Chaser's Chia


Apr 27, 2011
Chaser, I gave you a hard time about the chia seeds, but can you post some about your chia strategy for hydration? I think peole could get a lot out of that and I may actually give them another chance. I never saw Chaser drink more than a dixie cup of water at an aid station for the entire run. Just drank one bottle of chia mix. I was more amazed by that than the bare feet.
Well, aside from the fact

Well, aside from the fact that they give you superhuman abilities and cure the Aids, theres lots of advantages to chia!

Namely hydration and caloric intake. Although they might have slowed me down due to having to stop and pee every 5 minutes...
I figured out how to get chia

I figured out how to get chia seeds out of kitchen sponges, strainers, tooth brushes and anything else they like to stick to. Vinegar and baking soda. This is exciting information, I know.
Chia seeds retain water, it

Chia seeds retain water, it almost works like a time release in your body. Kind of like a morphin drip, but it's the chia seeds that gradually releases water and rehydrates your body without drinking alot of water. I have been doing the water and chia seed mixture for a few years now, always have a tupperware bottle in the fridge. Plus it's a great drink to fight off illness.
It did make me urinate like

It did make me urinate like crazy!
Apparently a lot of people

Apparently a lot of people had an over urination problem. Some guy has a strange theory on the facebook for Tejas Trails.
I'm trying to work out whether Chia seeds are just Flax seed? What's their latin name?

I use flax seed in my bread, porridge (that's oatmeal for you leftpondian colonists), salads etc
Chia seeds are not flax seeds. They have different Chinese names. I have never had flax seeds, but I think you have to grind them up first and they go bad quickly.
I have flax seeds. You can add them to salad as a topping. They're similar to sesame seeds, but have a little bit different taste. They don't go bad for a very, very long time. Mine are oldish and taste just as fresh as when I got them a few months ago.
FLax seeds keep well as seeds, but once you've toasted them and ground them, the oils go off fairly quickly. I keep mine in an airtight tub
I make up a couple small flasks of a homemade chia gel mixture for my long runs. I pee a lot too, but I've always had to pee a lot when I run so thats nothing new. I hate using regular gels for energy when I'm running and the chia works great.
And it gives you something to do with your mouth as you flick them out of your teeth with your tongue. Hee. Why should the rest of our bodies be getting a good workout? Why not our mouths too, right?
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