
Wolf Brother

Sep 30, 2010
Hello everyone,

This is my first post and I apologize if this topic has already been discussed, if so I would appreciate it if anyone could re-direct me to the already discussed thread, thanks:)

Out of curiousity, how has (if so) barefootrunning changed your life? Not in physical ways but more mentally or even philosophically?
Do you feel that barefootrunning has connected you more with nature? Has the minimalistic approach had an impact in other parts of your daily life like materialism, awareness of the environment, community/people, health ?

I look forward in getting to know you all! :)
Hi Wolf.  Welcome!  I have

Hi Wolf. Welcome! I have always been sympathetic to others and their trials and tribulations, pain and suffering. I do give to charity, and I even give of my own. I'm not overly materialistic, and I do prefer simpler things. I was already into recycling and taking care of nature and picking up trash and stuff like that before I became a barefoot runner. These are my traits, and I have had them for as long as I can remember. I do, however, feel more connected to the earth, my surroundings, and our creator after becoming a barefoot runner. It's exactly like "they" say, "becoming one with nature" with a sense of feeling nature and becoming a part of nature.

These are always good threads. Thanks for starting this one.
It is still working it's juju

It is still working it's juju on me...but I think the more I go barefoot, even at work and around town, the less I take myself so seriously. It's an awesome opportunity to further develop one's sense of humor!

Also, while I was already in the process of trying to lighten the load of posessions, I'm feeling very weighed down by my stuff and plan another big clean-out this weekend. I have too many shoes.
Barefoot running will connect

Barefoot running will connect you more with nature for sure, you have to learn more body awareness to barefoot run so that in itself will connect to nature since you are part of nature.

It can't be fully explained in words...just try it for awhile then you will know for yourself. Its well worth trying out, there is much to gain beyond the fitness/physical part...patience, humility, humbleness, acomplishment and many other small things etc... I know its changed my life for the better!
Also, what about all the crap

Also, what about all the crap many of us stop carrying around after we've transitioned to running barefoot? I've shed the Asics Kayanos, the Garmin Forerunner 305 along with heart rate monitor, the Creative Zen MP3 player, the Mizuno waste hydration pack... Before long, I will be streakin' naked all over town... You'll hear about me in the news. Crazy woman running around barefoot and barebutt naked now committed for treatment at the local insane assylum. Seriously, I feel so light and free when I run. Before, I felt like I was a slave to the technology and added burdens that "don't" have to go along with running.
I definetly feel connected to

I definetly feel connected to nature barefoot. I run trails mostly and go barefoot hiking, instead of seeing nature I get to have the joy of feeling nature under my bare feet as well!
I don't know if I am more

I don't know if I am more cosmically connected or just happier. It's hard to separate for me because I wasn't running at all before the idea of BF running got me up on my feet again. I'm also still the rank novice compared to many. It just feels right for me. I love the feeling that every step is different and worth attending to. I think the simplicity of the act of BF running is one of its greatest recommendations. Like TJ I love the feel of nearly naked, nearly silent passage....
Very beautiful, JT,

Very beautiful, JT, especially "love the feeling that every step is different and worth attending to." and "love the feel of nearly naked, nearly silent passage...."
Thanks for the input thus far

Thanks for the input thus far ! It's nice to see that people have a tendency to either become overall happier in their lives or feel a stronger connection with Mother Nature though I think both go hand in hand :)

About 8 years ago I read a book by Bear Heart, a native american medicine man, and since then I have felt a strong connection with nature but since I began running barefoot/minimal clothing in the woods the connection has only gotten stronger.
In nature it's like learning a forgotten language that's slowly being taught to you. You never feel alone amongst the trees and I found that eventhough you can learn alot by reading a book it can never surpass the experience.

There can never be too many positive examples like you in the world, TJ.

I also try to help by giving to charity but I feel alot happier when I also do things on my own, like the time when I went to the local forest/park and collected garbage after the local carnival. We take and take but so rarely give anything back.
I agree with you Wolf that

I agree with you Wolf that the connection gets stronger the more one is directly touching the variables in terrain, and it increases alertness to the things one should go over or around: last night a woman at the park asked "what about the duck poop?" and I laughed and said "I just jump over it!"

Now that I'm gathering courage to go beyond my home and yard with no shoes it is really forcing me to expand my own limitations, also realize other limitations by respecting the pain.

I love trail running for the beauty and solitude, but am still not sure I'm ready to go naked feet- 3.5 miles (my farthest yet) last night left some very tender spots and one large blood blister. (new asphalt chips and too aggressive on a hill I think) Patience and humility for sure!
Running barefoot also

Running barefoot also strengthened the trust I have in my body and my general self confidence.
The first and major step in the direction of self confidence happened the first time I gave birth without medication. I realized that my body is designed for and capable of doing things that our society encourage us to do with the assistance of tools and experts. Breastfeeding, eating less processed food, thinking independantly, etc all go in the same direction, and barefoot running is a logical continuation of this tendency to 'need' less and see things with a mind more opened.

In my case, barefoot running did not initiate these changes but is a natural evolution of my lifestyle.

And of course, " I love the feeling that every step is different and worth attending to." Just for that feeling, people should give barefoot running a try. JT, thanks for finding the right words.
Sloutre, The words are yours

Sloutre, The words are yours to keep if you'd like. btw, all 3 of my kids were born in my bed. I'll take indirect credit, having been only peripherally involved. But, yes, it's all of a muchness - the birthing, the conscious eating, the feet on the ground. Little steps toward a better soul, perhaps.
Wow - great thread!  Thanks

Wow - great thread! Thanks for starting this, Wolf Brother.

I haven't had that "connecting to the earth" experience with BFR, because I think I had it much earlier. I started running in the spring of 2001, and made a regular habit of it after September 11th. I lived in Manhattan at the time, and life was sucking. I needed the stress release, and also, running around the city helped me make peace with the place I lived in. I got in tune that year with the nature around me (ginko trees, the bald eagles in my neighborhood, the baby cygnets... um, yeah, NYC.)

Barefoot running has made me a local celebrity, and I'm not entirely comfortable with that. I'll go to some event at my kid's school and get asked, "Hey, aren't you that lady that runs barefoot? I saw you running barefoot through the snow all last winter...."
I'm glad you guys/girls

I'm glad you guys/girls appreciate the thread.
Is it easy to find nature in NYC, SillyC? I'm asking because I've never been there.

When I think of nature it's more in terms of forests, mountains and places with more remote locations where it's possible to escape the everyday noise and let our senses take over instead of us trying to dictate what we want.
When our senses are on alert, our minds open to new input and time seems to disappear. From my experience this is when I feel my connection with Mother Nature to be the strongest.
How do you feel the connection and what is it like when you feel it? (Tough question, I know) :)
Wolf Brother wrote:I'm glad

Wolf Brother said:
I'm glad you guys/girls appreciate the thread.
Is it easy to find nature in NYC, SillyC? I'm asking because I've never been there.

Yes, actually. Manhattan is in the hudson river valley, which is a true fjord. It's an area with enormous natural beauty. I lived in Washington Heights - near here:!/video/video.php?v=141047995939394&ref=mf