Are walk breaks cheating?

Ken, from what I hear you

Ken, from what I hear you must've been there on all the sunny days that year. ;)
I would love to visit

I would love to visit Ireland. I understand the coast is beautiful. And you're very welcome.
Pimp I have to say walking is

Pimp I have to say walking is cheating. But I'm pretty spiteful because it drives me nuts when I get beat by someone that I pass 15 times during a race because they got to take more breaks than me.
I remember my first half

I remember my first half marathon. I ran the whole thing never taking a walk break and it was hilly with lots of long, never ending hills. About the half way point, after my "diversion" into the woods, I see this girl ahead of me walking, so I caught up to her, so she starts running, then I see her walking again, so I catch up to her again, and she starts running again. We repeated this the whole way to the finish line. She finished just seconds to a minute ahead of me. Beeatch!
I think I remember reading on

I think I remember reading on Hal Higdon's website that he ran a 2:30 marathon, and walked through every water stop. And I'm pretty sure everyone would call him a "runner". I agree with the "whatever it takes to finish the run" group. Only difference between me and TJ is that I'm OK w/hitchhiking. ;) kidding...just kidding...

Just remember..."Barefoot runners do!" :)
If you are worried that

If you are worried that walking seems like you're cheating, then for show just hold your side during your walk-breaks. Maybe throw in a bit of a crampy limp too.

I have to walk through the water stations because I choke if I'm moving.

Shoulder problems resulting in surgery knocked me out of my running shoes for about 3 years. When I started to run again in 2007, I absolutely had to run/walk just to build up to that first mile again. The guy I was dating at the time had been a hardcore runner in college and told me that's how he and his running mates trained. I admit, I'm stoked if I'm out on a long run and the only break I take is to pee.
I never walk in races, but

I never walk in races, but then again I've never done an official race higher than a 5k. The 10 mile I did I only stopped for water, but I probably could have benefited from a couple walk breaks. I'm definitely planning on walking A LOT when I do it again on monday, but thats just because I haven't run a 10 since July. Actually I haven't done more than a 5 since July. And never more than 5 barefoot. Why am I doing this 10 again? Oh well, I think the cut-off time is like 2 hours, so I'll be able to finish if I stay smart and don't push myself.

I've always been a walker when I'm training by myself. When I run with a team, I feel lazy if I stop, but when I'm by myself my body just slows down while I'm zoned out, and I find myself walking. Thats with shoes anyways, when I was doing super mileage. I still walk a lot for barefoot though, because if I get tired I tense up a lot and then my form goes to crap. Fortunately I can usually just stop for a couple seconds to relax and then get back to it.

I guess it depends on your motives. If your in the race to finish, or just to have a good time, walk. If you want to get first place, probably don't walk. And when your training, its only cheating if you don't use the extra energy you have to go longer. That way you can actually get a better workout while walking, as long as you use it to go further or faster.

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