Barefooting and High Heels?

Okay, this is an odd question (especially coming from a guy) but has anyone else noticed that barefoot running has made it easier to walk in high heels? As part of Relay for Life (a fundraiser for Cancer research) I participated in a 'Miss Relay' pageant to raise some money. It was basically a bunch of guys dressing in drag and taking a lap around a track. People voted for you by putting money in your purse. Anyway, I ended up wearing 4 inch high heels for this walk around a sand track and really had no problem walking in them (besides being very uncomfortable). This surprised everybody, including me (and no, this is not something I do often, or ever before). My guess is that my training my feet for a forefoot landing made the difference. Anybody else ever notice anything like this?
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It's been a while since I got the ol' stilettos out, but as a fencer, I know that more modern approaches to footwork definitely promote forefoot stances, which I think has helped me with foot and calf strength/ mobility.
I can see where it would be easier, but I haven't tried any crazy high heels since being a barefooted. Funny though. Got any pictures? Ha!
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Shirley Locks.jpgThis is the best pic I have at the moment. I know there were a lot of cameras flashing, but I just got the pic from a friend's phone.
That is outstanding. I do a 1940's pinup calendar each year, and this year's photo shoot was excruciating for me. I'd been in VFF's for weeks so the heels were killing me. And I have to admit, I'm rather jealous of how fetching you look! LOL
Looks like you shaved for the occasion.
Ok. Funny that you should ask about high heels. A few months ago I came across this video while searching for some hard to find Terra Plana shoes. Back then, I thought it was odd that a minimalist company was selling high heels. However, now looking at the video, I suppose that the lady has some good points about choosing a stable shoe and proper form.

Chyna at Terra Plana
No, it's not exactly a habit... although I did study musical theatre in college.

Oh, and just because I'm sure you'd all like the clarification, when you asked about shaving you probably just meant my beard. When I say I shaved, I meant my legs, pits, and chest (and nothing else!) That's what I mean by going all out.
That's decoration, not mutilation.

Actually, I have this battle with my kids fairly regularly. My 10 year old daughter shears the hair on my head when it grows out. She's dying to run the shears down by back to get it nice and smooth like mama's. My son has it in for my underarm hair. He thinks it would be hilarious to see me with bald pits, to match my pate.

btw, I think your Eliz. B. Browning quote is awesome. Thanks for bringing it!
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Nice exchange fellas, well done.

You know, IA, you were so fetching cross-dressing
that I had completely forgotten your questioning.
Let me just add by saying my wife spends most of her time
barefoot or in very basic, flat leather sandals,
but walks really well in her heels on the occasions she uses them.
So I think you may be onto something . . .

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