call for suggestions: "Library" section of the site

Hey there,

TJ and Zum have come up with the idea of having a "Library" section of the BRS site and I've volunteered to edit and/or maintain it for a while. (Why? I'm a sucker :< .)

See this thread for some discussion.

My idea for this page is specific. I do not want to reproduce all the detail and flavor of the forums. The Library page I'm thinking of will NOT be comprehensive or updated any more frequently than monthly (that will be way too much work, and for what?), but rather it will include a very concise set of links to quality material that give a newbie (to the site or subject) a solid introduction to the rationale and reality of barefoot and/or minimalist running. The links altogether should answer questions like "why would someone be doing this?" and "how do I get started?"

For any more detail or tangential subjects they can come to the blogs or forums or whatever.

The categories I'm thinking of are:
  • How-To Guides.
  • Instructional Videos.
  • Academic Research.
  • Inspirational Stories.
And I'm thinking of putting two or three items in each one. Perhaps that will grow, especially in categories like "academic research," but focusing on the best two or three for right now will provide a good experience for the reader, I'm hoping.

I know there was already a thread about people's favorite material. But really, I would like to know maybe 1 piece of material in each category that you really think is the best or most important, and why. Feel free to PM if you want to keep your suggestion private.

Thanks! stomper

ps. I am accustomed to reading academic articles, so don't be shy about suggesting those


The "Beginning" and "How To Run" pages off of Ken Bob's site. No list of barefooting sites would be complete without them.
thanks Danjo.PS to anyone

thanks Danjo.

PS to anyone interested: the "rough draft" of potential library materials, including any notes I've made, can be viewed in this Zotero account. Right now all I have in there is some academic materials, but the little reading I've already done is fascinating.

The primary author of this paper, for example, was financially supported by Brooks. But the paper nonetheless concludes that running shoes are associated with increased torques at several body sites susceptible to osteoarthritis.
Dr. Lieberman's Nature study,

Dr. Lieberman's Nature study, first and foremost, IMHO. Thanks for taking this on, Stomper.

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