Back at it again (hopefully)


Mar 23, 2012
Right, then....

After having laid off running (and riding and other stuff) due to a combination of schedule, illness (stupid lingering cold) and general malaisiness, I finally went running for the first time in about a month. Of course, not only was it just a run, but it was the Race Through the Redwoods 10K (Felton, for us Bay Area folks). In the name of discretion, my original plan was to run up to 1/2 of it skin-to-ground, then put on my trail runners and complete the race...

...but it just felt so good, and I sort of "forgot" and did the entire 10K sans shoes. Outside of a little tenderness on the soles, the only pain I'm experiencing is due to banging my middle right toe on a root.

Mind you, up until today, the most I've ever run STG is maybe 3.2 miles or so, so I might be in for interesting times, come tomorrow morning. Mind you, I understand if that is the case it will be - as the philosopher Buffett once postulated - my own damn fault.

...but it felt great to be running hopefully, I didn't break myself :)

Also - outside of attracting attention to myself (I was known as "the barefoot guy" to the rest of the runners), I got a refreshing new comment in regards to running barefoot...coming up behind me I heard a woman say "You can tell the barefoot runners because they have gorgeous calves, and I've been watching yours for a while."

Ha! Ahoy Matey! I've thought that about our calves before and told Rick Roeber he had the massive-ist calves I'd ever seen, but then I've seen a bunch of us boney calvers too.

Glad you are back, Matey. I missed you and your sly sense of humor. In fact, I was just thinking about you yesterday.

And note to all, STG = new acronym for skin to ground. Loves it! Coined by our very own in-house pirate.
Aye, but I never really went far....I was just sitting quietly for a bit (as I am apt to do) :) As for calves, mine are freakishly they're as big as some of my [skinnier] friends thighs. Some years ago, a friend saw me and said "Damn, it looks like someone cut off your legs and stuffed your knees into your shoes." Freakishly huge. :D

Congrats Pirate! I can say that my calves seem to have gotten smaller and much more tone since becoming a bf-s-t-g/minimalist and then shod :)( ) runner...
I hope you're still feeling fine in the day and days after your happy run. If you get off without having hurt yourself I'd say "great show!"
I know that if a woman said the same sort of thing to me I'd probably burst with swelled headedness. I already think my calves have shaped up dramatically well. I first noticed them as I was showering last year and looked over my shoulder and nearly fainted - I thought I'd damaged something and gotten huge lumps. There hadn't been much to speak of there ever before. Now I think I might qualify for an AG prize for well cut calves.
even i'm not slow enough to realize she was hitting on you.
Oh, I knew she was hitting on me....I'm not that dense - I get the calves comment every now and again with varying effect...

In other news, so far, sort of OK - there's muscle soreness (the aforementioned calves, mainly) and some soreness in the right metatarsal (which I need to keep an eye on) and general tiredness...of course it didn't help that I rode in to work today...because when I go, I go all in...but it looks like I'm going to live to fly another day, which is always a good thing...
...for at least six weeks. :(
you're generally OK unless the soreness is in the wrong metatarsal. Then you're hosed.

I know I should not admit this (at least to you) but I had to think about that...I'm slow, but I make up for it by being dumb...
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