Calf Flexibility


Apr 13, 2011
Hi All,

I'm looking for some advice on how to improve flexibility in a very tight calf. This has been a problem for me for a long time and I'm pretty much certain that it's one of the causes of my persistent achilles tendonitis (I've had AT in both legs, but it's always been worse in the one with the tight calf).

When I run, my left calf gets stiff and sore very quickly, and will often stay sore for 2-3 days afterwards. I don't get the same problem in my right calf, which is what tells me that this is more than normal tiredness. The tender area is in the middle of the calf, beginning just below the thicker part (soleus?) of the muscle. When I massage it I can find the tender area very easily and to my (admittedly inexpert) fingers it feels thicker and less pliable than the same spot on the other leg.

I'd appreciate any tips on how to strengthen the calf and to improve flexibility. I'm reluctant to do too much stretching, partly because it hasn't worked in the past and partly because I'm concerned about straining my achilles tendons. At the moment, this problem is the main thing holding back my running. When my calf is stiff it tends to wreck my form and I'm worried about causing other problems by landing badly. I'm having to take 2-3 days off after each run to let the soreness subside.

Any thoughts?

Have a look at these exercises. The explanations are in German, but the pictures are self-explanatory. They claim to have done a study and tested these exercises (12 weeks, 3 x 15 reps every day) and found significant improvements in 60 subjects with chronic AT-Pain.


I've actually been doing that one (at least I think I have - my German isn't very good!) for a while to strengthen my achilles tendon. It's definitely helped my AT and has probably helped to strengthen my calves as well, but I tend to find the same problem - my left calf tires a lot faster than my right and I get some soreness in the same tender spot in the middle of the muscle.

Probably the best way to describe this soreness is that it feels like the "burn" of weight traininhg, but it comes on much earlier than it should do (and much earlier than in my other calf) and always in the same spot. It isn't the whole calf that hurts, just that one spot in the middle.

Thanks again.
Hi JosephTree,

Thanks for your reply.

My gym has just got some foam rollers which I've started using. I'm really still learning how to use them effectively - I've only been able to start using them in the last few days. I've been using the PowerPlates in the gym to massage my calves for a while, which seems to help relieve a little of the stiffness but doesn't really get into the deep tissue.

I massage my calves every night, but I'd really like to know more about how to do it more effectively - I know the basics about massaging towards the heart, but I'm still a little unsure about how hard I should be digging in to the tender spots. It's very easy to find the problem area, but I'm always a little cautious about doing more harm than good.

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