Barefoot Marathon


Jan 29, 2012
Hi there! I'm new here... I started running in VFF Sprints in late March of last year (never ran before) with the C25K program. I completed the program, along with Bridge to 10k and my longest run in VFFs was 10 miles in August 2011. Around that time I started transitioning to barefoot running by beginning with .5 mile barefoot at the end of my VFF runs and increasing my distance until I was comfortably running 3-4 miles barefoot in September. I completely ditched shoes in November and have been running an average of 15 mpw with long runs from 5-7 miles since then. I am racing a 10k February 19th (SF Chinatown Y Chinese New Year 10k!). I haven't had a "real" injury outside of a badly stubbed toe in October that limited my toe's range of motion for a good 6-8 weeks. I don't get blisters at all anymore.

So, I really want to run the SF Marathon barefoot at the end of July. Is this completely out of the question? I am planning on using this training plan: with the stated adjustments for someone just running to complete the marathon rather than for time.

Foolish? I don't intend to register for the marathon just yet but at what point in a training plan can you be confident you have a chance of running the race distance? At some point the race registration will be full and I don't want to miss my chance!
There's always another race,

There's always another race, and another, and another. Get your base down, get comfortable in that base, KNOW you can cover the distance, THEN and only then, register for a marathon. You will know when you are ready. Don't force yourself to "be" ready before your time.


...ontheotherhand...July isn't that soon and 26.2 isn't really out of sight if you feel comforatble with 10 miles or so now. Don't push it too hard, but you might hold the option open and see what running a bit longer feels like. If you're on teh faster end of the development curve it just might work out.

Take it easy, take it slow and pay really good attention to your body, and just see how your bod responds. Ablsoutely do like TJ says and remember that this running business is for your whole life and when in any doubt, play it safe.

I've not run a marathon since 1984, though I'm thinking maybe this will be the year I break my "never do that to myself again" promise. The only thing that causes me to think it won't work out is that running the required milage just takes so long.

Good luck to you whatever you choose.
There are several folks

There are several folks around here that have ran marathons barefoot.

First, I agree that as long as you have a base of 15-20 mpw right now, a marathon in July is not out of reach.

Second, while it's important to make your weekly / daily mileage, do not under any circumstance run with pain. You are still developing your barefoot technique and finding out what works or doesn't work for you. Don't push it if you feel pain. Soreness, tiredness, little niggles here and there are, for the most part, normal, but (again, sorry to be redundant) pain is not. It's better to lose a week of running than a month with a serious injury.

Third, set your goals low. My "official" goal was to finish. Internally I wanted to be below a "goal" time and I even had a "wish time" I was shooting for. Finish I did, I met my "goal" time but missed my "wish time". The biggest for me was that I completed the marathon with pure bare feet in less than optimum conditions and really didn't have the "marathon hurt" the next day. It was a spectacular success as far as I was concerned.

Best of luck and again, there are several folks around here that have completed marathons barefoot. Here's a couple RRs:

I know others have ran BF, but I couldn't find their RRs in a quick manner.

Good luck and keep us informed on your progress. Its always interesting to hear everyone's stories along the way.

...and your handle gives me a

...and your handle gives me a headache to look at. Sheesh. My brain keeps trying to read it and after a couple beers it begins to look like Stepanie. A dyslexics nightmare!
Don't do that to him!  He

Don't do that to him! He can't handle it. ;-)
Its doable. Just get to where

Its doable. Just get to where your weeklymileage is around 40 or so, and get a few long runs (somewhere over 20 miles) in, and just go in with a goal of finishing!

Good luck!
5t3ph4n13, good luck I think

5t3ph4n13, good luck I think if you train smart you could pull it off easy ;) I'm a little further behind you and going to shoot for a half towards summers end.

Oh, and your very l33t!
Very, very doable just make

Very, very doable just make some adaptations to your running schedule as you go don't stick to it to a T use the schedule as a guidance.

Good luck

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