Kenyan hill. It's amazing to run on after rain just before it's dry as it's still a hard surface but with a soft layer that feels like heaven underfoot. I love making dirt shoes on it by pouring water onto the ground and digging my feet in, got a couple photos here.


